Thursday, July 28, 2016



Walking down the road, sporting the latest handbag , designer shoes and the trendiest figure hugging abayah….Wow is she turning heads around here! Is this our new cover girl?
 The Beloved Messenger of Allah( S.A.W ) said: There are two types of people who will be punished in hell and whom I've not seen:(the second type)Women will be dressed but appear to be naked, they will attract others to themselves, and they themselves will be  attracted to others. Their heads will appear like the humps of the camels, they will not enter Paradise and they will not smell its fragrance which can be smelt from such and such a distance.
Shaytaan's ambition is to mislead. When a muslimah makes a niyyah to wear the hijaab he jumps into action.
Plot 1: He tries to stop her. If he fails…
Plot 2:Misleads her in donning hijaab. She thinks she is covering,but chooses a figure hugging abayah or she lifts the jalabeeb instead of lowering….
So lets ask ourselves,are we really covered girls or do we want to be "cover girls?"
There is a parable of a flower and a pearl both striking in their beauty, lets ponder and take a lesson, which one do we want to be?
Suddenly, a tinge of distress appeared on the flower. "Nothing accounts for sorrow in your talk; so why are u depressed?" The pearl asked."Human beings deal with us carelessly; they slight us. They don't grow us for our sake but to get pleasure from our fragrance and beautiful appearance. They throw us on the street or in the garbage can after we are dispossessed of the most valuable properties; brilliance and fragrance"
The flower sighed. And then  the flower said to the pearl: "Speak to me about your life! How do you live? How do you feel it? You are buried in the bottom of the sea. "
The pearl answered: "Although I have none of your distinctive colours and sweet scents, humans think I am precious. They do the impossible to procure me. They go on long journeys, dive deep in the seas searching for me. You might be astounded to know that the further I lay, the more beautiful and brilliant I become. That's what upraises my value in their thought. I live in a thick shell isolated in the dark seas. However, I'm happy and proud to be in a safe zone far from wanton and mischievous hands and still the humans consider me highly valuable" Do you know what the flower and the pearl symbolize?
 Think ..Think..
You will find that The flower is the woman who shows her charms and the pearl is the veiled woman who conceals her beauties.
Ponder  about it!
"O Prophet(pbuh)! Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the faithful to draw their outer garments (jilbabs) close around themselves; that is better that they will be recognized and not annoyed. And Allah is ever Forgiving, Merciful.(Al Quran Al-Ahzab:59)

The Artist-motivational

The Artist


Once upon a time, a well-known painter was finishing his painting. It's an incredibly beautiful painting to be shown at the Airport during the upcoming Hajj Season.


The painter wanted this painting to be a master piece. He worked on it for weeks on the top of a 24 storey building. He was consumed by and excited with his own painting that he unconsciously took a few step backward while admiring the 2 x 8 m painting. He didn't look back when he walked backward. He kept on walking backward until it was a step away from the edge of the 24storey building. Just one more step backward and he could have fallen to his death.


A man saw what the painter was doing and was about to shout at him to warn him when he realized that his shout might surprise the painter and thus make him take that fatal one step backward and fall down. So the man took a brush and some paint and began to paint on the beautiful painting until it was completely damaged.


Upon realizing what happened to his painting, the painter got very angry and moved forward to hit the man. However, some other people who were also present at the vicinity held him and showed him his last position which almost made him fall.


MORAL: Sometimes we have painted our future with such beauty and dreamed of beautiful days we will spend with our loved one, but then Allah seemed to destroy our beautiful painting when Allah sees what danger lies ahead of us. Sometimes we are angry and annoyed by what Allah has done to us, but one thing we have to keep in our mind is that our Creator Allah is Most Wise an always keeps our best of interest in mind!

So when Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala , in His Infinite Wisdom, tests us with a situation that we think is  difficult or takes away something that in our mind was good for us, we need to remember that perhaps it may not be so. Perhaps if we had continued in our way, it might have been harmful for us and whatever Allah decreed for us is actually better for us, for He is All-Wise and All-Knowing.

Allah says:"…and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." (Surah Baqarah: 216)

A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.

Object of Despair


Emma is a lawyer
And so is Aisha too
Colleagues going into court
At about half past two

Its 1 O'Clock right now
Aisha prays before the trial
They chat about this and that
Conversing with a smile

Aisha is in full hijab
With a loose all over Abaya (Cloak)
Emma's in her business wear
With accessories and other gear

Emma's really quite bemused
At Aisha's Godly ways
She looks Aisha in the eyes
And very firmly says

You're a smart girl Aisha
Why do you wear that across your hair?
Subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

Take it off my sister
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

Aisha is amazed
But not the least bit shy
She bravely puts her milkshake down
And gives Emma the reply

My dear sister Emma,
Why do you dress the way you do?
The skirt you're wearing round your waist,
Is it really you?

Now that we've sat down
I see you tug it across your thighs,
Do you feel ashamed?
Aware of prying eyes?

I see the way you're sitting,
Both legs joined at the knees,
Who forces you to sit like that?
Do you feel at ease?

I'll tell you who obliges you,
To dress the way you do,
Gucci, Klein, and St. Laurent
All have designs on you!

In the market, its designer labels for real,
Who dictate the whims of fashion,
Generating all the garb,
To incite the basest passion

"Sex Sells" there is no doubt
But who buys with such great haste,
The answer is likes like you,
Because they want to be embraced...

They want to be accepted,
On a level playing field
Sure, with brain and intellect
But with body parts revealed

Intelligence and reason
Are useful by and by
But if you want to make a mark
Stay appealing to the eye

You claim your skirt is office-like
A business dress of sorts
Would we not laugh at Mike?
If he turned up in shorts?

His could be the smartest of pants
Pinstripe from Saville Rowe
But walking round like that my friend
He'd really have to go

Why do you douse yourself in creams
To make your skin so milky?
Why do you rip off all your hair
To keep your body silky?

