Sunday, June 29, 2008

Beyond the Confines of Patriotism & Nationalism

In the Name of Allah, The most Beneficent, The most Merciful

Stereotypes that don’t fit the Islamic Vision of Unity and World Order.

Patriot – n. One who defends or is zealous for his country’s freedom or rights.

Nationalism – Patriotic feeling, policy of national independence.
Country – n. Region; territory of a nation; land of a person’s birth.
[Concise Oxford Dictionary]

Muslims view themselves as a single and indivisible nation and term it as Ummah. This concept of nation is based on ideological affinity and not on territorial integrity. He (the Muslim) is therefore primarily zealous in guarding that ideology. In the process, he does (as part of the State) guard the territory, but that is incidental to the protection of the ideology. This concept is widely different from the dictionary meanings of Patriotism or Nationalism and their application in the world today.

Unfortunately but truly, patriotism and nationalism is the root of discord, disunity and strife on this planet. Britain, a nation that calls itself ‘civilized’ said through the mouth of Lord Palmerston – ‘There are no permanent friends or foes, only permanent interests.’ Let us analyze this statement in the perspective of all 195 countries of the world.

Every nation, large and small, rich and poor, has its interests; and logically the interests of one would collide with the interests of the other. Rarely would one see parity in interests of two nations. Colonialism, apartheid, malice, economic benefits and greed skews it further. So, enemies are many while friends very few, and that too till such time that there is compatibility of interests. The moment their interests fall apart, they are foes. Principles, morals, and ethics are nowhere on the horizon while deciding foreign policies.

In contrast, the Islamic State (Caliphate) that existed prior to 3rd March 1924 would reach out to help another drought stricken country with shiploads of food and gold currencies out of sheer concern for human life and for seeking Allah’s pleasure. In 1836 the Ottoman Caliph Abdul Mejid sent three ships full of grains and 1000 gold Dinars to Damascus. Compare this to America dumping several million tones of wheat into the saline sea water so that the world price is maintained, while Ethiopia then, and the whole world now is reeling under the food crises.

Nations were created and nationalism was whipped up so that they would fight amongst themselves while the war industry in the hands of the capitalists thrives. Prior to 15th August, 1947 it would be patriotic for an Indian to say something like, ‘If Lahore is bombed by America, New Delhi will strike back’. Just a day later it would be patriotic to say the converse of it. If the same sentence is uttered today, it would be construed as ‘waging war against the Indian nation’. Kashmir, where not a blade of grass grows, is left as a bone of contention so that scores of F-16s and Mirages are purchased for billions of dollars till eternity, by both.

Compare this to the Caliphate, which would also be a military state, but with a very different philosophy. With no intention or sanction to kill innocent civilians even under the guise and subterfuge of ‘collateral damage’, the Islamic state would use limited force to remove the corrupt top leaders of a county with the sole aim of establishing justice. No wonder that just about 100 persons (infidels) were killed in 27 battles fought in a period of 10 years after the forming of the first Islamic state in 622 C.E. at Medina by Muhammad, the last Prophet for humankind. After 3rd March 1924, the world has seen more blood spill than the total since Adam was born.

If Muslims dislike present day national boundaries, it isn’t that they don’t accept the reality. Nor is it an affront to the present structure. It is akin to a prison. The prisoner does acknowledge the prison walls, the bars and the humility of the prison. The dislike of the prisoner is natural. The prisoner does aspire to be released and makes all available efforts to come out. Similarly, the Muslim Ummah aspires to come out of the suffocating capitalist driven national boundaries into a world that they believe is one of justice.

Muslims will never be patriotic and nationalistic the way the world wants it today. This is more so because for Muslims, the concept of nation is of faith – worship, rather than the physical one carved out for extraneous reasons. Muslims see South Africans driving out people of Venezuela or Raj Thackeray targeting North Indians from Maharashtra (Western India), as a problem of boundaries. Regionalism is a smaller version of Nationalism. Are these acts not patriotism in today’s sense? Regionalism and intra-state water disputes are a manifestation of ‘There are no permanent friends or foes, only permanent interests.’ Even dogs of one area bark to shoo away an alien dog. How is regionalism, nationalism or patriotism different? Please be dispassionate in answering this crucial question.

Present non-Muslim nations would be better off if the Muslims living in that country leave it to become citizens of an Islamic State. The aspiration of Muslims to convert present Muslim countries (ruled by tyrannical rulers) into an Islamic State under a Caliph is legitimate. State terror would vanish from the world but do the mischief mongers want this. If peace prevails, the looser is the mischief maker because in chaos is his benefit. So the better alternative is that they (Muslims) be allowed to govern the Muslim lands by what they believe is the Divine law.

