Monday, July 29, 2013

Checklist – Ramadhan's Last Ten Nights and Days

Checklist – Ramadhan's Last Ten Nights and Days

In this blessed month of Ramadan, we have now come to the grand finale – the last ten days of Ramadan that are even more blessed than the rest of Ramadan. In it is a night that Qur'an tells us is better than 1000 months (yes, months – not days).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"There has come to you Ramadan, a blessed month which Allah has enjoined you to fast, during which the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and the rebellious devils are chained up. In it there is a night which is better than a thousand months, and whoever is deprived of its goodness is indeed deprived." (Narrated by An-Nasaa'i, 2106; Ahmad, Sahih At-Targheeb, 999.)

So, in preparation for the grand finale, here is a checklist of some of the things that we can all do to make the remaining days of Ramadan work to our advantage:

1) Get in High Gear for the Next few Nights and Days

Time is of the essence. Every moment counts. Whatever you need to do for the next ten days to make the most in `Ibadah, good deeds, reciting Qur'an, dhikr, making du`aa', etc., rewards are going to be multiplied. No one knew about the importance of these days more than the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). According to Ahmad and Muslim: he would strive hard in worship during the last ten nights of Ramadan as he did not do at other times.

If we lose this opportunity, we get our next opportunity next year – assuming we are still around and are in good health and shape to make use of it. Even if we are – we have the past years' sins on our shoulders and life's normal trials and tribulations to face the coming year. So, there is no better time to ask Allah to make all that easier than NOW.

2) Get a Copy of the Qur'an and Recite as Often as You Can

A few lines on this post can't even come close to explaining the benefits and virtues of Qur'an. It is proven in the authentic Sunnah that the Qur'an will intercede for those who read it at night, as Ahmad (6626) narrated from 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"Fasting and the Qur'an will intercede for a person on the Day of Resurrection. Fasting will say, 'O Lord, I deprived him of his food and his desires during the day, so let me intercede for him.' And the Qur'an will say: 'I deprived him of his sleep at night so let me intercede for him.' Then they will intercede." (Narrated by Ahmad)

As is stated in the hadith in which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:"Whosoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah will receive a Hasanah (good deed) from it (i.e. his recitation), and the Hasanah (good deed) is multiplied by ten. I do not say that Alif-laam-meem is (considered as) a letter (in reward), rather Alif is one letter, laam is one letter, and meem is one letter." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi, Ad-Darami)

The Messenger of Allah ! Blessings and Peace be upon him' said:"The best of you is he who learns the Quran and teaches it." (Reported by Al-Bukhari)

3) Get your Sins Forgiven

First the bad news – In Musnad Ahmad it is narrated that Thawbaan said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"A man is deprived of provision (Rizq) because of the sins that he commits." (Narrated by Ibn Majah, 4022, ).

And now for the good news –

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

"Whoever spends the night of Laylat al-Qadr in Prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, will be forgiven his previous sins."

4) What to Say on Laylat Al-Qadr

One of the best du`aa's that can be recited on Laylat Al-Qadr is that which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught 'A'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her). It was narrated by At-Tirmidhi, who classed it as sahih, that 'A'ishah said: I said: "O Messenger of Allah, If I know which night is Laylat Al-Qadr, what should I say?" He said: "Say: Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibb al-'afwa fa`fu 'anni (O Allah, You are All-Forgiving and You love forgiveness so forgive me)."

5) Get in the Class of the Pious People

Allah has described the pious as follows (interpretation of the meaning):

(They used to sleep but little by night (invoking their Lord (Allah) and praying, with fear and hope). (Adh-Dhariyat 51:17)

(And in the hours before dawn, they were (found) asking (Allah) for forgiveness,) (Adh-Dhariyat 51:18)

Allah's Messenger(saw) said:" There is in Paradise an Apartment, the exterior of which can be seen from the interior, and the interior of which can be seen from the exterior. Such apartments have been prepared for those who are Polite in their talk, Provide Food to the Needy, Fast frequently and observe the TAHAJJUD PRAYERS when people are sleep." (Mishkhat Al-Masabih ; Hadith No. 1232)

6) Finally…

Think of all that you need to ask Allah for and ask Him now. If you haven't before, this is the time to connect with Him and feel closer to Him. And when you do during these last ten nights and days of this Ramadan, you would want to do this again and again – even after the month is over.

