Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The New Year?...Resolutions

Anytime Resolutions...

5 Easy Tips to Make Our Lives Spiritually Enriching!


The Islamic New of 1435 has recently ushered in and people generally begin to think about their life and some even make resolutions about how they will approach this New Islamic Year and their work, health and relationships. As humans and believers we also have ambitions. Instead of making resolutions only about material progression, the resolutions of a believer would and should be about one's progression on the path of enlightenment and nearness to his or her Creator Allah Ta'ala. In reality we don't need a New Year or special occasion to make a resolution for doing or achieving good. It can be done instantaneously!

Generally people intend doing things to become better off than the year before. Common resolutions include cutting down on chocolate/weight, quit smoking, getting in shape, etc. A lot involves benefits to the health and/or improving their lifestyle. Others include giving more to charity, being closer to family which boosts a personal level of satisfaction etc. But this we as Muslims should be doing regardless.

What about us? Have we set a goal or targets for ourselves? If so, was it because it was a New Year? Did you have to wait for the New Year to set it? Is there something about you that you wish to improve? No human is perfect. But Allah Ta'ala gave us human's intelligence to learn and the means for people to better themselves. And we should aim for perfection. The whole essence of Tarbiya is based on improving ourselves, i.e. self development.

While people set goals or targets for the benefit of this world, we as Muslims should ideally be setting goals for not only our material well-being but more importantly for the aakhirah (Life in Hereafter), to maximise reward so we attain Jannah(Paradise) and to avoid the punishment of the Jahannam (hellfire). That is not to say that we should not set goals for this material life , by all means go ahead. But if you intend to do a good deed for the dunya(worldly life) only, your reward will be in the dunya. When you intend to do a good deed for the aakhirah, your rewards will be in both the dunya and the akhira. For example, when you intend to eat so you can have the strength and energy to work so you can maintain and care for your family as it is a Command of Allah Ta'ala to do so, you will be rewarded  and receive benefits both in this world and the next. But if you just eat so satisfy your hunger then your reward is just the benefits of eating.

Allah Ta'ala mentions in the Holy Quran; "…And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me.." (Quran 51:56).

Therefore, our intentions and targets should ultimately be aimed at pleasing Allah Ta'ala. We set ourselves certain targets that will help us maximise reward, or to even minimise sinning. For many of us we can start with some simple yet effective, ways which we can improve our character such as to stop backbiting, be more trusting, watching our tongue, not lazing about, etc.

Let us look at it another way. Do we ever stop at the end of the day to look back thinking, what have I actually achieved today? It may be a good idea, before the start of each day, to ask yourself, what can I do tomorrow to improve myself? It can even be something small such as learning an ayah of the Quran or giving a loaf of bread in Sadaqah (Charity) or just to smile at somebody.

Whatever you wish to improve on, no matter how ambitious or small it is, whether it is for the dunya or the akhirah, one can apply the SMART method. What they stand for is: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. The crucial element here is time, which means you need to set yourself deadlines. Instead of saying, I'm going to memorise the Quran, Insha Allah (If Allah Ta'ala wills), rather say by the end of this month, Insha Allah I hope to have memorised juz(chapter) Amma. Its more direct and you will have set yourself up with expectations. Another way to help is to let others know what you intended to do. This way you will have someone else to give you that extra push. If you and a friend decide to work towards the same target then it makes it much easier, you both can push each other. The Noble Messenger of Allah is reported to have said; "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." (Hadith:Bukhari and Muslim).

There is also the topic of setting a long term goal, but that in itself is another topic, though the principles are similar.

Often the lack of motivation is what causes people to stop pursuing their targets. However, if you set your targets with the intention of pleasing Allah Ta'ala and make effort, He will make things easier for you. In Hadith Qudsi Allah says, "if he comes to Me walking, I go running unto him" (Bukhari, Muslim).

Allah Ta'ala also mentions that; "…those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them in Our Paths. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good." (Quran, 29:69).

Knowing that Allah will reward you both in this world and the hereafter should re-stimulate that motivation that you need to accomplish things. Sometimes it is that extra motivation that you need. So if ever, when working towards something you feel a bit bothered about then just ask yourself again why you are doing this. If it is for Allah Ta'alas cause then He shall make things easier for you. But you need that bit of effort. Have a bit of patience for you will be rewarded for that too.

There is indeed no limit to the good a person can intend and indeed according to ones niyyah (intention) one will be rewarded . According to Hadith if a person intends to do a good deed but cannot do it, Allah writes for him a reward of one good deed. If he both intends to do and performs that good deed, Allah writes for him a reward of ten good deeds and increases it up to seven hundred and more. (Hadith Bukhari). Also if a person intends to do a good deed, but is then unable to complete it due to an obstacle in his way, there will still be a reward just for his good intention.

Intention is such a magical cure that it turns habits, activities, deeds to worship. And also it is a soul which turns dead circumstances and moods to live worships.