A simple shower's all you need
To stay respectable and clean
The time and money that you spend
Is really quite obscene

Why do you wake up at dawn,
To apply a firm foundation,
Topped with makeup and the like,
In one chaotic combination?

And if you should have to leave the house
Devoid of this routine
Why do you feel insecure
That you should not be seen?

Be free my sister Emma
Escape from your deep mire
Don hijab today my friend
And all Islam's attire

Avoid all those sickly stares
Or whistles from afar
Walk down the street with dignity
Take pride in who you are

Strength lies in anonymity
Be a shadow in the crowd
Until you speak and interact
When your voice will carry loud

You're a smart girl Emma
Wear this across your hair
Don't be subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

To use your very words my friend
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

Ummah in Crises???

Ummah in Crises???

All you need to do is…….Nothing !

Unity of Muslim Ummah is so important and it cannot be emphasised enough and likewise disunity amongst the Ummah can be disastrous.


Allah, the Most Wise, says: "And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves..." (Quran-3:103)

While we are living and enjoying the comforts and luxuries of this world, our brothers and sisters are suffering and being oppressed all around us. Has it become such that we have become immune and insensitive to such afflictions and find so hard to assist the Ummah let alone shed even one tear.

Allah Ta'ala says in the Noble Qur'aan: " Indeed, Muslims are brothers."(Qur'an: Al Hujurat:10)

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) has emphatically stated that "No one of you becomes a true believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself".(Hadith-Bukhari & Muslims)

We are ONE UMMAH, if the finger feels a pain the whole body feels the pain. It is our duty to share the pain, responsibilities, burdens and needs of our fellow brothers and sisters. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "The example of Muslims in their mutual love, mercy and sympathy is like that of a body; if one of the organs is afflicted, the whole body responds with sleeplessness and fever."(Hadith-Muslim)

The enemies of Islam are attempting to destroy this Ummah, piece by piece and for this to happen all we got to do is….NOTHING!

Once upon a time three bulls lived in the forest. One white, one brown and one black. They were brothers and lived together in harmony. In that forest also lived a lion that had his eye on the bulls. But every time he attacked one of them the others came to his aid and together they drove the lion away.

The lion decided that he needed to change his strategy. So one day when the Black Bull was away, he went to the other two and said, "You know, the Black Bull is black and dirty and evil. Why do you keep him with you? His is a disgrace to you. You are beautiful and noble. If the Black Bull is no longer there, you will have all the grazing to yourself. He takes away your food and adds no value to you." The two bulls listened to the lion's spiel and said, "Well, you know, he is our brother. What can we do?"

"You need to do
at all," said the lion. "I am your friend. I will do what needs to be done. Just don't come to the aid of the Black Bull when he calls you." The others agreed.

The next day, they heard the voice of the Black Bull calling for help in anguish and fear. They listened to him and went back to their grazing. Gradually the calls stopped. The two brothers could not look each other in the eye but then, nice green grass wipes away memories and after a little while it was as if the Black Bull never existed.

Then one day the lion came to the White Bull when he was alone and said, "So are you happy with the advice I gave you? Didn't I advise you well? Now here is another advice. You are the real king of the forest. You are White and clean and pure and holy and beautiful. You are wise and good. You deserve to live in solitary splendour like a king. Not with some dirty brown trash who you have to share your food with. Why do you need him? He is a liability and an embarrassment to you."

"Well, what should I do?"

"You know the score.
at all. I am there to take care of everything for you. Just relax."

Next day, the White Bull heard the dying screams of the Brown Bull and closed his ears and went back to his grazing.

The White Bull lived for a few days all by himself, grazing where he wanted and drinking from the clean streams of the forest. Then one morning the lion came again. From the look in his eyes, the White Bull knew that this visit was different. All his life flashed before his eyes. He recalled the time when the three brothers stood together, shoulder to shoulder. Then he recalled all the incidents since then. As the lion sat before him, not in any hurry, knowing that the result was pre-determined, the White Bull said to him, "I have one last wish. Will you grant it to me?"

"Anything at all my friend", said the lion.

The White Bull then climbed a hill and when he got to the top of it, he called out to the people of the forest, "O! People, I do not die today. I died the day the Black Bull died."

Afghanistan, Iraq and list goes on….So dear brothers and sisters in Islam pay heed to the above story for in it lies a deep and important lesson for the Ummah. In Unity there is strength!


Let us be firm of the Quran and Sunnah, united as a Ummah and be not divided amongst ourselves. When fellow Muslims are being attacked by the Munafiqeen(Hypocrates) and enemies of Islam, be sure to be of some help and not to just sit back and do….NOTHING!


Allaah Ta'ala says:"O believers, if you help Allaah's cause, He will help you and make your feet firm (against your enemies) and those who disbelieved woe unto them and their actions are in vain." (Quran-47:7,8)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Q&A: Broad Outlines of the Failed Military Coup in ‪‎Turkey‬- Sheikh Ata' Bin Khalil Abu Rashta