And finally, when you are in a state of Prayers and worship, please open your heart for others as well and please do remember your brothers and sisters who are in great difficulty all around the world in your prayers. Remember what the Prophet said:
"The supplication that gets the quickest answer is the one made by one Muslim for another in his absence." (Reported by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fasting and Backbiting

  Fasting and Backbiting


Abu Ubaidah (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) reports: "I have heard RasuluLlah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) saying: "Fasting is a protective Shield for Man, as long as he does not tear up that protection'


Once somebody inquired from Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), "What causes the fast to be rent[destroyed]?" He replied: 'Telling lies and backbiting.'



 During the time of our Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), two women were fasting and suffered the pangs of hunger to such an extent that the fast became unbearable and both were on the point of death. The "Sahaaba" brought this to the notice of our Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), who sent a bowl commanding them to vomit into it. When they both vomitted in the bowl, pieces of meat and fresh blood were found in it. The "Sahaaba" were greatly surprised, upon which our Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said: "They fasted with 'Halaal' food from Allah, but partook of 'Haraam' food by backbiting other people." 


 Once the Prophet, (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam), on seeing some people, asked them to pick their teeth. They said that they had not tasted any meat that day, on which the Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "So and so's flesh is sticking to your teeth." It transpired that they had been backbiting. May Allah keep us safe from this evil, because we are very neglectful of this warning. All are guilty of this; not to speak of the common man, even the people of importance indulge in it, even the religious people in their gatherings do not avoid backbiting. Worst of all is the fact that we do not even realize what backbiting is; even when we suspect ourselves of this, we try to cover it up as narration of some event.


One of the 'Sahaaba' inquired from Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) "What is backbiting?" Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) replied: "To mention something about your brother behind his back, which he would resent." The 'Sahaabi' then said: "And is it still backbiting if the thing mentioned about him is really true?" Our Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said: 'In that case (if that which was mentioned is really true) it is precisely backbiting; but if what is mentioned is false, then you have in fact slandered him."


Once our Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) passed by two graves. He said: "On both the inmates of these graves, punishment is being inflicted in the grave. One is being punished because of backbiting, the other because of not having taken precautions (to stay clean) when passing urine. Rasulullah ((Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) also said: "There are more than seventy degrees of evil in (Usury) interest. The lowest form of it is comparable to committing incest with own mother; and taking one 'Dirham' of interest is a worse evil than having fornicated thirty five times. The worst and most evil degree of taking interest is the slandering of a Muslim."


It is equally unlawful to listen to anything that should not be said. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has said, 'In backbiting, both the bickbiter and the one who listens to it are equal partners in sin.'


Dua: '

What ailment is there O Allah that is not in me,
Heal me from every illness and grant me my needs
Verily I have a heart that is sick
Verily you are the Healer of the sick'

Virtues of feeding the fasting person

On Feeding a Fasting Person

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:


"Allah grants the same reward to the one who gives a fasting person to break the fast a mere date, or a drink of water, or a sip of milk."


 "And whoever gave a person who fasted water to drink, Allah shall grant that giver to drink from My fountain, such a drink where after that person shall never again feel thirsty until he enters Jannah." [Hadith-Bahaiqi]

Object of Despair


Emma is a lawyer
And so is Aisha too
Colleagues going into court
At about half past two

Its 1 O'Clock right now
Aisha prays before the trial
They chat about this and that
Conversing with a smile

Aisha is in full hijab
With a loose all over Abaya (Cloak)
Emma's in her business wear
With accessories and other gear

Emma's really quite bemused
At Aisha's Godly ways
She looks Aisha in the eyes
And very firmly says

You're a smart girl Aisha
Why do you wear that across your hair?
Subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

Take it off my sister
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

Aisha is amazed
But not the least bit shy
She bravely puts her milkshake down
And gives Emma the reply

My dear sister Emma,
Why do you dress the way you do?
The skirt you're wearing round your waist,
Is it really you?