Setting goals or targets is an excellent practise. There are good resolutions a person can make and does not need to wait for a New Year. Here are a few tips to get started…

5 Easy Tips To Get You Started…

REACH FOR THE STARS! AIM HIGH: So indeed there is no harm in achieving good in both materially and spiritually.The most important is to note that all resolutions, hopes, ambitions and dreams etc are entirely dependent on Allah Ta'ala, The Most Wise, for their fulfilment. So making Dua (asking Allah Ta'ala) is the most essential ingredient for achievement. When making dua "reach for the stars" i.e. ask Allah Ta'ala for the most in fact ask for everything good. Don't leave out anything. Allah, The Most Wise, says: "Invoke Me, (and ask Allah for anything) I will respond to your (invocation/dua)………….." (Quran: 40: 60)

ELIMINATE SINS: Just like a Shop keeper refuses to grant more credit to a bad debtor or nonpayer, likewise how can we expect Allah Ta'ala to grant us good if we continuously sin and transgress. To get the Help of Allah Ta'ala we need to remove sin from our lives. We are not perfect and as humans we often err. But the least we can do to show our sincerity to Allah Ta'ala is to intend to abandon ALL forms of sins from our lives. Allah is Ar-Rahman, the Most Compassionate, and Ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful. Allah Ta'ala tells man of the greatness of His forgiveness and mercy so that no one would despair due to the amount of sins he may have committed. This is supported by the following verse of the Holy Quran: Say: "O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful." (Qur'an:Surah az-Zumar 39:53)

MAKE ISLAM THE BIGGER CIRCLE: Until now we may have made our material (worldly) desires the Bigger Circle and Deen(Islam) the inner Smaller Circle that occupies a very small insignificant place in the Bigger Circle. Now resolve to make Deen(Islam) the Bigger Circle and make everything else fit into the Bigger Circle. If it does not conform to Deen, no matter what it may be, leave it out of the Bigger Circle! The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him is reported to have said: "None of you can be a true Muslim, unless his desires are subject to the religion that I have brought." (Hadith). Yes set high goals both for our Spiritual and Material progress. The Holy Qur'an says: "Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the life to come and keep us safe from the torment of the Fire" (Quran:Al-Baqarah:201).

SET SPECIFIC GOALS: It would be good if specific intentions are made. Also categorise goals. For example ; lets take salaah (prayer): Resolve that henceforth all five prayers will be read punctually and better still for men(if possible) that prayers would be in the Masjid. Qur'an: Aim to memorize more verses of the Book of Allah; Make our children Hafiz of the Quran; Zikr: Increase the amount of Zikr done daily and aim to improve concentration. Sadaqah (Charity): Spend more on the poor and for all other noble causes whether it be victims of natural disasters or contributing to the local Masjid etc. Increase the amount of time one spends volunteering, Spending Time in the Path of Allah, memorize duas for different occasions or Prophetic traditions(Hadith), making quality time to spend with family, making wise career choices for yourself/children, assisting one's mother and/or father, speaking well with one's siblings, furthering Islamic knowledge, serving those less fortunate and oppressed and thanking Allah Ta'ala in whatever way for the all blessing and bounties for which He has bestowed upon us.etc etc

BE EXTENSIVE AND SYSTEMATIC: Yes let the list be extensive, realistic and systematic. Dedicate time with family to make these resolutions. Make your family part of it and set goals together. In addition, it helps to write down intentions and to regularly review those intentions in order to fulfil those commitments.

Finally the most important resolution is that My Creator Allah Ta'ala must be pleased with me. So whatever I desire, do, say, want, etc must be only to please my Lord!

May Allah Ta'ala make this Islamic Year 1435 Hijrah the most spiritually rewarding year for the Ummah and may He grant ease and relief to those that are suffering and oppressed throughout the world.…Ameen


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fwd: Is there a PlayStation in Jannah?

Is there a PlayStation in Jannah?

For E Islam by Umm Ismail


Some years back my 11 year old son asked me if I thought there would be a PlayStation in Jannah(Paradise), because really, if there wasn't going to be one, then he didn't know if he still wanted to go there. While I was gratified to be thought so knowledgeable, I was also aware that my reputation as Oracle-In-Chief was now at stake.

So naturally I thought very carefully about how to respond.

His query reminded me of another, a few decades earlier. I attended Madressah(Islamic School) with an older aunt who graciously conceded to teaching me privately in the afternoons after school. When I started high school, she told me I would have to start wearing the hijab soon. Now this was the 80's – South Africa was in the grip of the last, bloody, grasp of institutional apartheid, the Rainbow nation hadn't yet been born, and a head-scarfed girl at my school wasn't an option.

So being 12 and opinionated, I asked her why, and whether I would have to wear it at school as well. I knew of other girls who wore it, then instantly discarded it at the school gate for the duration of the school day, only to put it on again when they went home. She replied that it would indeed be all right since hijab was for one's protection, and at school girls were protected (from what, I wondered!).

If wearing hijab was compulsory, my teen brain reasoned, then surely there had to be a proper reason. I also questioned why would it be ok to wear the hijab on one side of the school gate and unnecessary on the other side? Silently, I promptly decided never to wear hijab - until aeons later, at 17, when it made perfect sense!

When our children question us about Islamic principles, ethics or concepts, we often find it difficult to address their concerns head-on. We either react with self-righteous indignation, or sometimes we're just amiably dismissive, while pointedly informing them about what's allowed and what's not.

Our children however, are not pint-sized, programmable versions of adults, who after a few basic instructions – pray 5 times daily, learn all your Surahs(Quranic Verses), and don't forget the eating dua (prayer) – will then happily be on their way. Utterly complete human beings, endowed with a healthy curiosity and a growing intellect, they need to be engaged, debated with and have their sometimes misguided views, challenged. Their insecurities, preposterous or profound have to be entertained too.