Abu Farhaan

Friday, June 27, 2008

Views on the news - 26/06/08

Europe: Christian values can only be protected by Islam

On 23/6/2008 conservative Anglican leaders opened talks in Jerusalem on the future of the Church of England. At the heart of the dispute between conservative and liberal church leaders is how to make the bible more appealing to secular audiences. This includes recognizing homosexuality and other practices condemned by the bible. “The Communion is in a state of brokenness,” said Nigerian Archbishop Peter Akinola. Ever since the birth of secularism in the 17th century, Christian values have been repeatedly revised by secular fundamentalist to make them more palatable with their version of the world. Gay bishops, women priests, illegitimate children, and the commercialization of Christmas are now commonly accepted by many Christian denominations. However, if conservative Christians still want to retain their values then they should look towards Islam.

In the past, when Islam was implemented practically -for instance in Islamic Spain- Jews, Christians and Muslims living in the Spanish cities of Toledo , Cordoba and Granada , enjoyed unrivalled tolerance and prosperity. Their respective values were never debased. Today the Islamic world is experiencing a radical transformation. Muslims across the Islamic world are rebelling against the secular orders to re-establish the Khilafah. With the establishment of the Khilafah, millions of Christians who were previously denied their rights under the secular regimes will have their rights restated in full. And like in the Khilafah of the past, Christian beliefs and teaching will be protected. So it is about time Christians stopped their opposition towards political Islam and join hands with Muslims who are working to re-establish the Khilafah.

Middle East: US-Tehran relations improving

Despite the imposition of new sanctions and the threat of an Israeli attack, the US is contemplating on how best to improve its relations with Iran . On 23/6/2008, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said, “The United States has been for some time trying to reach out to the Iranian people in various ways. We want more Iranians visiting the U.S. We are determined to find ways to reach out to the Iranian people.” In a parallel development The Washington Post, reported that senior officials at the State Department were considering a proposal to open an interest section in Tehran, similar to the one the United States has operated in Havana since 1977. These reports come hot on the heels of a number of meetings between US and Iranian officials in recent months. It appears that the Bush administration has finally come round to implementing the recommendations set out in the Baker-Hamilton report in 2006. This is not unexpected, as America has used Iran to secure its interests from Afghanistan to Lebanon. America, is now exploring ways of normalizing relations with Iran and securing her gains in Iraq.
Africa: France signs a new colonial deal with Algeria

On 21/6/2008 France and Algeria signed an agreement on civil nuclear co-operation during a visit to Algiers by the French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon. Mr Fillon described the agreement as a sign of “transformation” in the countries’ ties. However, behind the charade of nuclear cooperation it was increasingly clear that France had signed a new military pact and banking agreements with Algeria . Clearly the transformation Fillion has in mind is the complete subjugation of Algeria ’s military and economy. This is nothing short of France longing to make Algeria its colony again. It was also reported that Fillon is trying to persuade Algerian President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, to sign up to a union of Mediterranean countries, being launched at a summit in Paris next month. How could the rulers of Algeria agree to such oppressive pacts? Have they not heard the words of Allah (SWT):” Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). And whoever will befriend them, then such are the wrong doers.” (60:8-9)

South Asia: Pakistan declared dysfunctional

According to the Failed State Index report, Pakistan is placed at number 9. All along President Musharraf maintained that by supporting America’s war against terror he was putting Pakistan ’s interests first, but in reality he has made Pakistan a dysfunctional state. Likewise, other Muslim states that have blindly followed Western governments have ended up at the top of the list of failed states—for instance Somalia, Afghanistan, Sudan, Chad and Iraq .

Far East: North Korean declaration may prove to be a non-starter

On 26/6/2008 the BBC reported that North Korea may finally declare full details of its nuclear programme and facilities. The announcement is 6 months overdue and was part of a deal, North Korea agreed in February 2007 in return for aid and political incentives.

It has since closed its Yongbyon reactor, but reaching agreement on the next stage of the deal - the declaration - has proved a tough task. America insists that North Korea should provide information on its secret programme to enrich uranium for weapons purposes, and whether it has transferred nuclear technology overseas. However, there are no guarantees that a declaration now will bring the matter to a close. Throughout the 6 party talks, the US has employed a variety of tactics to keep China and its surrogate North Korea embroiled in on-going negotiations. It is unlikely that this declaration will be the end of the matter.

26 June 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Views on the news - 19/06/08

Americas: Saudi’s capitulate to American pressure and raise production

On 13/6/2008 the BBC reported that Saudi Arabia could increase its output by more than half a million barrels of oil per day to a record 10 million barrels per day. Saudi Arabia is coming under increasing pressure from G8 and the Bush administration to raise production and curb escalating oil prices. However, the popular perception is that speculators are the chief culprits behind the soaring price of crude oil. Italian Finance Minister Giulio Tremonti said "enormous" speculation is behind the rising energy prices.

