Sunday, October 12, 2008

Events in Bolivia

The following is a translation of an Arabic article.

The events in Bolivia reflect a conflict between the US-backed governors of five provinces and the central government that controls only the other four provinces.

What sparked the latest events there appears to the attempt of the President Juan Evo Morales to bring about new constitutional reforms aimed at redistributing the pastures and allot them to the impoverished farmers and the ethnic Red Indians.

Meanwhile the United States has taken its stand that supports the white farmers among whom are the former rulers who control the fertile lands and pastures of Bolivia.

When Morales discovered the axis of these five US-backed governors lined up against him, he back-tracked form any confrontation even before any dialogue, but aggressively went about gradually getting rid of those governors. He began by sending back the American ambassador and then began to weaken US influence over his opponents.

Morales subscribes to the Latin American brand of socialism that rejects the US liberal capitalism under which a handful of white farmers enjoy far more privileges than the majority of impoverished ethnic Red Indians.

President Morales has received the backing of the South American Union of Nations (Unasur) which is working to form a political and economic bloc of the twelve South American nations. This proposed bloc will form a good regional set up to support smaller Latin American nations like Bolivia and protect them from being targeted by the United States.

The Latin American countries transformed from military dictatorships and US acquiesced and accepted the new rulers hostile to it in order to introduce globalization in the Latin American countries through democratic elections. It was this transformation from military dictatorships that liberated the South American nations form the US’s strangle hold.

Apart from this, the huge Brazilian economic and political strength in South America also helped liberate the smaller Latin American countries since it is the world 8th largest economy and is sufficiently strong enough to resist being overwhelmed by the United States. Brazil has resolved to construct fifty nuclear reactors in the next fifty years and is ahead of the US in production of bio-fuels. It has demonstrated very successful government controlled economic policies and has not fall into the game plans that the US uses to manipulate developing economies.

Despite all these, the US is not worried over the Latin American events because until now these have remained local events resulting from local capitalistic measures which have oppressed the poor Latin Americans especially by the white settlers over the ethnic Red Indians.

However what America is scared of is the entry of rival influence in the southern American continent, and this has always been a nightmare for the United States right from the days of the ‘Monroe Doctrine’ until the present time.

But it can be said that there are serious fault lines in the South American continent that an ideologically strong country can exploit to shake the ground from under the feet of the United States!

Ramadan 23rd, 1429 A.H
September 23rd, 2008 C.E

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