Although it has only been a day and part of a day, but I hope to get an explanation, even if broad outlines of what happened in Turkey coup attempt: Who is behind it? Is it really the Gulen Movement? Or are they officers in the army loyal to the British? And what is expected after that? May Allah reward you.
After following and reflecting on what happened in Turkey during the two days of the 15 and 16/7/2016 CE, it is likely that those who attempted the coup are risk-taking officers loyal to the British who were in danger, this is due to the following facts:
1. Whether they were at risk of being in danger, since the Turkish Military High Council (YAŞ) regularly convenes late this month of July or early next month of August every year. The authorities of this Council are many and of great significance to the army. Therefore it is held under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister at the headquarters of the General Staff in Ankara, and is attended by the Defense Minister, Chief of Staff, Commander of the Land Forces, Commander of the Air Force, Commander of the Naval Forces, Commander of the Gendarmerie Forces, and Second Deputy Chief of Staff... as well as the Military High Council members being from the top officials of the Turkish Armed Forces. This annual YAŞ meeting discusses matters regarding: promotions of the upper military ranks, extending of tenures for some commanders, matters relating to pensions, and cases of military discharge of military personnel for disciplinary action and ill conduct, in addition to a number of topics related to the Turkish Armed Forces. The meeting lasts several days and announces its decisions after a presentation to the President of the Republic. Usually YAŞ meeting concludes with ending the tenures of a number of top commanders of armies and other high-ranking officials. For example, in the previous meeting on 02/08/2015, among those whose jobs were terminated at that meeting, was the chief then of Turkey's Air Force, Akin Ozturk, with news reports that he is the head of the current coup attempt, along with other senior commanders.
It seems that the officers who attempted the coup knew or “leaked to them” that action will be taken against them in the YAŞ meeting endangers their survival in the army at the head of their jobs, and they attempted this as a proactive action prior to the Council Board.
2. Whether they are risk-taking officers loyal to the British, it is well known that pro- British men were the army nucleus, and that America tried to breach it since the presidency of Ozal but did not succeed. So it turned to the police and internal security forces, then focused on penetrating the army in the era of Erdogan and succeeded to some extent ... Nonetheless, British forces still exist, even though Erdogan clipped their wings, but he did not eliminate them, including the officers who attempted the coup.
And as for them being "risk-takers", since observing the arrangement of the attempt does not suggest that the British are the ones who planned it, it is likely that the officers planned it and that Britain had allowed them ... Because taking a closer look at the plan shows that it is almost devoid of Britain’s cunningness and savvy. For example, the coup’s perpetrators focused in their statement, on secularism and this is foolish of them, because the Islamic sentiments are currently spreading among many Turks. So stating secularism provokes them and reminds them of the rule of Mustafa Kemal and his followers, and how they were in the state of provocation towards Islam and Muslims, and spite and cunningness against Islam and its people. Thus the mention of secularism by the coup’s perpetrators was foolish, which made the people take to the streets in hatred for Mustafa Kemal followers rather than the love for Erdogan. Another important issue is that the coup’s perpetrators did not plan tightly in the first minutes to arrest politicians and rulers, i.e. the president and the government, before the announcement of the coup, rather the coup was announced while they are in their positions! Their actions were akin to riot and emotions of outrage without a public fan base, or even an organized crowned coup!
All this suggests that this coup was the initiation of risk-taking officers loyal to the British as a proactive movement to military decisions of YAŞ that they expected will put them in danger/risk. It is not unlikely that the matter is more than expectations since access to this knowledge is hard to attain.
3. As for accusing Gulen, it is probably not true, for the Gulen Movement is closer to civil, judicial and social work and does not have the military capability to carry out a coup without colonial support, this is first ... Second, the movement abides by American orders and does not move without its permission. America believes in Erdogan as the man most capable to serve its interests, especially in the meantime. Turkey is the last dart of America on the subject of the Syrian solution, and Erdogan has offered her service no one else could do it in such circumstances; by the willingness to normalize relations with the Syrian regime, where the Turkish Prime Minister said: "Turkey will return its normal relations with Syria."
Gulen for America is a spare line when necessary. For example, Gulen supported the Justice Party in the three elections since 2002 until 2013, when the dispute between them began by fueling corruption problems at some Erdogan’s helpers, as well as when the (Drchan) network of the Gulen movement was closed. So he is a spare when needed. Colonial states are unconcerned if there is more than one agent in one place, and does not harm them too if they dispute, vie and even fight each other.They support the winner among them. This is the like of Sadat’s conflict with Ali Sabri group, the two teams were followers of America, however, Sadat was able to absolve and arrest Ali Sabri group.
Thus, Gulen movement as we stated, probably have not arranged the coup, but this does not preclude that members of Gulen movement have participated in their individual capacities, especially the judges, in reaction to the severity of the harassment that befalls them from Erdogan.
4. Erdogan is no doubt aware that the British have the power in the army, even though diminished, and that military loyal to British are behind the coup attempt. Nevertheless he accuses Gulen because talking about the pro-British men in the Army upholds them, and eliminating them without mentioning them trivializes their matter. Whereas Gulen is not just as significant as them ... Erdogan wants to eliminate the pro-British men without noise, that is in discreet, so that they do not stand out and there is no bloc around them ... And in return wants to weaken his rival by noise because the Gulen Movement is not of the same power as the British men.
This is probably the opinion on what happened ... and all what happened was not a tightly planned coup attempt nor was it well thought out with poise, but is more of an outraged risk without provision and poise. The important thing is not to stop at what happened, but what is expected after that.
5. What is then expected is the uproar that occurred around the coup attempt will affect the two sides:
As for America and Erdogan they will exert their utmost to exploit what happened with the serious actions to end the British forces in the army, or at least ease their impact to a minimum. For they have inflated the magnitude of the attempt to justify prosecuting the pro-British men intensely and severely. And of course Erdogan will use it to weaken his rival Gulen as far as he can, i.e. within the limits permitted by America ... and what appeared from the thousands of arrests indicates that.
As for Britain, it is accused of what happened - even if it did not, by its cunningness and savvy, developed the plan, its methods and its means, but left it to its men - so it is not ruled out that it monitors the situation closely in order to undertake a reaction that will return back to its men a thing of prestige ... And this is what America and Erdogan expect. Therefore Obama convened a meeting of the National Security Council to discuss what happened in Turkey like it was at the heart of American national security in anticipation of what might be the international reaction. Erdogan as well recommend people to stay in the arenas, airports and Mosques to block any reaction from the pro-British men and their loyalists.
In conclusion, what happened is painful, because the blood that spilled was our blood, not the blood of the British or the Americans ... and the devastation that has occurred in buildings, airports, arenas is in our country and not in America or Britain ... And so the hours of that attempt were darkness upon darkness, in our country and in our midst ... And this is sad and painful ... but there is a light, even if little, featured in this darkness, which is that people took to the streets shouted out “Ya Allah Ya Allah, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar”. This is because the declaration of the perpetrators of their secular orientation explicitly and provocatively to the sentiments of Muslims in Turkey have taken them to the streets defying the tanks chanting victory for their religion. So they confronted the military coup attempt, not in love for Erdogan and his regime as much it was in curse for the secularism and its henchmen … All of this, they move emotionally against secularism even though it exist in both the regime and the coup, and wherever secularism is evil befalls... However, they saw that the coup’s secularism is provocative to their Islamic feelings, since the coup was in the footsteps of Mustafa Kemal and his followers and his associates, and people have experienced the hatred of those on Islam and their cunning to it ... While the regime’s secularism is surrounded by something from Islam that relieves their feelings ... So how then, if the Muslims have the State of Haq (truth) and justice, Khilafah Rashidah on the method of the Prophethood, that rules them with justice and kindness, establishes on them the provisions of Allah and leads them in Jihad for Allah’s sake, so they attain glory in this life and success in the Hereafter? How? They will defend it with their wealth and themselves, with their feelings and their thoughts, and with their organs and their ribs, and with all their matter... The Muslim Ummah is a nation of goodness (Khair), the best nation raised for people.
﴿كُنتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ﴾
“You were the best nations ever to be raised for mankind: you enjoin what is right (ma’roof), forbid what is wrong (munkar), and believe in Allah.” [Al-i-Imran: 110]
And it will soon, be embraced, Allah willing, by the rule of what Allah has revealed, Khilafah Rashidah (Caliphate) on the method of the Prophethood, that shades Muslims under the banner of the Messenger of Allah peace and blessings be upon him and his family. And that is no great matter for Allah
12 Shawwal 1437 - Sunday, 17 July 2016