Now that we've sat down
I see you tug it across your thighs,
Do you feel ashamed?
Aware of prying eyes?

I see the way you're sitting,
Both legs joined at the knees,
Who forces you to sit like that?
Do you feel at ease?

I'll tell you who obliges you,
To dress the way you do,
Gucci, Klein, and St. Laurent
All have designs on you!

In the market, its designer labels for real,
Who dictate the whims of fashion,
Generating all the garb,
To incite the basest passion

"Sex Sells" there is no doubt
But who buys with such great haste,
The answer is likes like you,
Because they want to be embraced...

They want to be accepted,
On a level playing field
Sure, with brain and intellect
But with body parts revealed

Intelligence and reason
Are useful by and by
But if you want to make a mark
Stay appealing to the eye

You claim your skirt is office-like
A business dress of sorts
Would we not laugh at Mike?
If he turned up in shorts?

His could be the smartest of pants
Pinstripe from Saville Rowe
But walking round like that my friend
He'd really have to go

Why do you douse yourself in creams
To make your skin so milky?
Why do you rip off all your hair
To keep your body silky?

A simple shower's all you need
To stay respectable and clean
The time and money that you spend
Is really quite obscene

Why do you wake up at dawn,
To apply a firm foundation,
Topped with makeup and the like,
In one chaotic combination?

And if you should have to leave the house
Devoid of this routine
Why do you feel insecure
That you should not be seen?

Be free my sister Emma
Escape from your deep mire
Don hijab today my friend
And all Islam's attire

Avoid all those sickly stares
Or whistles from afar
Walk down the street with dignity
Take pride in who you are

Strength lies in anonymity
Be a shadow in the crowd
Until you speak and interact
When your voice will carry loud

You're a smart girl Emma
Wear this across your hair
Don't be subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

To use your very words my friend
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

An Extraordinary Night!

Laylatul Qadr-The Night of Power!

By Abu Muhmmad Yusuf



Allah Ta'ala in His infinite Mercy has favoured us in so many ways. Such blessings that we cannot possibly enumerate nor show sufficient gratitude to the Almighty. Amongst the many blessings include a very special GIFT..Laylatul Qadr- The Night of Power.


It is an opportunity to gain closeness to our Creator, forgiveness of our sins and an elevated position in Jannah (Paradise). The Night of Power is better that a 1000 months(83 years, 4 months)!


Allah, Most Wise, says:


"The Night of Power is better than a thousand months." (Quran 97:3 )


The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) is reported to have said:


"Whosoever stands in "Ibaadah" (worship) on this night, with sincere faith and with genuine hopes of gaining reward, his previous sins will be forgiven." (Hadith-Bukhari and Muslim)


When is it?


The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is reported to have said:


"Seek it (laylatul qadr) in Ramadan in the last ten nights. For verily, it is during the odd nights, 21st 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th or the last night of Ramadhan." (Sahih Hadith Ahmad 5:318)


From traditions we learn that among the signs of this night is that it is a serene, quiet, shining night, neither hot, nor cold but temperate as if a moon is shining clear, and no meteors are shot at the "Shayateen" on that night; it lasts until the break of the dawn. Another sign is that at morn, the Sun rises without any radiant beams of light, appearing rather like the moon in it's fullness. On that day, Allah prohibits the "Shayateen" from rising up with the Sun.


What to do on this night?


Worship during this night can take on many forms. Here are a few suggestions to help you through Laylatul Qadr:


·      Take a vacation for Allah! If possible, take a vacation for the last 10 days of Ramadan.Plan ahead if you are working.


·      Discuss the importance of this night with your friends and family and Islamic Scholars(Ulama). Create an atmosphere for ibadah(worship).


·      Perform Itikaaf (seclusion in a Masjid for worship) –Try to spend full ten days in I'tikaf. If you cannot spend all 10 days in Itikaaf, then do as many days as you can - even if it is only one day. According to the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) "whosoever performs "I'tikaaf" for a day thereby seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah will spread three trenches between him and the fire of Hell, the width of each trench being greater than the distance between Heaven and the Earth."


