Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kids and Fasting

Salmaan wants to fast!

A motivational story to make kids understand why we fast...


"But, Mum, I do not want to eat. I am a big boy and I can fast," Salmaan told his mother.

"But you are fasting, Salmaan, 7-year-old children eat in the morning and a little in the afternoon and then they don't eat anything else till evening."

"But you do not fast like that, Mum," the little boy insisted.

"I am older, Salmaan. Grownups fast that way."

The young boy sat deep in thought and then asked, "Mum, why do we fast?"

"That's a good question, Salmaan." She got up and went to the kitchen cupboard. She removed something from it.

"Do you know what this is, Salmaan?"

"It's a blender."

"Do you know what it is supposed to do?"

"It blends fruit for juice." His mother laughed. "Yes, it does blend. Our body does the same thing. It grinds the food we eat; it takes what it needs and removes the rest. It does this everyday, day in day out."

"Doesn't the body get tired, Mum?"

"It does. Just like the blender. When we have blended juice for too long, it refuses to work. Then it needs fixing. So we have to give our body a rest so it can work better for us. That's why we fast in Ramadan and some other days in the year."

"Does everybody fast, Mummy?"

"Not everybody. If you are ill or expecting a baby or if you are old and weak like your grandpa or if you are 7 years old like yourself then you don't fast.

The little boy thought some more. He ate the food his mother had set before him without much fuss. "What if you don't want to fast?"

"What is your sister Laika's favorite colour?" "Pink".

"And what is the colour of her uniform for Madrassa (School)?" "Blue".

But she says she'd like to wear her pink hijab when she goes."

"And why doesn't she?"

"She is afraid Muallim (Teacher) will punish her."

"You see, she was afraid the teacher would punish her. The teacher will punish her because she has broken the rule of the madrassaby wearing pink.

You see, Salmaan, Allah knows what is good for us and so we have to do as He commands, because He sees and knows everything. We love Him and fear Him and we don't want Him to be displeased with us."

"But Salmaan the real reason fast is to please Allah.Only Allah can give us the reward and fasting creates taqwa in our hearts."

"What is taqwa" Salmaan asked?

"Umar bin al-Khattab asked Ibn Ka'ab for the meaning of Taqwa. Ibn Ka'ab asked Umar how he would travel on a road full of thorns. 'Umar said he would carefully walk, gathering his clothes so they would not get stuck on the thorns which could cause him injury. Ibn K'aab said "This is the meaning of taqwa, to protect oneself from sin during our life's dangerous journey so that one can successfully complete the journey untouched by sin."

"So Salmaan if a person is fasting and drinks water secretly when making wudhu will anybody know?"

"Nobody will no know Mum"

"But Allah will surely know as Allah sees everything and knows about all that we do! So when we fast we do it only for Allah and this will create the fear of Allah in our hearts. We will then be able to obey Allah at all times!"

"But don't you get hungry, Mum?"

"Of course we do. But we keep ourselves busy on other important things to take our mind away from the food and also do things which our dear Rasulullah told us to do.We read the Qur'an, or we visit the sick people or we go to the mosque to read of Salaah and make Zikr and also take part in taalim and dawah. You see there's plenty to do and before you know it, it's time to eat!"

"Is there another reason why Muslims fast?"

"Yes. You are fortunate, Salmaan, because you have food everyday. Not everyone has food to eat, like the poor people in the squatter camps?"

" If we go hungry like them, we will be able to understand that they need help."

The little boy Salmaan seemed satisfied with the answers, his mother had given him.

"Mum, can I go with you and Daddy to help the poor?" "By the Grace of Allah, you can."

" Mum, one more request"

"Yes Salmaan?"

"Can I fast tomorrow?" Salmaan asked

Salmaan's Mum smiled and replied " Allah has allowed 7 year old's not to fast until they grow bigger"

"But my sister Laika fasted yesterday " Salmaan pleaded to his Mum.

"Ok Salmaan I will wake you up for Sehri and then you can try. But if you do get very hungry you may eat ok!"

"Ok Mum!"

Happy with reply of his Mother Salmaan read his Salaah and went to bed praying to Allah to let him also fast tomorrow!