Monday, July 18, 2016

This Bloody Coup Attempt, Specifically Initiated at the Expense of Massacring their Own People, is TERRORISM! - Media Office of HT Wilayah Turkey

Yesterday evening a “Military Coup” attempt has been initiated by those who have no notion of this ancient people’s values nor its Islamic identity, has caused, just like a bloody “terrorist” attack, a massacre of innocent Muslims. This reckless bloody initiated coup attempt has brought the soldiers who are the sons of Muslims, with the Muslim people and the police face to face, this caused the deaths of hundreds of people and thousands wounded. We in Hizb ut Tahrir Wilayah Turkey strongly condemn and reject this bloody coup initiation and pray to Allah to have mercy for the murdered Muslims.
Because of the YAŞ (Military High Council) that was supposed to take place during these days and the decisions to be taken, those responsible for the military coup expected them to be against them and show their survival is at risk may have taken proactive unwise actions that does not rely on the people and their wants but to the colonialist states that support them. Therefore their downfall was at its height when they pointed their guns at their own people and bombing them. Their downfall is not strange because any movement will not be successful against the will of the people.
There have been many coup attempts since the establishment of the republic in Turkey, to secure their own personal interests or the political interests of the colonialists. But it does not matter if it is successful or not, all initiations done with these motives have brought nothing but tyranny to the Muslim people in Turkey.
This attempt cannot be an initiation that the Gulen movement, named as the parallel state structure, because this coup is greater than their movement’s ability. So search for the masterminds. Search for the real culprits. Search for the colonialist powers and you will find the perpetrators among them.
O Rulers and Commanders! When will you understand that those colonialists that you have taken as friends are the enemies of this Ummah? You have witnessed how the people courageously stood before the tanks and they shouted out “Ya Allah Ya Allah, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar”. Look at how they answered the calls of your Salawaat. For they did not take to the streets for the sake of democracy, but rather they went out with Islam against the secularists so stand in the face of the colonizers, stand against America, Britain and the other colonial powers with the courage of your people who defied the tanks! They stood in the face of those who are hostile to Islam and Muslims! Only then you will deserve a people like this people. Only then you will do justice to your positions.
O Muslims! Protect the Deen of Allah as you protected the government from ‘the military coup.’ Display this courage also against those who attack Islam and the Muslims and those who disregard and reject the commandments of Allah’u Ta’ala. Say no, to un-Islamic ideas and systems just like you said no to ‘the military coup’! You are the ones, Allah willing, who preserve the stability of the Haq (justice) in these forthcoming lands and you are the ones, Inshallah, that will re-establish the Khilafah Rashidah (Caliphate) upon the method of the Prophethood, Islam ruling over life again.
Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Wilayah Turkey

Slow down!

Slow down !

By:Abdur Rahman Umar

"Can you believe this!" lamented Yusuf as he looked sadly at his leg covered from foot to knee in a thick white plaster cast leaving his plaster stained toes exposed.

"This is so frustrating!" he continued, addressing his exposed toes who had now become his captive audience, "Just when everything was going perfectly. Now this! Like I needed it in my life?"

Ridwaan stood idly by, adding little to the lament being addressed to the toes. He fidgeted wearily with his cell phone paying little attention to the monologue until Yusuf turned to him and asked:

"Did you hear what I said? I really didn't need this in my life. Not at any time, and definitely, definitely not now. I mean..."

"What's so special about now?" enquired Ridwaan not bothering to look up from his cell phone.

Yusuf ignored his question, shifted painfully in his chair and struggled to get his leg into a comfortable position. He stared at some of the graffiti on his plaster cast "Mojo was here!" "Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector" "On the other hand, you have different fingers" and some other writings that became a bit smudgy with the first attempt at taking a shower.

"I mean how does someone rupture an Achilles tendon playing tennis? It must be a one in a million thing, and I am the one! So now I sit – six weeks with this thing on my leg. Six weeks! and at a time when the business is going so well. Just when we got the Department of Education tender for printing. There's so much to do .... preparation, layout, design. Yo! It was going crazy at work."

Ridwaan stopped fidgeting with his cell phone long enough to exclaim, "So what's the hassle. You get a nice break and fully paid on top of it!"

