Saturday, July 20, 2013

Q&A: What made America turn against Morsi?

America is still reluctant to describe what happened in Egypt as a coup. Yet it encourages the roadmap announced by the new Interim authority. On 11/7/2013 reported a spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department saying: "The roadmap drawn by the Provisional Authority for the next stage is encouraging".
Jen Psaki, the spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, said that the rule of President Mohamed Morsi was "not democratic", as stated in the (Egyptian seventh day on 12/7/2013).
AlJazeera.Net also reported White House spokesman Jay Carney telling reporters on 11/07/2013 "We assess how the authorities behave and how they deal with the current situation", in reference to the announcement on 3/7 2013 given by the defence minister and the army commander in Egypt Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, in removing Mohamed Morsi, and the appointment of Adli Mansour, President of the Constitutional Court as a transitional president.
So what made America turn against Morsi, despite supporting him from the beginning of his term?
Why hasn't America described what happened as a coup, and continue to "assess" (the situation) until today! And what could result from all of that?
The answer is explained by reviewing the following points:
1 - In the first round of the presidential elections held on 23-24 May 2012, Morsi was unable to win the elections (outright), where votes were distributed among several candidates. The second round took place on 16-17 June 2012 and Morsi was announced the winner with 51.73% (about 13 million votes) against Ahmed Shafiq with 48.27% (about 12 million votes). This means that almost a half of the voters did not want Morsi as their president, preferring one of the men of the former regime against which they rebelled.
It is worth mentioning that the announcement of the result of the presidential elections was delayed, indicating the presence of something behind the scenes. Then it was resolved by declaring, the victory of Morsi over Ahmed Shafiq after Mohamed Morsi gave assurances to the Americans that he would abide by the treaties and conventions concluded by the former regime, primarily the Camp David treaty, a matter which is important to America, as evidenced by American statements before and after the elections. The U.S. Ambassador declared to the Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Rai, published on 30/11/2012: "The United States is committed to the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel and considers it crucial for peace and stability in the region, and for the prosperity of the people of Egypt and Israel in the first place. We also consider this treaty the foundation for peace-making efforts and stability in the whole region. We are of course pleased that the Government of Egypt has repeatedly expressed that it would honour all Egypt's international obligations", adding "We encourage Egypt and Israel to continue their direct discussions over the security situation in the Sinai and other issues of common interest; and we affirm that security in the Sinai is the most important first and foremost" - indicating that America and the Jewish entity were behind the Egyptian regime's campaign for months against the armed groups that call for jihad with the enemy.
2 - This is why America supported him and worked to keep him on his throne. The first thing he achieved for America's interests and for the security of the Jews is what he did for the cease-fire between the Jewish entity and the Hamas government in Gaza. It was a true ceasefire, to the point that Hamas put some of its members at the dividing line between them and the Jewish entity, to prevent any abuse or shots at the Jewish entity! America has praised what Morsi had done, in executing its policy regarding the subject of Gaza.
It also supported him at the issue of the constitutional resolution related to his immunity against the judiciary. That day, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland defended the Egyptian president saying:"President Morsi entered into discussions with the judiciary, with other stakeholders in Egypt. As I said, I think we don't yet know what the outcome of those is going to be, but that's a far cry from an autocrat just saying my way or the highway." (The Middle East News Agency 27.11.2012).
Nuland was specifically denying the words of the protesters, who described the President Morsi as dictator or new Pharaoh of Egypt, defending him and the decisions he had taken.
America also backed him regarding the resolution of leadership in the country, so it removed some of the army commanders, led by the defence minister and army chief Hussein Tantawi and Chief of Staff Sami Annan, where Morsi issued a constitutional decree in relation to this, and did not face any significant opposition.
It supported him on the subject of the Constitution, where the U.S. spokeswoman Nuland said that: "Mrs. Clinton talked during her visit to Cairo and at her meeting with the Egyptian President Morsi about the importance of the issuance of the Constitution, which protects all the rights of all Egyptians", (Middle East 27/11/012). The American political influence on the rule of Morsi and on his opponents is clear.
Thus the Constitution was adopted by U.S. approval, which is a "revised" copy of the 1971 constitution of the former regime, after conducting a referendum in which 32.9% voted - a third of the people eligible to vote, whilst two-thirds boycotted it. The result of the referendum was 63.8% of the actual voting third accepted it! So the majority of the people were not happy with the Constitution, and nor with the president, or his decisions.
3 - America has tried to calm the situation and convince people of accepting the president and his decisions and the constitution so as to create stability of the regime, which it has maintained the survival of its hand after the revolution. However, the stability it sought was not achieved by Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood (on the grounds that they are the president's party and the largest organised party after the abolition of the National Party). It expected they work to stabilize the situation, as the National Party did for the deposed president for 30 years. For America is concerned that Egypt will be a centre of stability for American influence, not stability for Egypt's sake. America wanted the stability of Egypt as a safe platform for its influence and its projects, but things were unstable.