The Quran constantly encourages us to ponder and use our 'aql (intellect):  "And We have certainly left of it a sign as clear evidence for a people who use reason." (Quran:29:35) and again "And it is He who gives life and causes death, and His is the alternation of the night and the day. Then will you not reason?" (Quran23:80). Despite this, we consistently choose not to heed to seek reasoning, nor do we expect our children to. Indeed we expect them, ironically, to do as their forefathers did and inherit the faith we sometimes wear with weary familiarity. Why?

Perhaps it is because we assume that wanting to understand the essence of a Divine instruction is to question its validity. Perhaps, more often than not, we ourselves don't understand its logic and wisdom. But does this have to be so?

As Hazrat Ali (RA) taught us, and echoed by educationist Ken Robinson, we raise our children for a time other than our own, in fact for a future as yet, quite undetermined. In order for them to grow into the Caretakers that Allah SWT intended, their faith must grow organically; because faith, unlike Granny's antique cups, cannot be passed down to future generations.

Their first steps into the world of meaning and values must be infused with the continued appreciation of the Divine Presence. This primal awareness as created beings starts with the athaan (call to prayer) in the new-born's ear, settles in the heart as a fledgling seed, to be delicately nurtured with love and patient understanding (and a healthy dose of humour). Not for nothing did the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) spend the first 13 years in Mecca nurturing this seed – its blossoming is what enabled that collective cathartic moment years later when the Muslims were ordered to wash the stain of alcohol out of their lives …. In the words of my teen, how awesome was that? 

If we want our children to be of those who "strive hard with their property and their persons" (9:88), who "invite to good and enjoin what is right and forbid the wrong" (3:104), and whom Allah SWT "will love and who will love Him" (5:54), we will need to encourage them to find the answers to their questions from within the Quraan. Let us from the beginning encourage our children to reflect on and be amazed by the universe outside of (and within) us and then weave into that the Qur'anic ethos. This will enable them to view and practice Islam with understanding and love rather than Islam being viewed  as sets of  mechanical actions or regurgitation of the verses of the Quraan without passion and affection.

There is NO excuse today not to make the effort to educate ourselves. Books, the internet, YouTube, community classes, all abound. Indeed, it's our emphatic duty as parents to be exemplary in the desire for authenticity, to "ponder and reflect" together with our children, and to seek out well-researched, thoughtful answers to their queries like why exactly are we here, If Allah SWT is so merciful, why do people suffer, what happens to good atheists, and ….  is there a PlayStation in Jannah?  

So back to my son. I explained that not having made that trip, I obviously couldn't give him any specifics, but what I could say for sure was that Jannah is where we will be unimaginably happy and content. I asked him to recall his most satisfying memory, and to multiply that by a gazillion (words like gazillion always make an impact) – and if that included a PlayStation, then a version of a PlayStation would be awaiting him. He nodded sagely and never mentioned it again, satisfied that his mother clearly was the go-to person when weighty matters preoccupied the mind.

He's 15 now, and the other day he sheepishly recalled that incident and exclaimed, "Mum, can you believe I actually thought Jannah was going to be full of PlayStations and games", and giggling mischievously, he added, "now I know it's going to be full of beautiful girls!" - and disappeared before I could feign shock-horror. Sigh … I suspect the "lower your gaze" talk is already overdue ….

The Year End Party

The Year End Party…

By Abu Muhammad Yusuf

Sharifa gazed at herself in mirror as she applied the final touches of make-up. A highly qualified Chartered Accountant, she remarkably climbed the corporate ladder in just a few years. She surely wanted her presence felt at her Company's Year-End Function. After all the CEO was flying in from the USA and she was to be seated right next to the local MD Mr William Cook.

The night had arrived and she wanted to be sure to shed her old title of being too "conservative and anti-social" as it tendered to hinder her career. That was precisely the reason she stopped donning her hijab(scarf) a few months ago. She felt that it impeded her progress. Tonight she was going to let her hair down!

She arrived in her latest BMW coupe scantly dressed turning heads,eyes and noses as she made her way to the function hall. Her perfume could be smelt a mile away. It was a night of glitz and glamour with many prominent socialites present.

Seated next to the MD Mr William Cook she listened attentively to some of the pre-party speeches, and the comedians were really hilarious. As William went to the podium to deliver his speech she gave him a supportive hug. Then there were moments of light entertainment before the actual bash kicked-off. William had been consuming alcohol and offered Sharifa a drink. She smiled and politely declined. Being brought up in a religious and conservative Muslim home she knew alcohol was a no no!

Sharifa was climbing the corporate ladder really fast and wanted to reach the top, irrespective of the cost. She was passionate about her career. It came well before her husband, baby and religion. Her baby was in a day care centre. Being at the top was her clear ambition. It was William's approval and signature that she urgently needed to move to the next tier.

A party atmosphere erupted in the room and the music blared out causing even the spoons to vibrate. William was soon completely inebriated and started loosing himself. William offered Sharifa a drink of wine. She thought for a moment and said to herself "its just a one glass and it will definitely not make me drunk and to refuse will be indeed so anti-social." She took the tall wine glass smiled and slowly sipped as the party fever raged.

It was now close to midnight. She faintly heard her mobile ring. Over 7 missed calls from her husband. She honestly thought she will call back when things are a bit more quiet and relaxed. Her husband, as was now a custom, stayed at home to look after their cute little baby Fatima. He never really approved of attending parties, not that Sharifa cared.