We need to explain to our children the essence and importance of Islamic practises so as they grow up they learn to appreciate and understand the wisdom of this beautiful Deen that Allah has gifted us with!

Fill the Bucket this Ramadaan

Fill the Bucket!

By Abdur Rahmaan Umar

"Sheikh, Ramadaan soon," said Omar, his gruff voice making him sound a lot older than his 28 years, "We will really have to exert ourselves this Ramadaan!"

Sheik Hamaad nodded quietly, taking a sip of his favourite Jasmine tea.

"Yup, we really gonna have to try and do a lot this Ramadaan," chorused Ridwaan.

Sheikh looked at them and whispered, "Or not to do."

Omar jerked his head in surprise and looked at Ridwaan, searching for an answer. Ridwaan raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders. The group looked at one another with skewed glances but said little until Omar mustered the courage and broke the silence, "Did Sheikh say not to do?"

Sheikh nodded in silent affirmation, his long beard making little waves on his chest.

They looked at one another for some clue, something just wasn't right.

Zaid, unable to contain himself and ventured softly, his voice barely audible from his usual position against the wall at the back, "But Sheikh always told us that this is the month to capitalize, to take maximum benefit of the time and to really … how you say…stock up."

Sheikh Hamaad's lips curled into a soft smile as he placed his tea on the little ornate wood table beside him, "True, I did say that you have to work hard and earn rewards. But let me give you an example – if you have a bucket, how long will it take to fill up?"

Omar's face lit up, he adjusted his specs, and in his a very professional tone said, "Depends on many factors – what's the rate of flow of the water, how big is the bucket, what is the size of the opening, and …"

"Let say we ignore all that," Sheikh continued, "If the bucket has a huge hole at the bottom will it remain full?"

"Well," began Omar, "depends on the size of the hole, and the rate of…"

"No ways! It will not remain full," Zaid interrupted him, and looked to Sheikh for an explanation of the analogy.

Sheikh surveyed the puzzled look on their faces and decided to end the suspense, "If we do a lot in Ramadaan, but fail to give up sinning then we are like people who are trying to fill a bucket that has holes."

"Holy bucket!" said Zaid, chuckled softly at his joke.

Sheikh smiled and continued, "Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah Radiallahu anhu narrated that the Messenger of Allah Sallalahu Alaihi wasallam said: 'There are many such people who fast but gain nothing from their fast except hunger, and there are many such people who stand up (in Prayer) for whom there is nothing but the (difficulty) of staying awake. (Hadith-ibn Majah)' So….people may make a lot of effort, but gain nothing from it."

"Holes in the bucket," acknowledged Zaid, his head nodding in affirmation, "But why?"

Sheikh paused to sip his tea, "Because they don't give up sinning…perhaps they break their fast with haraam provisions, or they indulged in backbiting during the day. Or they indulged in some other sin that erased the good of the fasting and prayer. "

In another saying of the Messenger of Allah Sallalahu Alaihi wasallam narrated by Hadhrat Abu Ubaydah( Radiallahu Anhu) that "Fasting is a shield until it's not torn" (Hadith-Ibn Majah); which conveys a similar meaning. A shield is only useful if it's able to withstand the onslaught of the enemy. If it's damaged it's no longer a source of protection. Likewise, we have to be extra careful about not committing sins in Ramadaan.

Ridwaan leaned forward and asked, "Must we be more vigilant about sins than doing good deeds?"

"Yes, you need to be more cautious, because if you do good deeds without refraining from sin then it's like filling a bucket with holes. Holy bucket!" said sheikh nodding at Zaid, whose curiosity dragged him away from the back wall.

Sheikh paused to take drain the cup of the last drops of tea, In another Hadith it's mentioned that a person asked The Messenger Sallalahu Alaihi wasallam, just as you have asked, what causes the fast to tear, and he, Sallalahu Alaihi wasallam repliedlies and backbiting.

Fasting is not just about giving up food and drink; it's about staying away from haraam. So the eyes have to fast by not looking at anything impermissible, the ears have to fast by not listening to haraam. So too, the mouth, by avoiding lies, backbiting, swearing and other wrongful words. Even the limbs have to fast by not going to haraam or indulging in it.