What worsened the situation was the confusion brought by the Presidency over decision-making, and then retracting decisions under pressure; as well as arbitrary decision-making without consultation with his allies, without trying to convince them, without the process of testing views of the Street and without the creation of public opinion before taking any decision. Anarchy and attempts to carry out a revolution against the President continued throughout this year while he remained in office.
Then things were disrupted at his lengthy speech on 26.06.2013. For Dr Morsi looked shaky when he confessed that he committed mistakes. He did not identify them, but he was referring to the Constitutional Declaration on 22/11/2012 which incited people against him and encouraged them to call for his removal. In his last speech on 02/07/2013 Mohamed Morsi reiterated that he made mistakes, and some shortcomings happened from him, but that he was prepared to correct all of that, which suggested that he was accepting a compromise, after the army threatened him by giving 48 hours' notice. This means his removal was decided by the army and those behind the army, which is America, despite the fact that Morsi was supported by America for taking such decisions. But when the negative results (of these decisions) appeared America abandoned him and left him fall; it rather conspired against him, as it does with all of its agents who do not take a lesson!
4 - So we have seen America abandon him and disclaim his decisions. On 02/07/2013 CNN quoted senior officials in the U.S. administration saying that "the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson and other officials in the White House said that the claims brought by the Egyptians in their protests coincide to a large extent with the reforms demanded by Washington and its allies weeks ago." This is confirmed by what Reuters quoted from a statement by the White House on 02/07/2013: "President Obama encouraged President Morsi to take steps to clarify that he responds to the demands of the demonstrators". Obama said: "the current crisis can only be resolved through a political process." This meant America's abandonment of Morsi and the search for a new political process. Nothing came in the statement that it supports the Egyptian elected president, but it asks him to respond to the demands of the demonstrators who were demanding the overthrow of the President! When the coup took place, it was announced that a meeting of President Obama with his senior advisers at the White House took place about what happened in Egypt, and he then said: "The Egyptian armed forces should move quickly and responsibly to restore full power to a civilian government as soon as possible" (Reuters 03/07/2013). Obama did not condemn the coup; he did not even call it a military coup, nor demanded the return of Morsi after his removal, and nor to overturn the judiciary verdict of one year prison against the Prime Minister of Morsi and his removal from office! He rather demanded the return to power of a civilian government, any government other than the current one, indicating the approval of America of the coup and the removal of Morsi and his government. Indeed, the U.S. administration declared, saying: "He (meaning Morsi) did not listen to the voices of the people or respond to them" (ibid.) just as the Egyptian army command said that "President Mohamed Morsi did not meet the demands of the people." It is known that the leadership of the Egyptian army is controlled by America, and almost the majority of U.S. aid amounting to one billion and half a year goes to the army.
5 - Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood did not realize these matters; rather it seems Dr Morsi was deceived by U.S. support after he agreed to follow its policies and maintain its interests and treaties held by the Egyptian republic system, especially the Camp David treaty. Where it removed the former leaders of the army and brought others and made them match with Morsi. So he imagined that America would not abandon him, where he was convinced that America wanted to let the so-called moderate or centrist Islamists reach power, and will remain supportive of them, as it happened in Turkey. He did not realize that America could give up any agent once used or finished off, if he could not achieve stability in governance of the country, and that it would bring another agent to maintain its influence, as it happened with his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak, who was most faithful to it - preparing his son Gamal to succeed him.
But when the popular movements surprised it, and it found him (Mubarak) too weak to address these moves and restore stability to Egypt so as to be a suitable environment for the continuation of American interests, it put him aside and rode the wave of popular movements.
This matter was repeated with Morsi. So when it found him unable to provide stability for its continued safe interests and influence without disturbance it threw him aside.
This was not a new matter, but had been apparent for some time. The website of "civil Egypt movement", which is a secular site, reported more than two months ago, i.e. on 22.04.2013 under the title 'American conditions for the approval of military intervention that do not appear as a military coup'! The website stated that "a personality, whom we have reservations naming, has visited the United States in the past few days and returned after he conducted a round of interviews and extensive deliberations with the executives in the U.S. administration and the Pentagon and National Security, where the US position towards the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood was discussed." The site mentioned that John Kerry, who attended the meeting, spoke about an important role for the Egyptian army in controlling the events once the people came to the squares, and in preventing the outbreak of civil war between the different movements. Kerry then added, saying: he was shocked by the low capacity of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the confusion of their talk, which is not conducive to something. He confirmed that he trusts that the army will carry out its role at the right time. That personality mentioned: that talk was about the alternative to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood and the situation of the army regarding the transition process ahead. The website quoted one influential in the Pentagon, who is a member of the American Brookings Institution, and he attended the meeting as saying: "They concluded that even if Morsi was convinced that he must go, or he will leave willy-nilly, his supporters would not accept, and here comes the role of the Egyptians once again that they have to move in large numbers to support the military and demonstrate demanding the departure of Morsi." These talks were published on 22/4/2013, more than two months before the coup. It is clear that America had orchestrated the coup since that day, and wanted to resolve matters in that way. The decisive moment was on 03/07/2013, and it declined from describing it as a coup. It however went on giving ambiguous and gradual statements, ranging from "assessing" the situation, and continues to "assess", and that Morsi is "undemocratic" and drawing a roadmap by the Provisional Authority "is encouraging," as stated in the question.