"You don't understand, do you!" said Yusuf, glaring at him. An uncomfortable frown crossed his forehead, "You don't know what it means. I really didn't even have enough time to eat let alone take a six week break. We were working 12 hours a day to get that tender out. So what happens now?"

"I know exactly what it means," replied Ridwaan, "It means you were moving too fast so Allah put down a speed breaker"

"What!" he exclaimed, "What you mean...speed breaker?"

"You see, sometimes when we rush through life and we forget the important things then Allah puts down a speed bump so we can slow down and reflect. Maybe a little sickness or a small problem. Just to ponder on what we're doing and what we should be doing. And that's it! You were chasing like a madman so you got hit with a speed bump."

He paused allowing his words to sink in then continued, "You know most of us get so caught up in life then we forget about Allah, our salaah becomes just a ritual and the family ...well, they even forget who we are. I bet your kids call you Uncle by now?"

"Hey, it's not that bad," said Yusuf struggling to find a comfortable position for his plastered leg, "But I hear what you saying. Things were getting a bit out of hand. I missed my daughter's pre-school jalsa, my son's graduation and dropped a couple of salaahs on the way and jip, Allah knows what else I gave up for this tender...."

Yusuf fell silent pondering on his situation, a thin smile broke on his lips and his face lit up with this new found understanding, "So this wasn't all bad then. Actually...."

"It was for you own good," Ridwaan completed the sentence for him, "Too often we forget the real things in life...our Allah, our Deen, our families and those so called little things we tend to forget."

"Yup," chorused Yusuf, "I remember a clever guy telling me once, pay attention to the little things in life, for one day you may find out they were actually the big things. Really can't believe Allah's mercy and kindness upon us. It is, as they say, more than that of a mother. He cares for us and even what I thought was a horrible misfortune was actually an act of kindness from Him."

Allah, The Most Wise, says:"…and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." ( Qur'an-Surah Baqarah: 216)

A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.

 Let us slow down and ponder of the journey of life and make more calculated decisions that will not only benefit us in the transitory life of this world but more so in the eternal life of the Hereafter.


The Smoke Signal...

The Smoke Signal

By Abu Muhammad Yusuf


 Image result for smoke signal


The journey of life can be like a roller coaster. We often experience extreme conditions which create despondency and hopelessness. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "Verily, if Allah loves a people, He makes them go through trials. Whoever is satisfied, for him is contentment, and whoever is angry upon him is wrath." (Hadith-Tirmidhi)


We have to try hard to embrace the struggles of life and Trust in Allah. There's no development without pain. Life's difficulties are necessary for our own development, so when they come along, accept them, embrace them and never ever lose hope and always place complete Reliance and Trust in Allah. Problems are to the mind what exercise is to the muscles; they toughen and make you strong.


The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for Allah to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. He nevertheless remained hopeful of Allah's help and continued his praying every day.

Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements and to store his few possessions. But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.


The "worst" had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief. "Allah, how could this happen to me!" he cried. Early the next day, just before Fajr Salaah (early morning prayer) he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" the man asked the sailors on the ship. "We saw your smoke signal," they replied.


Allah says "...Bear with patience whatever befalls you...." (Qur'an 31:17) and "Be not sad, surely Allah is with us." (Qur'an 9:40)


It is easy to get discouraged when things are going badly. But we shouldn't lose heart, because Allah is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering.  Allah Ta'ala says "Verily, with hardship there is relief" (Qur'an 94:6) and "And whosoever puts his trust in Allah, then He will suffice him". ( Qur'an 65:3)


Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground--it just may be a smoke signal that summons The Grace and help of Allah!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Analysis of Turkey Coup - Ustadh Sa'ed Ridwan

- What is taking place in the land of Shaam is a vital issue for all international and regional parties. That is because the struggle in Shaam is an issue of life and death for the Muslims firstly, Europe secondly, America thirdly and then to all of the other parties. The one who comes out profitable will be the master of the coming stage whilst the loser will we be trodden under the feet and will exit from the international situation lowly and humiliated.

- America has since the launch of the Syrian revolution striven its hardest to marginalise all international parties from interfering in Syria and those who did intervene only did so with the American permission and by its request, the last of which was Russia.

- All American attempts whether political, through negotiations accompanied by the criminal barbaric killing, to apply pressure upon the Syrian revolution so that they accept the American solutions have failed, despite all of the crimes that they have committed against the Syrian people over the last years.

- The Syrian revolution has brought all of the sides into a severe dilemma and particularly America in whose hands are all of the strings of the game.

- America had begun to look towards Turkey as a way out from the crisis and to pass through its plans (project) at the hand of its agent Erdogan who the possessor of Islamic popularity and due to what he holds of acceptance from some of the groups inside Syria. That is particularly after the Iranian role has become unacceptable and the Iranian-Russian alliance cannot possibly succeed.

- And so it began to prepare all that is needed for the forthcoming stage as follows:

1 – Normalisation of relations with the Jews to provide them with guarantees (assurance) in respect to the Syrian future not being hostile towards them.

2 – Restoration and improvement of relations with the tyrant of Shaam after Erdogan had viewed his complete exit as a condition for a deal (resolution).

3 – Improvement of relations with Iran the effective (active) side upon the land to arrive at an understanding about Turkish intervention and its dimensions upon Iran and its interests.

4 – Improvement of relations with Iraq and the impact that has upon the internal Iraqi situation.

5 – Normalisation of relations with Russia to coordinate with it in all stages of the plan and to continue to marginalise or keep Europe away from involvement.

6 – Solving the internal Turkish situation in the case where the popularity of Erdogan has decreased after his disgraceful and shameful rapprochements and normalisations.

Solving the issue of opposition forces to him within the Turkish army which became apparent in the incident of the Russian plane being shot down which Erdogan admitted that it took place outside of the political decision making process.

7 – Erdogan’s entry into the Syrian arena makes it necessary for him not to leave a possible dagger in the back internally and this dagger is reflected in the military who oppose him and lie in wait of him.