"That changes the whole notion of fasting," asked Zaid, now having made his way close to the front, "But that's tough…"

Sheikh immediately began reciting in his melodious voice:

"يُرِيدُ اللَّـهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَ وَلِتُكْمِلُوا الْعِدَّةَ وَلِتُكَبِّرُوا اللَّـهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَاكُمْ"

"From Surah Baqarah (verse 185) – Allah Ta'ala desires ease for you and does not intend for you hardship. And (wants) for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that (to) which He has guided you;"

"Zaid! You love your kebabs?" Sheikh asked.

Zaid nodded bashfully. "Would you eat any one of those lovely, tasty kebabs just before fast breaking time? Say with 30 seconds to spare?"

Zaid shook his head vigorously and replied, "No!" his voice a little too loud for the occasion.

"Why not?"

"Because that would be breaking Allah's command!"

"Even by a mere thirty seconds?" asked Sheikh and Zaid shook his head more energetically.

"So we have so much self-restraint about what we put in our mouths that we won't even transgress by thirty seconds, but we take very little care about what comes out of our mouths," said Sheikh, "Allah Ta'ala has given us the ability to control ourselves, we have to use this ability to avoid all those things which earn His displeasure."

"So what's the best thing we can do this Ramadaan? "asked Omar.

"The best thing to do is to avoid sinning in this blessed month, and…and...do your best to fill the bucket. By the grace of Allah Ta'ala it will be filled which much good that will remain even after Ramadaan. So, simply, do nothing wrong this Ramadaan!"




Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam said: "The fast remains suspended between Heaven and Earth until the fitrah is paid."


Sadaqatul fitr [fitra] is compulsory charity which becomes payable on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.


Fitr means to break fast or to refrain from fasting. Hence the Eid after the fasts of Ramadhân is called Eid-ul-Fitr, as it is the day of rejoicing after the completion of fasting. On this occasion of happiness, as a sign of gratitude one has to give a specific amount in aims, which is called Sad'qatui-Fitr. To purify and obtain complete blessings for the fasts of Ramadhân Mubârak one has to give Sadaqatul-Fitr. Thus it is wâjib to give Sadaqatul-Fitr to purify one's fast. The true object in giving Sadqatul-fitr on this happy, occasion is also to assist the poor and needy, so that, they may rejoice with the more fortunate.


Ibn Abbas (ra) reported that the Prophet (saw) made the Sadkat-ul-Fitr obligatory for the purpose of: purifying our fasting from vain talk and shameful mistakes, to make arrangements for the poor and the needy for food and clothing (for the festival of
(Hadith: Abu Dawud, Ibn Maja)


Sadaqatul Fitr (or fitrah) is wâjib [compulsory] upon all Muslims -male, female and children fitrah should preferably be paid before the Eid Salâh.

It is not permissible to delay the payment of fitrah later than the Day of Eid.


What amount Should be paid

The amount of Sadqatul Fitr is 1.633kg of wheat or 3.266kg of barley or the equivalent in cash. Please consult your local Islamic Scholars[Ulema] in your area for exact amount.It is highly recommended that this amount is paid in advance so that the contributions could be used for the benefit of the poor on Eid day

Object of Despair


Emma is a lawyer
And so is Aisha too
Colleagues going into court
At about half past two

Its 1 O'Clock right now
Aisha prays before the trial
They chat about this and that
Conversing with a smile

Aisha is in full hijab
With a loose all over Abaya (Cloak)
Emma's in her business wear
With accessories and other gear

Emma's really quite bemused
At Aisha's Godly ways
She looks Aisha in the eyes
And very firmly says

You're a smart girl Aisha
Why do you wear that across your hair?
Subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

Take it off my sister
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

Aisha is amazed
But not the least bit shy
She bravely puts her milkshake down
And gives Emma the reply

My dear sister Emma,
Why do you dress the way you do?
The skirt you're wearing round your waist,
Is it really you?

Now that we've sat down
I see you tug it across your thighs,
Do you feel ashamed?
Aware of prying eyes?

I see the way you're sitting,
Both legs joined at the knees,
Who forces you to sit like that?
Do you feel at ease?

I'll tell you who obliges you,
To dress the way you do,
Gucci, Klein, and St. Laurent
All have designs on you!

