Thursday, April 6, 2006


The following articles are written by various writers on issues related to Economics & Islam. Please note that these are selected articles and not a full list of articles available on this site, to see a full list on this topic please click on the category label:

Adam Smith's praise of the Caliphate

Q&A: The dollar crisis, rising oil & commodity prices

Big oil speculators ensure that a barrel of oil crosses the $135 mark

The Crude facts

Your Money Is Not Good Anymore!

Food Crisis - The Failure of Capitalist Economics and Global Institutions

World Bank reveals food prices becoming unbearable for the world's poor

IMF: The world economy is to worsen

Economic Colonisation: The Forgotten Killer

All Bribery is Haram (Forbidden)

Dollar’s decline: A crisis or an opportunity?

The Indian stock market crash, an Islamic perspective

The prohibition of Insurance in Islam

The Laws of Partnerships (Companies) in Islam

Rethinking Intellectual Property

The difference between the Capitalist, Communist & the Islamic economic System

Scarcity is not so Scarce

The Significance of Zakah

“Creditors have better memories than Debtors”

The Shock in the Kuwaiti Money Market its causes & how to deal with it

Shouldn't there be a war on poverty?

The Role of Contracts in Islam

Islam and the economic question

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