·      Increase the recitation of the Qur'an- Try to recite as much Qur'an as possible. There is great virtue in recitation. (reflect on the meaning of the verses, especially the verses used in Salah. This will help you concentrate)


·      Increase Salah (prayer).Read as many Nawaafil (optional)Prayers as possible. Eg Tahajjud Salaah, Salatul Tasbih etc


·      Make abundant Zikr (i.e remembering Allah, sending salawaat on our beloved Rasulullah(salallaho alaihe wassallam) and making Istigfaar(seeking forgiveness from Allah)


·      Dua (Asking from Allah)- Spend lots of time begging from Allah to fulfil your needs and the needs of the Ummah both in this world and the hereafter. Ramadaan is replete with moments when duas are accepted. Aaisha (Radhiallaho anha) reports: "I said: 'O Messenger of Allah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam), should I find myself the "Laylatul Qadr", what shall I pray. The Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) replied: say,

Allaahumma innaka afuwwun tohibbul'afwa fa'fu anna

 "O Allah, Thou art the One who grants pardon for sins. Thou lovest to pardon, so pardon me." (Hadith-Recorded by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and at-Tirmithi)

For the dua in Arabic script please see:


·      Make list of Things you need from Allah-Ask yourself what you really want from Allah. Make a list of each and everything, no matter how small or how big it is, whether it deals with this world or the hereafter. Allah loves to hear from us and wants us to beg of Him. Once this list is ready then use it in your prayers.


·      Best time for dua- Make sincere and all-embracing Duas. One of the best times to do this is during the last part of the night especially at the time of suhoor (sehri). Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, related that Rasulullah (salallaho alaihe wassallam) said: When the last one-third of the night remains, our Lord, the Glorious One descends towards the heaven of the earth and proclaims: Who is that who supplicates for Me, and I grant his supplication? Who is that who begs Me for anything and I grant it to him? And who is that who seeks My forgiveness, and I forgive him? (Hadith-Bukhari, Muslim).


·      Take regular breaks during the night to avoid getting over-exhausted. Try switching between different forms of worship.


May Allah accept our prayers and allow us to take full benefit of this Mubarak Night and let us not forget our brothers and sisters all over the world who are being oppressed and facing extreme hardships.


For a detailed article on Laylatul Qadr (Night of Power) in the light of Qur'an and Hadith please visit:



Hijab….The Crown of a Muslimah


The honour of a worldly Queen ends with death while the honour of a True Muslimah (Muslim Lady) is eternal… Allah has elevated every Muslimah to a level higher than a "worldly queen" and ordered her to adorn herself with the Noble Crown [Hijab] right in this world!


Why would one hesitate to wear the Noble Crown???…here follows some of the major excuses for not adorning hijab and some practical answers to these excuses.





I'm not yet convinced of the necessity of the Hijab...


We then ask this sister two questions.


1.       Is she truly convinced of the correctness of the religion of Islam?
The natural answer is: Yes, she is convinced for she responds "La ilaha illallah!" (There is no god but Allah), meaning she is convinced of the aqidah, and then she says: "Muhammadur rasulullah!" (Muhammad [SAW] is the Messenger of Allah), meaning by that that she is convinced of its legislation or law (shari'ah). Therefore, she is convinced of Islam as a belief system and a law by which one governs and rules their life

2.        Is the hijab then a part of Islamic Law (shari'ah) and an obligation?
If this sister is honest and sincere in her intention and has looked into the issue as one who truly wants to know the truth her answer could only be: Yes. For Allah ta'ala, Whose deity (Uluhiyyah) she believes in has commanded wearing hijab in His Book (Al-Qur'an) and the Noble Prophet ('alaihi salat wa salam) whose message she believes in has commanded wearing the hijab in his sunnah.