In the market, its designer labels for real,
Who dictate the whims of fashion,
Generating all the garb,
To incite the basest passion

"Sex Sells" there is no doubt
But who buys with such great haste,
The answer is likes like you,
Because they want to be embraced...

They want to be accepted,
On a level playing field
Sure, with brain and intellect
But with body parts revealed

Intelligence and reason
Are useful by and by
But if you want to make a mark
Stay appealing to the eye

You claim your skirt is office-like
A business dress of sorts
Would we not laugh at Mike?
If he turned up in shorts?

His could be the smartest of pants
Pinstripe from Saville Rowe
But walking round like that my friend
He'd really have to go

Why do you douse yourself in creams
To make your skin so milky?
Why do you rip off all your hair
To keep your body silky?

A simple shower's all you need
To stay respectable and clean
The time and money that you spend
Is really quite obscene

Why do you wake up at dawn,
To apply a firm foundation,
Topped with makeup and the like,
In one chaotic combination?

And if you should have to leave the house
Devoid of this routine
Why do you feel insecure
That you should not be seen?

Be free my sister Emma
Escape from your deep mire
Don hijab today my friend
And all Islam's attire

Avoid all those sickly stares
Or whistles from afar
Walk down the street with dignity
Take pride in who you are

Strength lies in anonymity
Be a shadow in the crowd
Until you speak and interact
When your voice will carry loud

You're a smart girl Emma
Wear this across your hair
Don't be subjugated by "man"-kind
An object of despair

To use your very words my friend
Let your banner be unfurled
Don't blindly follow all around

An Exceptional Prayer...Salaatut Tasbeeh

An Exceptional Prayer…Salaatut Tasbeeh

In life there are occasions and opportunities where a person has a chance to increase in profits and rewards significantly. One such opportunity is the Blessed Month of Ramadaan, wherein rewards are multiplied enormously. This is a time where we can exert ourselves in prayers to gain nearness to Allah Ta'ala.

An exceptional prayer that can be performed in Ramadaan as well as throughout the year is Salaatut Tasbeeh, a special prayer taught to the Muslim Ummah by The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him).

Salatut Tasbeeh is a special Salaah that carries great rewards and blessings.  Hazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) reports that Nabi (S.A.W) said to him: "O Abbas! O my uncle! Should I present to you a gift? Should I bestow something to you? Should I inform you of something greatly beneficial? Should I show you such an act which, if you render it, Allah will forgive all your sins – old and new, those committed in error and those committed deliberately, sins committed publicly or privately? The act is to perform four Rakaats (Salatut Tasbeeh) ... (after the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) taught him the way of performing this Salaah, he said): If possible, perform this Salaah daily; if you are unable, then perform it once a week. If you are unable, then perform it once a month; if you are unable, then perform it once a year and if you are unable to do even this, then perform it at least once in a lifetime." (Hadith-Abu Dawood)



This Salaah (namaz) is offered in four rakat at any convenient time and can be read in any part of the day and night keeping in mind the forbidden times for performing Salaah (i.e. Zawal , Sunrise and Sunset times). It is an excellent practice during the Mubarak(blessed) nights of Ramadhaan or on any other auspicious night.


The Tasbeeh(words of praise)  to be recited in Salatut Tasbeeh:


 "Subhan allahi wal hamdulillahi wa la ilaha illal laahu wallahu akbar"  

 The words "La Hawla wala Quwwata illa billahil Aliyyil Azeem" may also be added at the end of the above Tasbeeh.





·         After Thana - 15 Times

·         After the Surah and before Ruku - 10 Times

·         In Ruku after the Tasbeeh - 10 Times

·         In Qaumah (standing position after Ruku) - 10 Times

·         In (first) Sajda after the Tasbeeh - 10 Times

·         In Jalsa (sitting position between the two Sajdas) - 10 Times

·         In (second) Sajda after the Tasbeeh - 10 Times

·         The second, third and fourth Rakaats will be read in the same manner.



1. In every Rakat, the Tasbeeh will be recited 75 times totalling 300 times in the entire Salah.

2. There are also other methods of praying Salatut Tasbeeh which is correct and acceptable.



1) Do not count loudly.

