Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Importance of Zakah

Importance of Zakah 

Zakah (alms) is one of the five pillars of Islam. Its importance can be realised from the fact that in 82 verses of the Qur'an Zakah is associated with prayer (Salah), such as:

"Establish regular prayer and give Zakah; and obey Allah and His Messenger(pbuh)"
Quran (33:33)

If social justice and compassion to fellow humans who are disadvantaged is one of the central themes in the message of Allah to humanity, then it is no wonder that Zakah, like prayer and fasting, was also enjoined upon the people of the past messengers:

"And We made them (descendants of Abraham) leaders, guiding by Our command, and We sent them inspiration to do good deeds, to establish regular Prayers and to practise Zakah; and they constantly served Us."Quran (21:73)


*It purifies your wealth as Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'an: "Take alms from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it and pray for them" Quran (9:103)

* It saves the giver from the moral ill arising from the love and greed of wealth.

*Through Zakah, the poor are cared for, these include widows, orphans, the disabled, the needy and the destitute.

*It liberates society from the bondage of interest

*Allah promises to protect and increase the wealth of the giver

Zakah is the right of the poor. Zakah is not considered a favour that is given to the poor by the rich. It is the right of the poor on the wealth of the rich. Allah says: "...(In their) wealth there is a known share for the beggars and the destitute."Quran (70:24-25)

Zakah, therefore, is unlike charity that is given to the needy voluntarily. Withholding Zakah is considered depriving the poor of their due share. Thus one who pays Zakah actually "purifies" his wealth by separating from it the portion that belongs to the poor.

What our beloved Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said on Zakaah:

*"Zakaat is a (great and strong) bridge of Islam".


*"If a man pays the Zakaat due on his property, it causes its evil influence to vanish".


*"Protect your possessions by payment of Zakaat, treat your patients by giving Sadaqah and face the waves of affliction with supplications and crying unto Allah in humility".


 *"Verily you can make your Islam perfect by your payment of the Zakaat due on your property".


 *"He who observes three things will taste the sweetness of Imaan (faith): One who worships Allah alone and believes (from his heart) that there is no one to be worshipped but Allah and one who pays the Zakaat on his property, willingly, every year. In Zakaat on the animals, one should not give an aged animal or one suffering from itch or any other ailment, or an inferior one, but should give animals of average quality. Allah Ta'ala does not demand from you the best of your animals, nor does He command you to give animals of the worst quality".


Do I have to give Zakat?

Zakah is obligatory on one who has wealth that reaches or exceeds a certain level called the nisaab. Unlike tax, however, Zakah is an act of worship for which one receives reward from Allah.

Ignoring to pay Zakah, on the other hand, is a major sin.

How much do I have to give?

If you are in possession of money, gold, silver, stocks or shares that amount to more than the value of 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of Silver called nisaab (at current market rates) then you are obliged to pay Zakah. What amounts are owed by you should be deducted from the capital amount before Zakah is calculated.

The rate of Zakah is 2.5%

Please contact your local Ulama (Islamic Scholars) for details and rules pertaining to Zakaah and how to calculate the Nisaab in your country presently.

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