Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dutch MP: succeeds in his campaign to insult Islam

Last week, Dutch MP Geert Wilders finally released his 17 minute film called Fitna on the internet via a UK based company. The film openly attacks Islam. As expected the response from the rulers of the ummah was appalling to say the least. No diplomatic ties were severed; no imposition of oil embargo was undertaken, no withdrawal of funds from Dutch banks was initiated and operations of Dutch companies such as Shell, Unilever and Philips were not halted” the best the rulers could muster was condemnation and nothing more. Once again it was left to the ummah to hold rallies and to boycott Dutch goods. Had it not been for the powerlessness of the agent rulers, the Dutch would not have allowed such a film to be released. The West will continue to offend Islam and Muslims, unless the ummah redoubles her efforts re-establishes the Khilafah.


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