William insisted that she have a little more. She responded "ok just a little more", can't do much harm she thought. Being a teetotaller, in a short while the wine completely intoxicated her…she now lost control of herself and behaved like a party animal responding to William's passionate and intimate moves…

Soon they were on their way to William's car where he promised her the most memorable romantic moonlight drive. He stopped the car at a nearby park where he made very intimate passes and touched her at places she knew was so incorrect. She was now a bit more sober and began to realise her folly. As he tried to kiss her passionately she pushed him away. He was deeply angered and drunk and in a fit of fury, started the car, driving recklessly like a maniac. He now appeared to be the devil incarnate. Swearing and cursing her. He failed to stop at the traffic lights..she begged him, implored him to slow down but he became more rebellious and aggressive. Reeking of alcohol he now drove even faster. He had no control over the car and himself. She began to cry…

He swerved into the opposite lane and there was a huge bang… there were definitely two cars involved…it seemed the world had come to an end…she heard voices.

It was now well passed midnight. Good Samaritans ushered around them trying to pull them from the wreck. She heard one saying, " Oh no in the other car the driver is crushed to death!"

Than came the sound of sirens. Breathing became difficult. The fire fighters and paramedics huddled around her and frantically applied device after device. 'She's not not gonna make it,' she heard one of them saying. Her heart started pounding. She was soaked in sweat and blood. William lay motionless beside her, his head crushed.

Her voice uttered some feint words of regret as she was mounted onto a stretcher waiting to be loaded into the ambulance. She so regretted but there was no way the damage could be undone.

For a moment her eye caught a final glimpse of the other car in the crash. It was her hubby's car crushed…and beside it laid his dead body. She heard an emergency service worker screaming, "we still need to remove the baby from the wreck". She was quite sure, due to his caring nature he was so worried as she did not answer her mobile and came to see if she was indeed ok.

She shrieked and wailed, "Oh Allah what have I done?"…her mouth smelling of wine and her body stained in blood she gasped and breathed her last…

The lessons to be learned are so many but most important of all is, to live in this world as if you are going to die today!

It's better to be tagged "anti-social" and "nerd" than allow our colleagues, ambitions and careers to sway us into such deeds that will destroy and harm us and our families both in this temporary world and the everlasting life of the hereafter.

The Fear of Allah and good conduct leads to Endless Hope…                                                   

Sin and vice leads to a Hopeless End!

Slow down!

Slow down !

By:Abdur Rahman Umar

"Can you believe this!" lamented Yusuf as he looked sadly at his leg covered from foot to knee in a thick white plaster cast leaving his plaster stained toes exposed.

"This is so frustrating!" he continued, addressing his exposed toes who had now become his captive audience, "Just when everything was going perfectly. Now this! Like I needed it in my life?"

Ridwaan stood idly by, adding little to the lament being addressed to the toes. He fidgeted wearily with his cell phone paying little attention to the monologue until Yusuf turned to him and asked:

"Did you hear what I said? I really didn't need this in my life. Not at any time, and definitely, definitely not now. I mean..."

"What's so special about now?" enquired Ridwaan not bothering to look up from his cell phone.

Yusuf ignored his question, shifted painfully in his chair and struggled to get his leg into a comfortable position. He stared at some of the graffiti on his plaster cast "Mojo was here!" "Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector" "On the other hand, you have different fingers" and some other writings that became a bit smudgy with the first attempt at taking a shower.

"I mean how does someone rupture an Achilles tendon playing tennis? It must be a one in a million thing, and I am the one! So now I sit – six weeks with this thing on my leg. Six weeks! and at a time when the business is going so well. Just when we got the Department of Education tender for printing. There's so much to do .... preparation, layout, design. Yo! It was going crazy at work."

Ridwaan stopped fidgeting with his cell phone long enough to exclaim, "So what's the hassle. You get a nice break and fully paid on top of it!"

"You don't understand, do you!" said Yusuf, glaring at him. An uncomfortable frown crossed his forehead, "You don't know what it means. I really didn't even have enough time to eat let alone take a six week break. We were working 12 hours a day to get that tender out. So what happens now?"

"I know exactly what it means," replied Ridwaan, "It means you were moving too fast so Allah put down a speed breaker"

"What!" he exclaimed, "What you mean...speed breaker?"

"You see, sometimes when we rush through life and we forget the important things then Allah puts down a speed bump so we can slow down and reflect. Maybe a little sickness or a small problem. Just to ponder on what we're doing and what we should be doing. And that's it! You were chasing like a madman so you got hit with a speed bump."

He paused allowing his words to sink in then continued, "You know most of us get so caught up in life then we forget about Allah, our salaah becomes just a ritual and the family ...well, they even forget who we are. I bet your kids call you Uncle by now?"

"Hey, it's not that bad," said Yusuf struggling to find a comfortable position for his plastered leg, "But I hear what you saying. Things were getting a bit out of hand. I missed my daughter's pre-school jalsa, my son's graduation and dropped a couple of salaahs on the way and jip, Allah knows what else I gave up for this tender...."

Yusuf fell silent pondering on his situation, a thin smile broke on his lips and his face lit up with this new found understanding, "So this wasn't all bad then. Actually...."

"It was for you own good," Ridwaan completed the sentence for him, "Too often we forget the real things in life...our Allah, our Deen, our families and those so called little things we tend to forget."

"Yup," chorused Yusuf, "I remember a clever guy telling me once, pay attention to the little things in life, for one day you may find out they were actually the big things. Really can't believe Allah's mercy and kindness upon us. It is, as they say, more than that of a mother. He cares for us and even what I thought was a horrible misfortune was actually an act of kindness from Him."

Allah, The Most Wise, says:"…and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." ( Qur'an-Surah Baqarah: 216)

A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.