6 - The deposed president's supporters came out to the squares to protest. If they continued their protests and increased momentum, comprehensiveness and won the general public, this would be enough to embarrass the military administration and embarrass America, which might make it resort to respond to the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood. This is especially since they have trump cards in their hands; that are he is the president elected by the people, recognized by the Constitutional Court, the military, international institutions, the United States and all the countries. Moreover, he did not do any act that made him worthy of removal according to these countries' norms. He came to power by elections admitted to be fair and he was ousted by military force, a matter that gives them power and legitimacy in their actions, and attracts others with them.
Those who supported the coup and removed the President are in a critical situation from this angle, where they refuse the military rule and its intervention and insist on the electoral process, and at the same time they support the change by the military! Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood are able to cause the coup to fail and return to power, or at least to have the major and influential share in the new situation, especially if they incited the emotions. If however the deposed president's supporters accepted negotiations and concessions, they will lose significantly and they will regret it without avail, and their efforts would have been lost in vain in the corridors of politics and for the lack of awareness of its happenings!
7 - To conclude this answer with a real fact. It is said that the one that pleases the people with the wrath of Allah, Allah will let him to the people, where his situation will be disturbed and his relation with the people will worsen. This is quite perceived and obvious. Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood tried to please America, so they agreed to its projects and to the Camp David treaty that abandons Palestine, weakens Sinai and consents to the Jewish entity that usurps Palestine and recognizes it. Morsi gave up many of his slogans, announced the approval of the republican system and the secular, civil democratic government. He also swore on that when he was appointed as a president, leaving Islam and the rule of Islam behind his back. He did all of that to please America and to remain on a throne of twisted limbs. So he ended up in the loss of dunia and akhira, unless he repents and amends his matter. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said the truth:
من أرضى الناس بسخط الله وكله الله إلى الناس ومن أسخط الناس برضا الله كفاه الله مؤنة الناس
"Whoever pleases the people with the wrath of Allah, Allah will let him to the people; and whoever angers the people for the pleasure of Allah, He will suffice him of the help of the people." Tirmidhi.
8 - The final conclusion is to remind that we have already advised Dr Morsi twice in two leaflets: the first on 25/06/2012, and the second on 13/08/2012, where we said in the first:
"... And then a pure advice for the sake Allah, the Almighty we deliver it to the new President in Egypt: Fear of Allah and return back from calling for a civil democratic state, with secular thought, methodology and passion. For indeed returning to the truth is a virtue, so as not to lose the whole dunia after you have lost most of it after the Military Council curtailed your authority and trimmed off your responsibilities ... In order you do not lose the akhira by pleasing America and the West through the civil democratic state, and by enraging the Lord of America and the West through abstaining from the establishment of the Khilafah and the application of the shar' of Allah ... There is no doubt that you have read the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم:
من أرضى الناس بسخط الله وكله الله إلى الناس ومن أسخط الناس برضا الله كفاه الله مؤنة الناس
"Whoever pleases the people with the wrath of Allah, Allah will let him to the people; and whoever angers the people for the pleasure of Allah, He will suffice him of the help of the people" Tirmidhi, and Abu Nu'aym in al-Hilya from Aayisha.
This advice is exclusively for the sake of Allah The Almighty, where we do not want from you a reward or a gratitude, except preventing the gloating of the unbelievers, their agents and all the enemies of Islam when they laugh with their full mouths hearing that their project of the democratic civil state became advocated by Muslims, the Muslim Brotherhood; and indeed we belong to Allah, and to Him we return."
We said in the second: "And we conclude the statement by repeating the advice to the Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, even if he did not take our first advice ... For we will not give up giving advice to every Muslim, especially if engaged in ruling. So we follow up the first advice with another, saying: Though the arms of America extend to the old and new political mediums, yet it is possible to cut them off; and to address the error of receiving them once is better than persisting in the error of receiving them time and time again. Indeed it is not good to deal with the American arms through courtship and seeking closeness ... Rather they have to be cut off and amputated, otherwise the result will be regret at a time of no avail! The Kenana of Allah in His land has strength and invincibility; and its precedence in history is remarkable. And whoever is with Allah truly he will not be defeated, for the verses of the Holy Quran speak of this, and the Egyptian president has read that in his recent speech:
والله غالبٌ على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
"And Allah has command over His Affairs, but most people do not know"
Yes, Allah said the truth,
ومن أصدق من الله حديثا
"And who is more true than Allah in speaking"
Have we proclaimed the truth! O our Lord, bear witness!
Have we proclaimed the truth! O our Lord, bear witness!
Have we proclaimed the truth! O our Lord, bear witness!
3 Ramadan 1434

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