The failed coup was empty or free of any popular speech directed to the masses, so as to gain the popularity of the masses, just as it did not expose Erdogan’s policies in order to stir the people against him, and it was also free of any indication of the goals of the coup plotters and related to the interests of the land!

On top of that both sides of the coup both follow one direction. Erdogan and his opponent from those with a relationship with Gulen are both followers of America.

In addition, the annoyance in respect to the coup was not evident amongst all of the American spokesmen in contrast to the English who were made evident there worry due to what the consequences will be upon their influence within the army.

The coup will raise Erdogan’s level of popularity and of his government.

And it will enable him to take a firm grip over the army.

And it will enable him to weaken his political opponents.

And it will provide him with the ability to take critical decisions in respect to the Turkish role serving America in Syria.

The coming Turkish intervention in Syria represents one of the most serious and dangerous American schemes and plots in respect to the Syrian revolution.

The Turkish coup represents an arranging and ordering of the situation and it is not part of a struggle whilst its victims, the sons of Turkey, are only offerings at the American Temple!

So to where is this going, to what extent?and how long?

Ustadh Sa'eed Ridwan

Saturday, July 16, 2016

HT Turkey Statement on Attempted Coup: 15 July 2016

HT Turkey Statement on Attempted Coup: 15 July 2016

HT Turkey Statement on Attempted Coup: 15 July 2016

Hizb ut-Tahrir has issued a statement on the attempted coup on Friday 15 July 2016. Below is a translation from the Turkish of this statement.

Statement from Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey on the Coup Attempt
[Translated from Turkish to English]
Hizb ut-Tahrir Turkey condemns the coup attempt in Turkey. We squarely accuse the Western, neo-colonial powers in this regard and we make the following points in this relation:
– We strongly condemn this act – a terrorist and bloody act – that could not have happened without Western blessing and the green light of America etc.
– The Gulen Movement – if indeed it is behind the act – could not have planned it without knowledge and facilitation from the neo-colonialist West that forever harbours hatred for Muslims (and their revival).
– All fingers must ultimately point to the West that some politicians and military officers in Turkey take as allies and friends and whom they actively work with.
– It is incumbent upon Turkey’s politicians and generals to cut all ties with America and its friendly powers, and to adopt the interests of the people that have taken to the streets, endangering their lives in the process, bellowing with takbeers and Islamic chants, who have not done this to defend “secularism” or “democracy”.
– We call upon the nation that stood strongly against the (attempted) coup’s perpetrators to take the same stance for the project of establishing the righteous Caliphate and to reject all other ideas and political projects just as they have rejected this coup.
And to Allah belongs all Praise!

Q&A: Turkey‬ and its Relationship to its Neighbours

Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

Question‬:The ‪‎Turkish‬ Prime Minister on 13/07/2016 stated that Turkey will restore normal relations with ‪#‎Syria‬. “Zaman-Arabic” published on 13/07/2016 the following: “The Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announced that Turkey will seek to restore normal relations with Syria” … So what is the motive behind this sudden Turkish policy change from one opposite to another in relation to Syria? Is it Turkish-Syrian reconciliation? Or is it the US policy which is influencing the Turkish policy? Jazaakallahu Khairan.

‎Answer‬: In order to answer the mentioned issues clearly we shall examine the following matters:

Firstly: The talk about Turkish-Russian reconciliation began after Binali Yildirim took over the Prime Minister post and Davultoglu was sacked/resigned. It was reported in the Turkey Post (04/06/2016), after around ten days of Erdogan appointing him on 22/05/2016 as Prime Minister, “Binali announced that the new government will continue its efforts to normalise relations with Russia and will intensify cooperation with Iran. That is in the case where it was mentioned in the text of the programme: “Turkey will continue to work towards the normalisation of relations with Russia through dialogue”.” Following that, the communications sped up during the month of June 2016, then the matters began to unfold in a dubious and strange manner in terms of an eye catching hastiness and inconsistency in statements! That was as follows:

A – After Turkey had been saying that the Russian aircraft had violated its airspace and as such does not deserve an apology, it then presented the apology on 27/06/2016: “The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that “The Turkish president expressed sympathy and deep condolences to the family of the killed pilot, just as he offered his apology.” Adding that Erdogan had said that: “He will do all that he can to restore traditional warm relations between Turkey and Russia.”” (Al-Arabiya News Network, 27/06/2016).

B – And after Putin had been the enemy who bombs the people and particularly the Turkmen mountain, discussion with him has come to be within warm atmospheres. Erdogan called Putin on 29/06/2016 and “According to sources in the Turkish presidency, the phone call took place within extremely warm atmospheres” (Al-Arabiyah Al-Jadeed, 29/06/2016) …

C – And after Turkey had differed with Russia in relation to classifying the armed movements inside Syria, the two states have come to be in agreement and harmony (… In the meeting between Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, and the Turkish foreign minister on 01/07/2016 in Sochi, the subject of Syria was amongst the most important subjects of reconciliation between the two countries, and that they are both agreed upon the war against terrorism as “Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denied that there are any disagreements between Moscow and Ankara about classifying the terrorists in Syria, confirming the resumption of bilateral cooperation in the area of fighting terrorism) (Russia Today 01/07/2016).
And Turkey’s agreement with Russia about the classification of “Terrorist groups” in Syria is an eye catching matter, in light of the declared stances of Turkey through the years in respect to supporting the Syrian opposition. This is therefore a new issue that had not existed before.

D – Then there was the haste in respect to convening the summit between the two presidents, Putin of Russia and Erdogan of Turkey set to be held during the G20 Summit convened in China in September 2016. Then there was the announcement of the Turkish foreign minister about making the summit between the two presidents earlier and that it could be held during August in Russia. “Interfax news agency attributed to the minister – the Turkish Foreign Minister – the statement that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Turkish president Recep Erdogan will meet during August in Sochi. And from his side, the Russian foreign minister said: We hope for there to be communications between both the Russian and Turkish armies in regards to Syria.” (, 02/07/2016)

E – “Following the phone call between the Russian President Vladimir Putin with his Turkish counterpart, the Russian president ordered for the sanctions to be lifted from Turkey in the Tourism sector and he ordered the normalisation of trade relations between the two countries. Putin requested from his Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev to prepare suggestions related to the necessary legal adjustments that will form the basis of the normalisation.” (Russia Today, 11/07/2016).