2) Do not count by holding a Bead Tasbeeh(prayer beads) or a counter in your hand.

3) You may count by pressing the fingers as a reminder. For example if you are in Ruku. You may press small finger of your right hand first for the first count, then the finger next to it for second count, then the middle finger for third count, following this method until you reach the small finger of left hand will give you an exact count of ten. Use the same method in Qiyaam, Sajdah and Jalsa.


May Allah Ta'ala accept our ibadah(worship) and grant us an elevated position in Jannah(paradise).

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Praylist or Playlist? Plan your Du'as this Ramadhan

Plan Your Du`a (Supplication)
By Abu Yusuf
From self improvement, to material things, to bettering relationships in your life, write down everything you want to ask Allah

If I told you that I can give you whatever you wish and allow you to have one week's time to decide what you want, will you plan for it?

I believe you will.

We plan for the things that are important in life, for the things we want most. From job interviews, to choosing spouses,going for Haj, to picking out furniture for the house, we plan for things that are important in our life.

So what about our du`a (supplication)?

Is not du`a a way to receive what we ask for? Allah (Allah Ta'ala) is the one that provides everything in our lives and asking Him is the most important thing we can do, but how often do we actually plan for it? Du`a too often becomes only a spur of the moment thing rather than a comprehensive list of things we wish for the most.

With Ramadan upon us, now is the best time to really put our minds to what we wish to ask the Creator of the heavens and the earth. I would like to share some ways to do so most effectively from my own personal experience.

Others Have Playlists, Muslims Have Praylists

For the past four years, before the beginning of every Ramadan, I have made a special, organized, and comprehensive list of du`a. The list would consist of 8 to 10 things that I desired the most, both in this world and in the Hereafter. Every day of Ramadan, I would pray for them at the times that supplication is most likely to be accepted. I call these my praylists.

As Muslims, we make du`a to Allah everyday. We make du`a right when we wake up, before every meal, every time we raise our hands and recite chapter Al-Fatihah, and so much more. Why then make a special list of du`a? Developing a praylist helps one focus and reflect.

Focusing on a specific list of du`a helps remind oneself of his/her needs and ambitions. By listing and repeating the items on the list, every single day, it not only assures that one does not forget all his wishes but it reinforces the pursuit of each one. For example, if I have always wanted to improve my tajweed (recitation of the Quran), by asking for help from Allah (Allah Ta'ala) to do so everyday encourages me to put my words into practice.

Reflection of du`as allows one to appreciate what Allah has granted him. I can personally attest to this. There have been items on my past praylists that have been answered in ways that I could never imagine. It's incredible. I look back and cannot believe I have received so many of the things I asked so desperately for. Allah (Allah Ta'ala) truly does not leave the hands of a believer empty when raised to Him.

The Time Is Now

Now that Ramadan is upon us again, I am excited to develop another praylist for the blessed month and I would love to encourage you all to do the same.

As an incentive, I remind myself and others, that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Allah is angry with those who do not ask Him for anything" (At Tirmidhi). Why make Him angry?

Here are effective ways to plan your du`a to make the best out of your praylist:

Write It All Down

Take some time to actually write out your praylist. Do so in a format which is most accessible for you to review. You can write them on a small piece of paper to place in your wallet or purse, or if you're like me, you can type them into your phone's notes application.

There shouldn't be any limit on the size of the list, as long as it is manageable. If the list is so long that it becomes a burden to repeat more than once a day, it's then best to shorten it.

If you are weary of writing out your praylist because you wish to keep some or the entire items private, you should still write it out but then only list keywords that remind you of each item.

Ask Anything & Everything That Is Good

When choosing your items, imagine that Allah is asking you to ask Him for anything and everything you've ever wanted! Imagine the possibilities. From self improvement, to material things, to bettering relationships in your life, write down everything you want to ask Allah with no limitations other than keeping each item halal (lawful). Remember, you're asking Al-Mujeeb! The one who responds and is the supreme answerer.

Learn Prophetic and Quranic du`as to include as well.


Organize items in your "praylist" into different categories. I use the categories: this world, hereafter, worship, Muslim community and relationships. Once each item is sorted, you'll notice that some categories may be lacking than others. Adjust and add du`as where necessary. This will ensure that your praylist is all encompassing of your needs.