 Let us slow down and ponder of the journey of life and make more calculated decisions that will not only benefit us in the transitory life of this world but more so in the eternal life of the Hereafter.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Central Aleppo Prison Massacre shows that the Criminal Syrian Regime must be removed

Oh Muslims: The Sidnaya Prison Massacre was one of the causes of Revolution in al-Sham, and now the Central Aleppo Prison Massacre must be a Direct Cause for the Eradication of the Criminal Regime that Promises all of the People of Syria the Same Dark Fate!
The protocols of the encounters in London, Paris, New York, Moscow and Istanbul for the sake of what is called a political solution were still beginning, when the regime intensified its attack on the people of Syria and doubled the blood baths on every area of this pure land, the land of the Prophets, Companions and noble Followers. After the massacre of Safira and the blockade of the Damascus suburbs, Homs and Hama, Bashar and his cursed clan premeditated to carry out a horrific massacre in the Central Aleppo Prison. He instructed his demons there to shoot the innocent prisoners, who out of fear barricaded themselves in their cells with everything they could find, and they shot these heroes with RPG's. They shelled innocent people, who held no weapons, not even a knife, with this anti-tank weapon. Two heros were martyred, among them the martyrs, Allah willing, Abu Ja'far Umar Uthman, and another was hit with three bullets in his legs that hemorrhaged alongside the other injured who have no hope of surviving unless their brothers became their victors and charged to the Central Aleppo Prison, and end the tyranny of Bashar's villains, the soldiers of this century's Pharoah and his Namrood.
The news that reached us, confirmed attached with photographs, proves this truth that shames the face of humanity, and shows the extent of the hatred of what is called the international community for the Muslims in Syria; because they refused to be subservient to America and declared their revolution for Allah, and stood strong in the face of America's agent Bashar and America's other agents in the region who the revolution of al-Sham exposed, starting with Iran and it's party in Lebanon to Maliki in Iraq to Turkey's Erdogan to America's slaves among the rest of the Arabs and Muslims, may Allah not bless them or be good to them, and may Allah curse the oppressors.
Oh Revolutionaries, Protectors of the Revolution of al-Sham and Allah's Deen:
Here you have leaned on those who have wronged and expected good from them, for some of you have met with the Minister of Qatar, and some of you have met with ambassadors and delegates of the West, and some of you are eager to meet with the Ambassador of the State of death and destruction, Robert Ford, who is coming to Turkey to 'placate' you. So what have you gained? And what has the Revolution of al-Sham reaped from your reliance on them? Have you read the saying of your Lord:
وَلَا تَرْكَنُوا إِلَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا فَتَمَسَّكُمُ النَّارُ وَمَا لَكُمْ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ مِنْ أَوْلِيَاءَ ثُمَّ لَا تُنْصَرُون
"Do not rely on those who do wrong thus causing the Fire to afflict you, for you have no protector besides Allah; then you will not be helped."
(Hud: 113)
But we here among you salute those who refused this world for their Deen, and rejected the Coalition and its people and refused to bow down to Geneva 1 and 2, and insisted on the Islamic nature of the revolution and the demand for the Islamic Khilafah for the future Syria. They have from us and all the Muslims who are sincere to Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم all respect and esteem, and we pray for them to be steadfast and that Allah's satisfaction be on them in this life and the Hereafter, and that they drink from the basin of al-Mustafa a blessed and joyful drink after which they will never become thirsty; they and those who save the sons of the Muslims from the prison of Aleppo and set them free from the clutch of the enemies of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and the enemies of the Deen.
Hisham Al-Baba
Head of the Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir
Wilayah of Syria
Thursday, 4th Muharram 1435 AH
07/11/2013 CE
No: I-SY-154-22-026

