Sunday, April 24, 2011

Imam Abu Yusuf discussing fiqh on his deathbed

The Prophet (saw) said:

"إن العلماء ورثة الأنبياء، إن الأنبياء لم يورثوا ديناراً ولا درهماً، إنما ورثوا العلم، فمن أخذ به فقد أخذ بحظ وافر"
“The Ulema are the inheritors of the prophets, the prophets did not bequeath dinars or dirhams, but they bequeathed knowledge, so he who takes it will take an abundant chance”

Let us look at the example of the great scholar, Imam Abu Yusuf. 

Imam Abu Yusuf (Ya’qub ibn Ibrahim al-Ansari al-Kufi, later al-Baghdadi), born 113 AH, died 182 AH the companion of Abu Hanifah, who spread his knowledge and madhab, the judge of three ‘Abbasid rulers: al-Mahdi, al-Hadi and al-Rashid, the first to be called al-Qadi al-Qudat (the Supreme judge) we see him on his death bed, during the last moments of his life discussing a matter of fiqh with some of his visitors in order to benefit and teach. 

His student al-Qadi Ibrahim ibn al-Jarrah al-Kufi, later al-Misri said: “Abu Yusuf became ill, so I went to visit him, and found him unconscious. When he regained consciousness he said to me: “O Ibrahim, what is your opinion on this matter?” I said to him: “While you are in this state?” He said: “That is fine, let us discuss it, perhaps one may be saved by it.” Then he said: “O Ibrahim, which is better in the casting of stones [during pilgrimage], to do so while walking or while mounted?” I said: “Mounted.” He said: Wrong.” I said: “Walking.” He said: “Wrong.” I said: “Say your opinion, may Allah be pleased with you.” He said: “As for the case where one stops where one should make supplication, then it is better to do so while walking, but if it is elsewhere then it is better while mounted.” Then I left him, as soon as I reached the door of his house, I heard crying, and he died, may Allah have mercy on him. 

[Reported in Fada’il Abi Hanifah wa Ashahbih (The merits of Abu Hanifah and his companions) by Abu’l Abbas ibn Abu’l-Awwam, p.730; also in Manaqib Abu Hanifah by al-Muwaffaq al-Makki, 1:481; Manaqib Abu Hanifah by Hafiz al-Din al-Kardaki, 2:405; and in al-Jawahir al-Mudiyyah by al-Hafiz al-Qarshi, 1:76]

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