Make Du`a When They Are Most Likely Answered

These times include right before breaking the fast, during your prayer in prostration, after the obligatory prayers, night prayer, and the last 10 nights. At the least, everyday of Ramadan, I always make sure to make du`a before breaking my fast during iftar.

Remember the Etiquettes of Du`a

There is a right and proper way to make du`a. Remember that we must praise Allah Ta'ala first, ask for peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and then make our du`a.

So go on, take some time to think of what things you want the most. This time next year, you'll be surprised how many items on your list Allah Ta'ala has directly or indirectly granted you insha'Allah (Allah Ta'ala-willing).

I pray we all have a meaningful and successful Ramadan full of blessings. May Allah Ta'ala preserve us all to reap the benefits of such a Holy month and bring us closer to Him. May He give us all strength, knowledge, patience and humility. Ameen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Motivational- Fasting

Sincerity of a young Muslimah

There was a little girl (six years old) who was fasting in Ramadhan, even though it is not obligatory on people below the age of puberty. She was in school, and at lunch time, when all the other children went out to eat and have lunch, she sat in the classroom, because she was fasting. Her (non-muslim) teacher thought that she was too young to fast, and so said that it was not necessary, and she could eat a little. The girl still didn't eat. Then the teacher said: "Your parents are not here, it doesn't matter if you eat a little". The girl replied: "I am not fasting for my parents, I am fasting for Allah". This simple statement had such a profound effect on the teacher, that later she accepted Islam.

Itikaf "The Spiritual Retreat"


"The Spiritual Retreat"

By E ISLAM (www.eislam.co.za)

The meaning of Itikaf is to seclude oneself in the Masjid  with the express niyyah (intention) of Itikaf.

Allah Ta'ala has indeed in His perfect wisdom created humanity in a unique way. He has made it such that from time to time His creation needs a rest. We rest at night to give our bodies time to recover. Birds retire to their nests, horses to their stables, bees to their hives etc. However there comes a time when more intensive rest or a retreat is required.  Sometimes due to a person's physical condition he is admitted into the intensive care unit allowing his body time to recover.

Likewise the soul also needs to recover from the hustle and bustle of the world, the spiritual pollution caused by evil elements of society, the rat race of wanting, desiring and acquiring more of this world and the distractions that has diverted our mind, heart and soul from the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala and His Beloved Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The Intensive Care Unit(ICU) for the soul is the Masjid and Itikaf is the feature within this ICU to allow the soul to not only recover but be spiritually rejuvenated! Itikaf is indeed a Spiritual Retreat!

Inside each and every human being, a constant battle rages.  It is like a battle between two tigers. One tiger is a manifestation of evil.  It is full of hate, lust, and greed.  It's fangs drip with bitterness and strife. The other tiger is an embodiment of good.  It is full of love, compassion, and honesty.  He never betrays his brother.

These two tigers are constantly at war. Which tiger is going to win the battle?

The answer is quite obvious…. Whichever one you feed.

Our soul is being bombarded by forces of good and evil. We need to feed it good so that it overpowers the evil….and Itikaf is indeed an excellent opportunity to achieve this by feeding and nourishing the soul with good deeds.

Since the life of the transient world keeps us busy for the whole year in studies, work, social functions, business, traveling and other such things that often causes us to be negligent of our souls and the next life, we may sometimes think that these things are the sole purpose in life and thus, we end up forgetting our true goal – Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him). Thus, it is for this reason that I'tikaf is referred to as

"The spring of life in a world struck with the drought of negligence of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him)."


I'tikaf indeed rejuvenates the soul and gives a fresh breath to life. In addition, we can once again find ourselves and our Lord Allah Ta'ala and spiritually return back to Him before we are forced to return back to Him when our soul separates from our body (death).


The period of I'tikaf is the best time to force one's self to sit and think and reflect on the self and the world around; the period of the I'tikaf is the best time to forget the worries of the transient world and to return to nurturing the soul and linking oneself with the Creator of the soul; the period of the I'tikaf is the best time to return back to Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) in true repentance for our sins committed through the year and to give our souls the spiritual strength desperately needed to live a spiritual and pure life in this challenging world.