Syrian National Coalition bows down to the US Ambassador

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Finally, the Coalition announced its Bow to Ford all the way down to their Feet
Whereas their Bow before only slightly Exceeded the Limits of their Knees!
Al-Jarba's coalition began its meetings in Istanbul on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, 9, 10, 11/11/2013 CE under the administration of U.S. Ambassador Ford. Al-Jarba was dictated the decision to attend the Geneva II Conference in stride with Geneva I, and Ford was the commandant in taking the decision. Al-Jarba and his aides thus swallowed what they had declared beforehand from Bashar's withdrawal before going to Geneva or at least to have his retirement guaranteed. So both conditions were flown away with the wind and were replaced by empty words that do not satiate nor appease one's hunger: That Bashar will not have a role, without mentioning when that will be! It was due to the strength of American influence in the meeting, and the weight of pressure, and the extent to which Al-Jarba gave in to that force and the weight of this pressure, that he could not bear the objection of the Military Representative in the coalition, so he slapped him in the way of Bashar's Shabeeha and all the tyrants, and this before Al-Jarba could see a decision or even some sort of decision! Moreover, some of the members of the coalition requested a consultation of the forces inside Syria before taking a decision, but Ford rejected it and obliged them to take the decision of participation. They then could consult the inside afterwards, after a decision had been taken, so that the inside may lose any influence in the decision-making. This because America learned that many of the forces inside are free and dignified, and distance themselves from subordination and subservience to America and its agents.
Thus, in the sacred month, in the eighth night of it, on the 12th of November, the decision was taken to participate in Geneva II. They then covered up the evil of this decision by saying that it was conditional, knowing better than anybody else that these conditions do not hold any value as long as there will be a meeting between the delegation of Bashar and the delegation of Al-Jarba! To be able to say that they took a decision before Geneva II, they announced an interim government directed by Ahmad Tomeh yesterday evening on Monday, 11/11/2013 CE, La Hawla wa la Quwatah! Such government is rejected internally, and will not be able to settle in the land of ash-Sham. Hence it is a government that plays for time, until America imposes a solution on them in Geneva II!
America hastened to support the resolution which was adopted, hence Kerry declared: "Yesterday the Syrian opposition conducted a vote to go to Geneva. It is a big step". However a spokesman for the U.S. State Department in commenting this move with praise said: "the Coalition's rejection did not comment on any role for Bashar". The significance of this speaker's statement is clear! Also the rest of the world rushed to support the decision...
Oh people in Syria, Oh those who are steadfast in the face of Bashar and his regime, and Al-Jarba's coalition and his group:
Those languishing in the hotels, affluent in the paradise of America, Europe, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others. They are the enemy so beware of them, they are not up to what you seek from goodness, rather on the very contrary. Your steadfastness in the face of the tyrant and your acclaimed sacrifices are for the sake of the truth and to establish the rule of Islam in ash-Sham, the abode of Islam. And to remove U.S. influence and make it a memory of the past. They want a rule on the pattern of the current rule, and a successor agent for the current agent. They do not care for the pure blood that was spilled, and the sacrifices that have been made, and the dignity that has been violated, and the destruction that has stricken humans, trees and stones. They do not care about any of this, they are basking in luxury there, living as slaves to their masters, servile and degraded, dead rather than alive, even if they breathed, ate and drank:
لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لَا يَفْقَهُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ أَعْيُنٌ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ بِهَا وَلَهُمْ آذَانٌ لَا يَسْمَعُونَ بِهَا أُولَئِكَ كَالْأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْغَافِلُونَ
"They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless."
(Al-A'raf: 179)
Whereas, we knew that the coalition suffers from a lack of insight, and that it is only left with little light in its blurred eyes, but now they have lost all sight and insight! How can they not be ashamed of what they did, if not before Allah, then at least before the servants of Allah?! Is it possible for them to have a share of the decision or an opinion at the Geneva Conference between the jaws of America and its agents at the conference, when they have already bowed their back until it was broken in front of Ford in Istanbul, far away from Geneva?
Every possessor of vision and insight realizes that the Coalition's travel to Geneva is to find a safe way out for Bashar, accompanied by a safe entrance for an alternative American agent to their agent Bashar. As they realize that Al-Jarba's coalition with all its components does not have any support on the inside, it is not far-fetched that they will protect the new government through an international intervention with the decision of the Security Council to prepare an appropriate "exit" for him! This is the purpose of the Geneva Conference, and this is its object. This is the betrayal of everyone who sets foot to the Geneva Conference.
Oh people in Syria, Oh you the patient, the enduring, and the supporters in the face of the tyrants:
Those traitors will not be able to implement anything even if they had decided to, as long as you stay firm on the truth. They are too cowardly to meet you on the land of ash-Sham, the land of the Mujahideen. Do not allow them to gain ground in the land of ash-Sham, otherwise your sacrifices were in vain, and your blood was lost in vain, and it will complain you to its owners. We call upon the people of ash-Sham, the most heroic amongst men, to not soften their path nor weaken their determination in front of those who betrayed Allah and His Messenger and the believers:
إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُدَافِعُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ خَوَّانٍ كَفُورٍ
"Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone treacherous and ungrateful."
(Al-Hajj: 38)
The victory is only an hour away. America and their Bashar and their coalition have reached their last agony, searching for a solution that will save them from your steadfastness and heroism. Stand firm on the truth that is on your side, and make it your crucial case to establish the rule of Allah, the rightly guided Khilafah. Work sincerely with Allah and His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم, and devote yourselves to the pursuit and endeavor of giving victory to Allah, honoring His Deen. Then Allah, the Powerful, the Mighty, will give victory to you:
وَلَيَنْصُرَنَّ اللَّهُ مَنْ يَنْصُرُهُ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَقَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ
"And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might."
(Al-Hajj: 40)
Hizb ut Tahrir
9th Muharram 1435 AH
12/11/2013 CE 

Q&A: Is it the right of the Khaleefah to ask for the bay’ah of ta’at (obedience) from Muslims in the West?

The following is the translation from an Arabic Q&A issued during the time of Sheikh Abdul Qadeem Zalloom (rh).

Question: Is it the right of the Khaleefah to ask for the bay’ah of ta’at (obedience) from those Muslims who live in the West?

And if so, on what areas can the Khaleefah command them on and in what areas can he not instruct them?

If they reside outside the State, in the West, is it Fard to obey the adoption of the Khaleefah on matters that relate to their reality. E.g. they cannot implement the penal code but they can implement in the adopted opinion on jilbaab etc.?

And is the order of obedience on particular matters restricted to causing hardship for them. So, if it caused hardship then Khaleefah should not order?

Answer: The sultaan (authority) of the Khaleefah is only in Daar ul- Islam, so the Muslims in the Islamic State are obliged to obey the Khaleefah in all the ahkaam shar’iyyah he adopts. He has to obtain a bai’ah of in’iqaad and a bai’ah of Taa’ah from the Muslims in the state.

As for those Muslims who live outside the State, the followings rules apply to them:
  1. They have to emigrate to daar ul-islam, either as fard, mandoob, or forgiven, according to what came in the shakhsiyyah (The Islamic Personality), volume 2, chapter of: Hijrah from daar ul-kufr to daar ul-islam.