2 – As for the inconsistency in statements:

A – The Turkish foreign minister’s announcement on 04/07/2016 that his country does not mind Russia using its Incirlik Airbase in Adana to bomb “terrorists in Syria”. Following that the denial of Turkey was exorbitant (And at the question: Is it possible for Russian planes to use Incirlik Airbase, the foreign minister said: “I have not made any comment indicating that Russian aircraft are coming to the base””. (Al, 04/07/2016).

B – Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announce the readiness of his country to compensate Russia for the harm that resulted from bringing down the Russian war aircraft “S-24”. The Turkish president Recep Tayep Erdogan had apologised to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin about the incident and had called for a return to Russian-Turkish relations to what they had been previously. (Al-Ghad, 28/06/2016). That was then followed by denial, “In the meantime, the Turkish Prime Minister Benali Yildirim rescinded his statements about paying compensation to Russia for the incident. And the media sources reported from Yildirim that “Compensating Russia is not upon the table”. That came after televised statements in which he said that Ankara was prepared to offer compensation for the incident that blew up relations between the two countries.” (BBC, 28/06/2016). Then there came that which resembles compensation, “The mayor of the coastal Kemer resort proposed granting a home to the family of the slain pilot during a meeting with the Russian consul general in the city of Antalya which took place earlier on Friday.” (Russia Today, 01/07/2016).

Secondly: By considering all of that it is possible to comprehend the motive behind all of these matters … This hastiness and inconsistency indicates that this behaviour is not due to local (internal) factors otherwise this transition from one opposite to another with such speed and bewildering strangeness would not have taken place. Rather, this haste and inconsistency guides to an external matter that had to be implemented due to a vital interest that the one commanding it wants to be accomplished… As for who the one who is commanding this matter and what this interest is? Then the answer is America and the interest is the secular political solution with the Syrian regime. The evidences for that are as follows:

1 – America has expended its effort to prop up the Syrian regime and subdue and compel the revolutionaries to negotiate with the regime in order to form a joint government alongside it upon the secular basis. That was undertaken via Iran, its party (in Lebanon) and its militias however that failed… Then this role was taken by Russia, its missiles, shells and warships but this also failed… Then it was via Saudi through the formation of a negotiating delegation that included some of the armed groups and despite that these attempts did not succeed… America now believes that the Turkish role is capable of succeeding where the previous means failed.

2 – The main heading for the Turkish-Russian reconciliation was Syria as the two sides both emphasised the need for a solution to the Syrian crisis in their new meetings and communications in addition to the declaration that there was no disagreement between them in regards to the classification of “terrorist groups”: (… In the meeting between Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, and the Turkish foreign minister on 01/07/2016 in Sochi, the subject of Syria was amongst the most important subjects of reconciliation between the two countries, and that they are both agreed upon the war against terrorism as (The foreign minister Sergei Lavrov denied that there are any disagreements between Moscow and Ankara about classifying the terrorists in Syria, confirming the resumption of bilateral cooperation in the area of fighting terrorism.” (Russia Today 01/07/2016) And “the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, expressed his hope that the dialogue with Ankara would be distinguished by franker speech about resolving the Syrian crisis, and that’s following the normalisation of Russian-Turkish relations. And the “Russia Today” news agency reported from Lavrov that he said: “We hope that that will help us to look for shared viewpoints to resolve the Syrian crisis with greater effectiveness…” And he pointed to, when commenting upon his last meeting with his Turkish counterpart, Mevlut Cavusoglu, last month, that the dialogue during the meeting was of a frank nature adding: “We will consult with greater frankness to arrive to agreements in relation to the application of the international Security Council’s resolutions and the international community, to support Syria” (An-Naba’ Al-Arabiy, 12/07/2016).

3 – In extremely eye-catching statements, revealing the depth of the Turkish decay, Turkey announced that it will seek to expand its network of friends to include the Syrian regime: “The Turkish Prime Minister Benali Yildirim said that solving the Syrian crisis is possible however everyone must make the necessary sacrifices in respect to this. Yildirim added that “Our strategic partners and our partners in the international coalition must work to bandage the Syrian wound”. And he revealed that Turkey will work to strengthen the security sphere surrounding it and expand its network of friends, pointing in this regard to efforts to develop Turkey’s relationships with everyone including Russia, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, “Israel”, the United States and the EU states”. (, 05/07/2016) … And after the statement had been general he followed that on 13/07/2016 with a clear statement in regards to normalisation with the Syrian regime. The (Turkish) ‘Zaman Al-Arabiy’ Newspaper mentioned on 13/07/2016 that: “The Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announced that Turkey will seek to restore normal relations with Syria) and other media sources reported this news including Reuters and Al-Arabiya (news network).”