The Messenger of Allah ( Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam) observed, I'tikâf and the Muslims have on the whole adhered to it. It has become a regular feature of the month of Ramadhân and a confirmed practice with the devout and the faithful.

Hazrat Ayesha (Radiallâhu anha) relates that "Rasulullâh. Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam regularly observed I'tikâf during the last ten days of Ramadhân till the end of his life. After him, his wives maintained the tradition." (Hadith-Bukhari)

It is related by Hazrat Abû Huraira (Radiallâhu anhu) that

"Rasulullâh Sallallâhu 'alayhi wasallam observed I'tikâf for ten days every year in the month of Ramadhân. In the year he passed away he observed it for twenty days." (Hadith-Bukhari)

The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him s family) is reported to have said: 

"The persons who secludes himself (in the Masjid in I'tikaf) in true faith and hope (for the reward of Allah), all of his previous sins shall be forgiven." (Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 24007) 


WAAJIB (Compulsory) Itikaf.

This Itikaf becomes compulsory when a person makes it obligatory upon himself. An example of this is, when a person makes a vow to Allah that if Allah fulfills a certain wish of his, he will undertake to perform so many days Itikaf. In this case the moment his wish is fulfilled, Itikaf becomes compulsory. A person may just make unconditional vow whereby he makes Itikaf Waajib upon himself for certain number of days. This becomes a Waajib duty on from that moment onward.

SUNNAH Itikaf.

This was the general practice of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and it means to seclude oneself inside the Masjid for the last ten days of Ramadhan.

NAFIL Itikaf.

There is no special time or specific number of days for Nafil Itikaf. A person may make niyyah for any number of days at any time, even for his whole life

Before engaging into Itikaf it is highly recommended to learn the rules relating to this important act of ibadah (worship). Please to do consult your local Ulama (Islamic Scholars) for more guidance.

For a detailed article on Itikaf and its rules please visit :



Forgiveness in Islam is so Special

Its Something Extra Special!!!

"So fear Allah and adjust all matters of difference among you.'' (Quran-8:1)

The Messenger of Allah Muhammad [Peace be upon him] is reported to have said:

" If one gives charity it does not diminish his wealth; if one forgives others, Allah bestows more honour on him; and if one humbles himself for Allah's sake, Allah exalts him higher." (Hadith-Muslim)

Some Handy Tips!!!

  • Make dua[pray]- For only Allah can reconcile hearts and differences
  • Forgive- He who forgives is forgiven and Allah will elevate his status!
  • Act- SMS[text],call, email etc or even better personally approach the person/s and ask them forgiveness.
  • Remove Hatred-Don't hold any hatred in your heart-hatred is the cancer of the heart and soul- It Destroys the Hater and Not the hated!
  • It's a process-Remember, forgiveness is a process that takes time and patience to complete. You must be ready. Realize that forgiveness is for you - not for anyone else
  • Not Condoning- Realize that forgiving does not mean you are condoning the actions of the offender or what they did to you. It does mean that you will blame less and find a way to think differently about what happened to you.
  • Refocus-Refocus on the positives in your life. A life well lived is the best revenge. People who find a way to see love, beauty and kindness around them are better able to forgive and get past their grievances.
  • There is no such thing as an unforgivable act. So don't let your fear of what you did, or rage about what was done to you, dissuade you from either seeking or granting forgiveness.
  • Stay balanced. The number of apologies you seek should be proportional to the number you are willing to offer, because the doing of each nurtures the capacity for the other.
  • Know that you are never alone. Allah is always with you!
  • Allow love to triumph over logic. There will always be a good reason to keep doing what you are doing or to withhold your forgiveness from someone else. But real issue is whether or not you love them enough to go beyond that logic.
  • Keep it simple. Apologize for, or forgive, one thing at a time. There is always more to the story, but this is not the moment to explore it.
  • Remember that forgiveness is not always the end of the process, but the beginning of a new level of relationship which may continue to be shaped into something very special
  • Celebrate the moment of forgiveness by thanking Allah for giving you the opportunity to remove this burden off your shoulders. Give Sadaqah[charity] as it pleases Allah and removes Allah's anger.