What do we call a person who says they believe in and are content with the correctness of Islam but who nonetheless does not do what Allah or His Messenger have ordered? Certainly they can in no way be described as those whom Allah speaks of in this ayah:

The only saying of the faithful believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say 'we hear and obey' and such are the successful. [Soorah An-Noor 24:51]


In summary: If this sister is convinced of Islam, how then can she not be convinced of its orders?


2. I am convinced of the Islamic dress but my mother prevents me from wearing it and if I disobey her I will go to Hell...


The one who has answered this excuse is the most noble of Allah's creation, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in concise and comprehensive words of wisdom: There is no obedience to the created in the disobedience of Allah.[Ahmed]

The status of parents in Islam, especially the mother, is a high and elevated one. Indeed Allah ta'ala has combined it with the greatest of matters, worshipping Him and His tawheed, in many ayat. He stated: Worship Allah and join none with Him and do good to parents.[Soorah An-Nisa 4:36] Obedience to parents is not limited except in one aspect, and that is if they order to disobedience of Allah. Allah said: But if they strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not.[Soorah Luqman 31:15] The lack of obedience to them in sinfulness does not prevent being good to them and kind treatment of them. Allah said afterward in the same ayah: But behave with them in the world kindly.


In summary: How can you obey your mother and disobey Allah Who created you and your mother?


3. My position does not allow me to substitute my dress for the Islamic dress...


This sister is either one or the other of two types: She is sincere and honest, or she is a slippery liar who desires to make a showy display of her "hijab" clamouring with colours to be "in line with the times" and expensive.

We will begin with an answer to the honest and sincere sister. Are you unaware my dear sister, that it is not permissible for the Muslim woman to leave her home in any instance unless her clothing meets the conditions of Islamic hijab (Hijab shar'ee) and it is a duty of every Muslim woman to know what they are? If you have taken the time and effort to learn so many matters of this world how then can you be neglectful of learning those matters which will save you from the punishment of Allah and His anger after death!!? Does Allah not say:

Ask the people of remembrance (i.e. knowledgeable scholars) if you do not know. [Soorah An-Nahl 16:43].

Learn, therefore, the requirements of proper hijab.

If you must go out, then do not do so without the correct hijab, seeking the pleasure of Allah and the degradation of Shaitan. That is because the corruption brought about by your going out adorned and "beautified" is far greater than the matter which you deem necessary to go out for.

My dear sister if you are really truthful in your intention and correctly determined you will find a thousands hands of good assisting you and Allah will make the matter easy for you! Is He not the One Who says:And whoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty) and He will provide him from sources he never could imagine[Soorah At-Talaq 65:2-3]?

With regards to the 'slippery' one we say: Honour and position is something determined by Allah ta'ala and it is not due to embellishment of clothing and show of colors and keeping up with the trendsetters. It is rather due to obedience to Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and holding to the pure law of Allah and correct Islamic hijab. Listen to the words of Allah: Indeed, the most honourable amongst you are those who are the most pious. [Soorah Al-Hujurat 49:35]


In summary: Do things in the way of seeking Allah's pleasure and entering His Jannah and give less value to the high priced and costly objects and wealth of this world.


4. It is so hot in my country and I can't stand it. How will it be if I wore Hijab...


Allah gives an example by saying:

Say: The Fire of Hell is more intense in heat if they only understand. [Soorah At-Taubah 9:81]

How can you compare the heat of your land to the heat of the Hellfire?

Know, my sister, that Shaitan has trapped you in one of his feeble ropes to drag you from the heat of this world to the heat of the Hellfire. Free yourself from his net and view the heat of the sun as a favor and not an affliction especially in that it reminds you of the intensity of the punishment of Allah which is many times greater than the heat you now feel. Return to the order of Allah and sacrifice this worldly comfort in the way of following the path of salvation from the Hellfire about which Allah says:

They will neither feel coolness nor have any drink except that of boiling water and the discharge of dirty wounds.[Soorah An-Naba' 78:24-25]


In summary: The Jannah is surrounded by hardships and toil, while Hellfire is surrounded by temptations, lusts and desires.