Thirdly: America wants the current Turkish role to apply pressure forcefully upon the Syrian opposition to bring it back to the Geneva path and peaceful solution. That includes making the opposition cease “hostile actions” in Syria according to the Russian-American declaration on 27/02/2016… And accompanied by the threat to abandon the Syrian opposition if they refuse to fall in line with the negotiating path through manifesting the Turkish-Russian cooperation: “The Russian foreign minister said: We hope for communications to be undertaken between the Russian and Turkish armies in respect to Syria.” (, 02/07/2016) … And that Turkey will no longer oppose the Russian intervention in Syria, because Turkey is exposed to terrorist acts and the Syrian opposition must be involved in combatting “terrorist groups” as America, Russia and Turkey want… This Turkish threat to the Syrian opposition has an influence upon that part of the opposition that still hopes to receive assistance from Turkey, who have believed that Erdogan will never permit a second (or repeat) Hama to take place, and have kept their relations tied to Turkey. America hopes that these groups will be pushed into negotiating with the regime… And it is not inconceivable for Turkey, within its pressurising styles, to go beyond the political means to utilise military means under the pretext that it is fighting the terrorism of the IS organisation whilst it is not separated and distinguishable from the other armed opposition groups i.e. the very same argument and pretext utilised by Russia when it bombs the opposition! The statement of the Russian foreign minister about communications between the Russian and Turkish armies indicates to this potential possibility…

Fourthly: Obama wants to act just as his Democrat predecessor Clinton acted when he expended his effort in the last year of his tenure to gather the PLO and the Jews for a decisive negotiated solution for the Palestinian issue. Even though he failed in that he was nevertheless able to bring together Abu Ammar and Ehud Barack… And now Obama is expending effort to bring together the opposition and the regime for a negotiated solution with the regime so it can be said that he accomplished something worthwhile at the end of his tenure. The difference between Clinton’s attempt and Obama’s is that in the first his efforts were manifest ahead of his agents whilst Obama works with his agents and tools whilst his efforts are concealed behind them! America, in his time in office has shown more of a reliance upon its subordinates; and so after Iran and its followers and after Russia, whilst at the same time America’s dilemma in Syria has been renewed, America has now instructed Erdogan to reconcile with Russia and that is to encourage and facilitate the bombing of the revolutionaries in Syria, to increase the pressure upon them so push them to negotiate with the regime.

Fifthly: Therefore, the spur that drove Turkey to reconcile with Russia and to make its turnaround which increases the tension in Syria and opens it to negotiations with Assad’s regime, represents no more than the urgent American policy to the situations in Syria. So after the Iranian and Russian interventions led to its dilemma in respect to Syria, America rushed to push Turkey towards the Iranian and Russian side in order to preserve and safeguard the American intrigue and influence in Syria in addition to eliminating the Islamic nature of the Syrian revolution… The Turkish regime’s disclosure in this manner in respect to it now cooperating with Russia which has not ceased bombing Halab (Aleppo), its surroundings and other Syrian regions, this disclosure must open the sight of those who have been misled and have been smitten by Erdogan and his regime, so that they separate from him and take themselves away from the conspiracies of the American disbelievers and their assistants from amongst the rulers of Turkey. This disclosure has revealed clearly the falsity and forgery of the deceitful statements made in support of the Syrian revolution and about providing support to Hama and Halab or against the Russian aggression and so on… Then it began to be scattered by the winds and has backfired against its owner! This is not all, but rather it has resumed warm relations with the Jewish entity, the usurper of the blessed Al-Aqsa and its blessed surrounding lands: (Ankara/Al-Quds Reuters – Turkey and Israel signed an agreement on Tuesday to restore relations between them after a cut in ties that lasted six years… Relations were cut between Israel and Turkey after an attack by Israeli naval soldiers upon a ship carrying Turkish activists attempting to break the siege enforced upon the Gaza Strip in May 2010, which led to the killing of ten of them… In accordance to the dictates of the agreement the naval siege will continue upon the Gaza Strip in spite of the Turkish request for it to be lifted with the guarantee of the continuous supply of humanitarian assistance to the Strip via the Israeli ports.
And so Israel (which apologised for attacking the Mavi Marmara ship in 2010) agreed to pay $20 million to the injured and families of the killed. Similarly, the agreement demands that the Turkish parliament ratifies anew legislation pardoning the Israeli soldiers that participated in the attack from being punished.” (Reuters, 28/06/2016). The reconciliation took place upon the basis of the Jews conditions and the end of the siege over Gaza did not take place whilst Turkey agreed to send a cargo of assistance to Gaza as a ploy to throw dust in the eyes of the Palestinians and that was via the Ashdod port which is under the complete supervisions of the Jews, from where it is delivered to Gaza by trucks across the Karam Abu Salim crossing!
And so in this way Erdogan and his regime’s friendship with the entity of the Jews, which is usurping Palestine and Masjid Al-Aqsa, was restored without the lifting of the siege as Turkey had asked for. Indeed, even in regards to the Jews who had killed the passengers upon the ship, the Turkish parliament has been demanded to ratify legislation pardoning them from punishment in exchange for an amount of dollars!!
And in this way, Russia which bombs Syria night and day has come to be in cooperation with Turkey in “The war against terrorism” and discussions are now taking place within “extremely warm (friendly) atmospheres”. Indeed, the Russian foreign minister has requested communications between the Russian and Turkish armies in respect to Syria!!
And finally, we are saying this not because we believe that the agent will repent and turn over a new leaf, or that the agents, subordinates, followers of the West will liberate Palestine or Syria, but rather we are saying it:
(مَعْذِرَةً إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمْ وَلَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَّقُونَ)
“In order to be free from guilt before your Lord and so that perhaps they may become God fearing” [Al-A’araaf: 164].
And we say it to open eyes and as a reminder:
(لِمَن كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ أَوْ أَلْقَى السَّمْعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ)
“For whoever has a heart or who listens while he is present [in mind]” [Qaaf: 37].
As for the liberation of Palestine or Syria then it will be liberated by:
(رِجَالٌ لَّا تُلْهِيهِمْ تِجَارَةٌ وَلَا بَيْعٌ عَن ذِكْرِ اللَّـهِ)
“Men whom neither commerce nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah” [An-Nur: 37].
And it come to pass by Allah’s permission:
(وَلَتَعْلَمُنَّ نَبَأَهُ بَعْدَ حِينٍ)
“And you will surely know [the truth of] its information after a time” [Saad: 88].
9th Shawwal 1437 AH
14/07/2016 CE

(Note: The news and statement quotes have been translated from the Arabic sources in accordance to their meaning and are not exactly the same as may be found in other news sources or translations of quotes made by the news agencies).
النسخة العربية