Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Analysis of Coup in Mauritania

The following is the draft translation of a political analysis article written in Arabic.

Question: At the beginning of this month, a coup d’etat took place in Mauritania. President Maaoya Sid'Ahmed Ould Taya was over thrown while he was out of the country during his return from “Saudi Arabia”. The rule was seized after him by men who used to work with him, does that coup d’etat mean only a replacement of faces to absorb the anger of the street because Ould Taya made relations with “Israel”, and oppressed national and Islamic governments, or is it an actual coup d’etat which came with a new political influence instead of the old political influence?

Answer: Ould Taya came to rule after a coup d’etat in 1984 on Wild Hidaleh, the European influence existed in Mauritania because it is a French colony, this continued till the beginning of 1998 when America was able to draw him to its side with the general chief officer, Wild Sidi Ali. After that, Mauritania entered the series of normalization with the state of Jews under the influence of America. Then Ould Taya started to aggravate his campaigns on “the Muslims” under the excuse of fighting terrorism following the American method, and at the same time on the groups allied to Europe. That is why on the 3rd of May 2003, he made a wide security campaign against “the Muslims” making use of the explosions which took place in Casablanca and Riyadh at that time, trying to find a “terrorist” relation between these and those. But a coup d’etat led by a group of “national officers” preceded him in June 2003 after the turmoil of his oppression for these movements. Those who made the coup d’etat were about to succeed because they got hold of the presidential headquarters and the military headquarters. Ould Taya was able to run away until he was rescued by America and “Israel” by fighting operations against the revolutionists. After “36” hours from the coup d’etat, he was captured and Ould Taya returned to rule, he accused Libya at that time of being responsible of the coup d’etat. It was Europe who was behind the mentioned coup d’etat because Ould Taya led the country towards the American influence. That is how Ould Taya continued to rule, and his relations with America became stronger because it took a new horizon in the military field.
The American army accomplished lately great manoeuvres in the coast region, south of the great desert, it was described to be the greatest manoeuvres witnessed by Africa since the second world war under the excuse of war against terrorism. Ould Taya continued to get hold of the reigns until the present coup d’etat took place against him on 03.08.2005 while being outside the country returning from paying condolences for Saudi Arabia because of the death of King Fahd. He who follows the procedures of the coup d’etat and what followed will notice the following:

1. By the beginning of the coup d’etat, at 3 o'clock in the dawn of the 3rd of August, the revolutionists directed themselves towards the military headquarters and arrested the president of the military organization officer Al-Arabi Ould Sidi Ali. They didn’t negotiate with him to go along with them because of their former knowledge about him, and they put a number of the officers under compulsory residency (House arrest).

2. They went to the house of the general security officer, Ali Ould Mohammed Fal, most of them were from the presidential guards, they besieged him in his house and proposed to him to lead the coup d’etat because they wanted a great officer in comparison to them and at the same time (a professional in his work) without any political greed. He accepted the offer and he was appointed after that as head of the military council. This is how the coup d’etat succeeded.

3. The popular front in Mauritania headed by Mohammed Al-Ameen, who is an ally for Europe, welcomed the coup d’etat.

4. America condemned the coup d’etat after it took place and demanded frankly the return of president Maaoya Ould Taya to authority. The spokesman of the foreign ministry, Tom Cassey, said “we call for the return of the system under that shade of the government of president Ould Taya.” It didn’t leave its condemnation for the coup d’etat until the African Union issued a statement calling for normalization of relations with the revolutionists. Adam Early, spokesman of the foreign ministry, declared on 08.08.2005 “the African union issued a statement about the developments in this country and we share its point of view.”

5. As for France, it called in a general talk to “respect democracy and the legitimate constitutional framework.”

6. As for Russia, the Russian foreign ministry was satisfied in issuing a statement in which it warned to show hope in “a quick solution for the situation in a constitutional method and in what serves the interests of the Mauritanian nation without using violence.”

7. As for Britain, its agents’ movement to support the coup d’etat drew the attention: Morocco hastened to send the head of the Moroccans foreign intelligence, Mr. Yaseen al-Mansouri, to visit Nouakchott on 04.08.2005. then the visit of the Libyan foreign minister, Abdel Rahman Shalkam, and his declaration after meeting the leader of the coup d’etat “the will of the Mauritanian nation should be taken into consideration” then he added “after listening to the words of the president of the military council, there’s a notion that the Mauritanian nation began to support the change.” Adding that Libya supports what the Mauritanian nation supports. Upon that, the previous data shows that the coup d’etat on Ould Taya was a serious one, meaning a change in policy and not a change in faces. Had it been a change in faces, the army’s headquarters would have stayed as it is and only the government would have been changed. But to arrest the president of the organization and other officers of the headquarters to be put under compulsory residence, this means true change. Add to that the international attitudes for America and Europe and the internal attitudes “the popular front”, all that shows that it is a serious coup d’etat and that Europe: France and Britain, are the ones who led it. And that America had lost Mauritania periodically and we say periodically because Mauritania is of interest for America to penetrate into the region there. It is a support for the Policario as the head of the spear for America in the region. After losing Mauritania, nothing was left except the
Policario and alone it will be of less impact than it was when it was backed by Mauritania.

23 Rajab 1426 AH
28.08.2005 CE

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