  1. They have no right in the bai’ah of in’iqaad (contracting pledge), i.e. they have no right to give a bai’ah to another Khaleefah in their country; they are obliged to give a bai’ah of
Taa’ah (pledge of allegiance) to the Khaleefah in daar ul-islam. In other words, they are responsible to have a bai’ah of Taa’ah to the existing Khaleefah, for Khilaafah is a general leadership for all Muslims worldwide, to establish the ahkaam of shar’ islami, and to convey the da’wah islamiyyah to the world; and it is Haraam for Muslims to have more than one Khaleefah. See Nitham ul-Hukm (The Ruling System), page34, page43, Arabic edition.

Therefore, Muslims living outside the sultaan (authority) of the Khaleefah have no right in the bai’ah of in’iqaad; they are rather obliged of a bai’ah of Taa’ah to the existing Khaleefah, which is virtually a bai’ah of Taa’ah, i.e. when their country is annexed to the Islamic State or concurred the bai’ah of Taa’ah becomes compulsory upon them. See nitham ul-Hukm (The Ruling System), chapter of: who appoint the Khaleefah, page64, Arabic edition.

  1. It is not compulsory upon them to adopt the ahkaam shar’iyyah which the Khaleefah adopts, neither those related to the state actios like the hudood, nor those related to the individual actions like the Salah or jilbaab. What is compulsory upon them is to abide by the aHkaam ush-shar’ through proper ijtihaad. So if the Hukm shar’ee adopted by the Khaleefah was the right one on an issue like the obligation of wearing the jilbaab and khimaar by the woman, or any other Hukm, then they must execute it, not because it is obligatory upon them to adopt what the Khaleefah adopt, but rather because the Hukm shar’ee adopted by the Khaleefah is the right one.

  1. There is no real authority for the Khaleefah on the Muslims who live outside the Islamic State. Therefore, he is not allowed to command them as an obligatory matter to do any thing whether it was hard to them to do or not, unless Islam obliges them to do so; then they have to execute the order of the Khaleefah, not because they are of his citizens; but rather because they are Muslims, who are a part of the Islamic Ummah. As an example that the Khaleefah commands them to take certain actions to help annexing their country or help conquering their country, in such case they are obliged to execute that, for it is obligatory upon them to annex their country to daar al-islam. In this case they have to execute the order of the Khaleefah, because Islam obliges them to do so. Thus, in such situations, they execute the order of the Khaleefah as explained above.

Introduction to an Islamic Constitution for Syria and the Muslim world - Article 10

The following is the translation of an article from the book by Hizb ut-Tahrir entitled 'Introduction to the Constitution and the necessary evidences for it' which is the explanation of its draft constitution for the Khilafah state. This draft translation is from the second edition published in 2009 which was updated from the original published in 1963. Numerous brigades in Syria have agreed to the implementation of this constitution after the removal of the corrupt system that has brutally suppressed the people for decades. 

Article 10

All the Muslims should bear the responsibility of Islam. There are no clergymen in Islam and the State should prohibit any sign of their presence among the Muslims.

Although Mujtahids are scholars, however not every scholar is necessarily a Mujtahid since a scholar could either be a Mujtahid or a Muqallid (imitator). If the Muslim were to take the Shari’ah rule in order to act upon, then, it requires some consideration: if he took the rule from a Mujtahid, he in this case would be emulating the Mujtahid. If he took it from a non-Mujtahid, he would be learning that rule from the person he had taken it from, and he would not be emulating him. However, if the Muslim was to take the rule in order to learn it, he would be learning the rule irrespective of whether he took it from a Mujtahid or a non Mujtahid. Therefore, these scholars - whether Mujtahids or otherwise - are not clergymen since none of them has any right to legitimise or prohibit anything and they are just like any other Muslim regarding every single Shari’ah rule. None of them should distinguish himself from the rest of the Muslims in anything with regards to the Shari’ah rules regardless of how high his rank is in terms of knowledge, Ijtihad and respect. Hence, what is haram for others does not become allowed for the scholar and nor does the wajibupon others become mandub (recommended) for him. He is rather like any other individual Muslim. Therefore, the idea of clergymen held by Christians has no existence in Islam. The concept of clergymen is specific to Christians because a clergyman does legitimise and prohibit rules to them. Thus, attributing such a term to the Muslim scholar might give the impression of attributing the Christian concept to the Muslim scholars despite the fact that Muslim scholars do not allow and nor do they prohibit anything. Therefore, it is not fitting to attribute the term of clergyman to a Muslim scholar.

There are explicit narrations prohibiting the emulation of Christians and Jews. Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said: “You shall follow the ways of those before you inch by inch and yard by yard; even if they were to enter a lizard’s hole you would follow them. We said: O Messenger of Allah, the Jews and the Christians? He (saw) said: Who else?” (Agreed upon with the words from Muslim) This narration has been said within the context of prohibition. Hence, the emulation of the Jews and the Christians is - as it stands - prohibited, let alone if this emulation were to lead to the generating of a Kufr concept among the Muslims. Considering the Muslim scholar as a clergyman is an emulation of the Christians who regard their scholars as clergymen and it also transfers the Christian concept of clergyman to the Muslim scholar; therefore, it is strictly prohibited in terms of emulation and it is classified as even more strictly prohibited in terms of introducing the concept. Therefore, it would be wrong to refer to the Muslim scholar as a clergyman and it is forbidden for the scholars to consider themselves as clergymen according to the Christians’ concept of clergyman. If someone was found claiming this according to the understanding mentioned, he will be prohibited and punished since he will have committed a prohibited act. In addition,  the Prophet  did not differentiate from the companions in terms of a specific dress or appearance. Al-Bukhari reported in his Sahih from Anas Bin Malik who said: “While we were sitting with the Prophet  in the mosque, a man entered upon a camel into the mosque, then he tied it and said to them:  "Which one of you is Muhammad?" The Prophet  was leaning between us so we said: "this white man who is leaning". And so the man said to him: "O Ibn ‘Abd Al-Muttalib" Then, the Prophet  said to him: "I have answered you…"” For these reasons, this article has been drafted.