5. I'm afraid that if I wear the Hijab,I will put it off at a later time because I have seen so many others do so....


To her I say: If everyone was to apply your logic then they would have left the Deen in its entirety! They would have left off salat because some would be afraid of leaving it later. They would have left fasting in Ramadhan because so many are afraid of not doing it later. etc. Haven't you seen how Shaitan has trapped you in his snare again and blocked you from guidance?

Allah ta'ala loves continuous obedience even if it be small or recommended. How about something that is an absolute obligation like wearing hijab?! The prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: The most beloved deed with Allah is the consistent one though it be little. Why haven't you sought out the causes leading those people to leave off the hijab so that you can avoid them and work to keep away from them? Why haven't you sought out reasons and causes to affirm truth and guidance until you can hold firm to them?

Among these causes is much supplication to Allah (du'a) to make the heart firm upon the Deen as did the prophet (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam). Also is making salat and having mindfulness of it as Allah stated:And seek helpin patience and the prayer and truly it is extremely heavy except for the true believers in Allah who obey Allah with full submission and believe in His promise of Jannah and in His warnings (Al-Khashi'oon).[Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:45] Other causes to put one upon guidance and truth is adherence to the laws of Islam and one of them is indeed wearing the hijab. Allah said:

If they had done what they were told, it would have been better for them and would have strengthened their faith. [Soorah Al-Baqarah 2:66]


In summary: If you hold tight to the causes of guidance and taste the sweetness of faith you will not neglect the orders of Allah after having held to them.


6. If I wear the Hijab, then no one will marry me. So, I'm going to put it off till then...


Any husband, who desires that you be uncovered and adorned in public in defiance of and in disobedience to Allah, is not a worthy husband in the first place. He is a husband who has no feeling to protect what Allah has made inviolable, most notably yourself, and he will not help you in any way to enter Al-Jannah or escape from the Hellfire. A home which is founded upon disobedience to Allah and provocation of His anger is fitting that He decree misery and hardship for it in this life and in the Hereafter. As Allah stated:

But whosoever turns away from My reminder (i.e. neither believes in the Qur'an nor acts upon its teachings) verily for him is a life of hardship and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection. [Soorah Ta Ha 20:124]

Marriage is a favour and blessing from Allah to whom He give whom He wills. How many women who wear hijab (mutahajibah) are in fact married while many who don't aren't? If you were to say that ' being made-up and uncovered is a means to reach a pure end, namely marriage', a pure goal or end is not attained through impure and corrupt means in Islam. If the goal is honourable then it must necessarily be achieved by pure and clean method. We say the rule in Islam is: The means are according to the rules of the intended goals.

In summary: There is no blessing in a marriage established upon sinfulness and corruption.


7. I don't wear hijab based on what Allah says: And proclaim the grace of your Rabb [Soorah Ad-Dhuha 93:11] How can I cover what Allah has blessed me with of silky soft hair and captivating beauty?


So, this sister of ours adheres to the Book of Allah and its commands as long as they coincide with her personal desires and understanding! She leaves behind those matters when they don't please her. If this was not the case, then why doesn't she follow the ayah: And do not show off their adornment except only that which is apparent[Soorah An-Noor 24:31] and the statement of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala: Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks all over their bodies [Soorah Al-Ahzab 33:59]?

With this statement my sister you have now made a shari'ah (law) for yourself of what Allah ta'ala has strictly forbidden, namely beautification (at-tabarruj) and uncovering (as-sufur), and the reason: Your lack of wanting to adhere to the order. The greatest blessing or favor that Allah has bestowed upon us is that of Iman (faith) and hidayah (guidance) and among them is the Islamic hijab. Why then do you not manifest and talk about this greatest of blessings given to you?


In summary: Is there a greater blessing and favor upon the woman than guidance and hijab?


8. I know that hijab is obligatory (wajib), but I will wear it when Allah guides me to do so...


We ask this sister on what plans or steps she will undertake until she accepts this divine guidance? We know that Allah has in His wisdom made a cause or means for everything. That is why the sick take medicine to regain health, and the traveler rides a vehicle or an animal to reach his destination, and other limitless examples.

