Friday, February 12, 2016

Good News for those who are interested in Books from the Islamic ideological viewpoint

Maktaba Islamia is now hosting English & Arabic print editions of some really important books by Sheikh Taqiuddin Nabhani, Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloum, Sheikh Hafez Saleh, Sheikh Fawzi Sunuqrut,  Sheikh Ata Abu Rashta, Sheikh Ahmad Mahmoud and others.

They have over 10 books by Sheikh Taqiuddin Nabhani including the English translation of the first 2 volumes of his master piece on Aqeedah & Fiqh , The Islamic Personality volume 1 and The Islamic Personality Volume 2. They are also hosting Volume1 & 2 of the Draft Constitution and its evidences issued by Hizb ut Tahrir. Click here to see all of Sheikh Taqiuddin's books available for sale. 

One of the expected books to be out soon is the Commentary and Explanation (sharh) by shekh Hafez Saleh for the book Takattul Hizbi, Structuring a party by Sheikh Taqiuddin Nabhani. You can Sneak Peek it here-

For those who do not want to purchase the books, the brothers have been courteous to provide free PDF versions of some of the books to download from their website. You can contact them for PDF's of other books they have at

The site is continuing to bring some amazing stuff which will be of immense benefit for the work to revive the Islamic Ummah and restarting the Islamic way of life.

Links to some of the interesting books on the website.

The Draft Constitution and its evidences Part 1 & 2 -

The Islamic Personality vol 1 & 2 by Sheikh Taqiuddin Nabhani -

Drawing close to Allah by Sheikh Fawzi Sunuqrut -

War of Civilizations has begun by Aabed Moustapha -

Dawah to Islam by Sheikh Ahmad Mahmoud -

Here is a link to the website -

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