Q&A: American Policy in Iraq

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu
Do the events in Iraq represent a continuity of America's initial plan to divide Iraq or are they a result of Europe meddling into Iraq in order to weaken America's plot? Or is it an internal affair?
Wa Jazaakum Allahu Khayran
From Samer Abu Omar

Wa Alaikum Assalaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu
Ever since the United States imposed a no-fly zone over North-Iraq in 1991, the Kurdistan province, they followed the aim of dividing Iraq. Since then Kurdistan, Iraq has been similar to an autonomous state. Following the American occupation in 2003, the United States brought along with their tanks agents who were immersed in sectarianism and schools of thought. American ruler over Iraq, Bremer, who then put a quota on the amount of power each one can have and created a constitution which carried within it the seeds for Iraq's division. For example, the constitution dictated that the President be Kurdish, the Prime Minister be Sunni and the Speaker of the House be Shi'ite. The atmosphere in Iraq thus revolved around division based on provinces.
Thus it can be said that the unraveling divisions occurring in Iraq now, are fruits of the seeds of division sowed by and based on the quota systems (in the division of power) and provincial rule which were ingrained by the United States. During and after its occupation of Iraq, the United States and its proxies in Iraq continued to sow these seeds.
It is incumbent upon the Ummah to realize that its unity is obligatory, and that it is one Ummah with one State and one leader. This does not only apply to Iraq but rather to all Muslim lands under the shade of Rayat al-Uqab, the banner of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, the banner of the rightly guided Khilafah, which we ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى for its return soon. Surely, Allah is the All-powerful, the Almighty.
Your brother,
Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah
12th Rajab 1434 AH
22/05/2013 CE
The link to the answer from the Ameer's page on facebook:

Q&A: Devaluation of Banknotes

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
My dear brother, May Allah reward you for what you have explained earlier, please allow me, my brother, to ask you these questions:
Imagine yourself a laborer or an employee, and you have been deprived from your wages or from your salary for some passed years, so do you see that it is justice that the judgment for you is that you have the wages you were deprived from with the same amount as was before 10 years for example? So for example, if you I took from you 84 grams of gold, I am supposed to return to you 84 grams of gold even after 10 years, and this is the Legislation of Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Sir, 84 grams of gold = 7230 dinars now, but before 10 years 84 grams of gold = 1200 dinars. If I borrowed from you 1200 dinars and returned it after 10 years 1200 dinars, I would have been returned to you one-sixth of its value, which is 14 grams of gold, and this is an undervalue for your money, which Allah سبحانه وتعالى has forbidden us to do.
He said in His noble Quran:
ولا تبخسوا الناس أشياءهم ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين
"... and do not deprive the people of their due and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption."
(Hud: 85)
This is according to my understanding to the intention of the prohibition of usury. Don't you see, my brother, that the object should be reverted (the dinar that does not acquire its value from itself, but it is a value agreed on) to its origin (gold)?
From Hafedh Gharsallah

Dear brother Hafedh Gharsallah,
Wa Alaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
As to the current banknotes, the cash rulings are applied on them having the "cash" cause (illah) in common, which is using these papers as prices and wages. Everything that is dealt with as prices and wages is considered cash, and the cash rulings are applied to it as long as it is widespread between people and not stagnant, that is canceled by law.
As to the evidence that these papers are considered cash, and cash rulings are applied to it, is the following:
These mandatory papers, it was agreed on making it cash, prices for objects, wages for utilities and services, and gold and silver are bought with it as well as all other offers and properties. The cause of cash has been achieved in it, which is "using it as prices and wages" which are achieved in gold and silver, which are stamped dinars and dirhams. For that, the cash rulings of gold and silver are applied to the mandatory paper cash; zakat is taken for it, and excess and delay usury are prohibited in it. For that, it is forbidden to pay the debt for more than its value; otherwise, it will be delay usury. Moreover, it is forbidden to pay from the same one sort unless it is one for one... According to the legislative rulings related to cash, whether gold or silver.
Depending on that, your debt on others should be returned to you as it is without increase even if the currency has decreased or increased... As long as the currency is valid by law.
I really appreciate what you have mentioned of problems because of the decrease of cash, so as you have mentioned if you owe somebody 1000 dinars, for example, before 10 years and he wants to pay it back to you nowadays, then it is clear how much it is difficult for you because of the decrease of these notes through 10 years. But the truth is what should be followed, and as long as the reality of cash is applied on these notes, its rulings in terms of usury. Consequently, it is not permissible to pay the debt with more than its value, as long as this paper cash is valid for circulation by law.
I ask Allah سبحانه وتعالى that He bless you with your money, your family, and your children.
Your Brother,
Ata Bin Khalil Abu Al-Rashtah
06th Rajab 1434 AH
16/5/2013 CE
Link to the answer from the Ameer's Facebook page: