Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Views on the news - 24/07/08

Butcher of Bosnia is finally caught but what about those who kept silent

This week, Radovan Karadzic was finally apprehended and will be put on trail for the slaughter of 20,000 Muslims. But even if the infamous butcher of Bosnia is successfully prosecuted the question will always remain what about those who were in a position to stop the genocide, but chose not to. The biggest culprits were the Europeans who encouraged the genocide in their own back yard because they feared that Bosnia would turn into an Islamic state. And as long as the Muslim countries remain divided and weak the western powers will do nothing to protect the honour and blood of Muslims in Bosnia , Kosovo or elsewhere. Only the Khilafah can return honour and glory to the Muslims of Bosnia and punish those colonialist powers that spurred Karadzic to commit genocide in the first place.

Russia seeks to consolidate its foothold in the Americas

Reacting to reports that Russia is seeking bases in Cuba to host Tu-160 supersonic bombers, US General Norton Schwartz said,” I think we should stand strong and indicate that that is something that crosses a threshold, crosses a red line, for the United States of America .” Cuba ’s main ally in the region is also testing America ’s resolve by seeking closer co-operation with Russia . Amid talks about a billion-dollar arms purchase from Russia , Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez said on 22/7/2008 that he wanted the two nations to become strategic partners to ensure “ Venezuela 's sovereignty, which is currently being threatened by the United States .” Tension between the erstwhile cold war foes have increased in recent months and especially after the Czech Republic agreed to deploy military equipment to facilitate the deployment of a US missile shield in Europe . Therefore, Russian ventures into the Americas through Cuba and Venezuela are viewed to be part of a Russian strategy to offset American gains in Europe .

Pakistan-America: Who is planning an attack on whom?

On 23/7/2008 the US Democratic candidate Barack Obama said that a conspiracy is being planned in tribal areas for attacking the United States . He said, ”That is where the 9/11 attacks were planned, and today in Afghanistan and the border region of Pakistan, al Qaeda and the Taliban are mounting a growing offensive against the security of the Afghan people and, increasingly, the Pakistani people while plotting new attacks against the United States.” However, the stark reality is that it is more likely for America to attack Pakistan than the other way round. The re-positioning of USS Abraham Lincoln from the Gulf to the Arabian Sea, the dispatching of extra US troops to Afghanistan and sabotaging of peace talks between the Pakistani government and the pushtun militants speaks volumes about US intentions. Moreover, the increasingly belligerent remarks by NATO and US officials, and their stooge Karzai against Pakistan have intensified pressure on Pakistan to cooperate with the US or else face severe consequences.

BJP helps Congress rescue its nuclear deal with America

After a protracted conflict with the communists and heated debates in parliament—
often punctuated by charges of bribery and corruption—Singh's United Progressive Alliance (UPA) of 12 parties survived, a sustained onslaught by the opposition, winning by 275 votes to 256. Oddly enough, Singh was helped by ministers from the pro-American BJP, which hitherto had vehemently opposed the deal—first signed by Singh and Bush in 2005. The Indian media has relentlessly portrayed the deal as necessary to meet India ’s growing energy requirements. They cite that India ’s 17 nuclear power plants that are capable of producing 4000 megawatts are running at 55% capacity and need US support to improve performance as well as build new power stations. The communists who are part of Singh’s coalition regard the deal a threat to national sovereignty. The reality of India ’s energy needs and aspects of the deal support their stance. The deal will only double India’s nuclear power contribution to 5 to 7 % of its total power supply over the next 25 years—a mere drop in the ocean. The deal also provides America with the ability to monitor India’s nuclear programmes. Both of these factors suggest that the underlying reason for the deal is for the US to strategically and militarily bind India with its security interest in the region to counterbalance China.

July 24 2008

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