Has this sister of ours seriously endeavoured to seek true guidance and exerted the proper means to get it such as: Supplicating Allah sincerely as He stated: Guide us to the Straight Path. [Soorah Al-Fatihah 1:6]; Keeping company with the righteous good sisters - for they are among the best to assist her to guidance and to continue to point her to it until Allah guides her and increases her guidance and inspires her to further guidance and taqwa. She would then adhere to the orders of Allah and wear the hijab that the believing women are commanded to wear.


In summary: If this sister was really serious about seeking guidance she would have exerted herself by the proper means to get it.


9. It's not time for that yet. I'm still too young for wearing hijab. I'll do it when I get older and after I make Hajj!


The Angel of Death, my sister, is visiting and waiting at your door for the order of Allah Ta'ala to open it on you at any moment in your life. Allah said: When their term comes, neither can they delay it nor can they advance it and hour (or a moment). [Soorah Al-An'am 7:34]. Death my sister doesn't discriminate between the young or the old and it may come while you are in this state of great sinfulness disobedience, fighting against the Lord of Honor with your uncovering and shameless adornment. My sister, you should race to obedience along with those others who race to answer the call of Allah tabaraka wa ta'ala:

Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heavens and the earth. [Soorah Al-Hadeed 57:21]

Sister, don't forget Allah or He will forget you by turning His mercy away from you in this life and the next. You are forgetting your own soul by not fulfilling the right of your soul to obey Allah and proper worship of Him. Allah stated about the hypocrites (Al-Munafiqoon): And be not like those who forgot Allah and He caused them to forget their own selves.[Soorah Al-Hashr 59:19] My sister wear the hijab in your young age in opposition to the sinful deed because Allah is intense in punishment and will ask you on the Day of Resurrection about your youth and every moment of your life.


In summary: Stop presuming some future expectation in your life will indeed occur!! How can you guarantee your own life until tomorrow?

10. I'm afraid that if I wear Islamic clothing that I'll be labelled as belonging to some group or another and I hate partisanship...


My sisters in Islam, there are only two parties in Islam, and they are both mentioned by Allah Almighty in His Noble Book. The first party is the party of Allah (hizbullah) that He gives victory to because of their obedience to His commands and staying away from what He has forbidden. The second party is the party of the accursed Shaitan (hizbush-Shaitan) which disobeys the Most Merciful and increase corruption in the earth. When you hold tight to and adhere to the commands of Allah, and among them is wearing the hijab - you then become a part of the successful party of Allah. When you beautify and display your charms you are riding in the boat of Shaitan and his friends and partners from among the hypocrites and the disbelievers and none worse could there be as friends.

Don't you see how you are running from Allah and to the Shaitan, trading filth for good? Run instead my sister to Allah and follow His way: So flee to Allah (from His Torment to His mercy). Verily I (Muhammad) am a plain Warner to you from Him.[Soorah Adh-Dhariyat 51:50] The hijab is a high form of worship that is not subject to the opinions of people and their orientations and choices because the one who legislated it is the Most Wise Creator.


In summary: In the way of seeking the pleasure of Allah and in hope of His Mercy and success in His Jannah and throw the statements of the devils among people and jinn against the wall! Hold tight to the legislation of Allah by your molars and follow the example of the striving and knowledgeable Mothers of the Believers and the female companions (radiallahu 'anhum ajma'een).




Your body is on display in the market of Shaitan seducing the hearts of men. The hairstyles, the tight clothing showing every detail of your figure, the short dresses showing off your legs and feet, the showy, decorative and fragrant clothing all angers the Merciful and pleases the Shaitan. Every day that passes while you are in this condition, distances you further from Allah and brings you closer to Shaitan. Every day brings you closer to the grave and the Angel of Death is ready to capture your soul.

Every soul shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full. And whoever is removed away from the Hellfire and admitted to Al-Jannah, is indeed successful. The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing) [Soorah Ale 'Imran 3:185]

Sisters! As regards Hijab its the commandment of our Lord Allah! ALLAH will NEVER disappoint you!

Act today as we never know if we'll have a tomorrow to fulfil this command of our Creator ALLAH!