It is now widely documented that whenever the dollar falls powerful hedge funds intervene and cause huge spikes in the price of crude oil. Such initiatives cause a temporary rebound in the value of the dollar. If the rulers of Saudi Arabia had a modicum of common sense they could take advantage of the current situation to rid the Saudi Arabia of American and western domination. All that is required is to de-peg the Saudi Riyal from the dollar and withdraw money from western banks.

Europe: Italy- Europe’s new police state

On 15/06/2008 the Italian government announced that 2,500 soldiers are to be deployed for a maximum period of one year. The deployment is the government’s attempt to curb Italy’s soaring crime. Up to 300 soldiers are expected to carry out patrols and security checks there to help combat muggers and pickpockets. This is the first time the Italian army has been used since World War 2. The fundamental cause of crime in capitalist societies like Italy is the capitalist goal in life, which each member of society strives to achieve. This goal in life only recognizes the pursuit of sensual pleasure for human beings as the sole way to attain happiness. The capitalist goal in life has no room for spiritual, moral or humanitarian pursuits. Naturally such a self-centered outlook towards life leads people to be irresponsible, callous and rebellious towards law and authority. Even the severity of the law does not deter people from committing crime. Thus for many years, Western governments have struggled to reduce the growing number of paedophiles, rapists, drug addicts, joy riders, burglars, fraudsters and the like - no matter how many laws they enact or how much time and money they spend on policing.

In Islam the individual through his Taqwa, the public through their concern about the preservation of society and the state all act in unison to ensure that the Islamic laws are implemented and that crime is minimized. The Islamic history bears testimony to this fact. For example, when Imam Malik was appointed the judge of Madinah, he had to wait almost a year before he presided over his first case.

Middle East: Egypt’s misplaced Fatwa

On 15/6/2008 it was reported that Al-Azhar University in Cairo issued a fatwa demanding that the government donate 20 percent of its profits from oil, gas and minerals to the poor as alms. Does not Al-Azhar recognize that this fatwa will never solve the economic problems of the poverty stricken masses? This is because the crux of the Egypt’s numerous economic problems is caused by capitalist solutions imported from the West. These solutions permeate all spheres of Egyptian life—not just economics. The fatwa that Al-Azhar should have issued is a stipulation for the removal of capitalist solutions along with the Mubarak regime that implements them. Allah says in the Quran: “And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are disbelievers” [TMQ]. A fatwa calling for the removal of Mubarak’s evil regime, and the re-establishment of the Khilafah on its ashes is long overdue from the ulema of Al-Azhar. The messenger (saw) of Allah described the ulema as the inheritors of the prophets. But today, Al-Azhar is a staunch supporter of Mubarak’s kufr regime that oppresses Muslims at the behest of colonialist powers.

Africa: Are Chad and Sudan on the brink of war?

This week Chad accused Sudanese soldiers of helping rebels attack one of its frontier military camps. The attack came as rebels opposed to Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno claimed further advances on the capital N'djamena. ”After dispatching columns of mercenaries to Chad and failing to secure strategic areas, the Sudanese army took matters in its own hands today and attacked Ade, backed up by helicopters,” a Chadian government statement said. Diplomatic relations broke off in mid-May after an attack near Sudan’s capital, Khartoum , by a Darfur rebel group, the Justice and Equality Movement. The real architects of this perpetual conflict are Europe and America. Chad through French and British aid and Sudan through American support are engaged in a bitter proxy war—which threatens to explode into a full blown conflict. The conflict is sold to world as humanitarian crisis in Darfur —nothing could be further from the truth.

At the heart of the dispute are Sudan’s strategic oil reserves. The struggle between the major powers also explains why hitherto the UN is ineffective and EUFOR (European Force) is stationed in Chad.

South Asia: Taliban’s assault demonstrates more than luck

The recent escape of hundreds of prisoners from Kandahar, the seizure of small towns in nearby vicinities, and the capture of helicopter engines bound for US crusaders speaks volumes about Taliban’s growing confidence. America and Europe frightened by an imminent Taliban comeback have ushered in huge deployments to fight the bold pushtun resistance. The rag-tag band of men, once dismissed as ineffective by crusader forces are now posing a grave threat—one of strategic proportions. The question on most people’s minds is what would happen if the Muslim armies from Iran, Central Asia and Pakistan joined the Taliban. Whilst the agent rulers in these countries reject such assertions, their people are hoping for such an outcome. Indeed, only the Khilafah can provide such a result. The messenger (saw) of Allah said, “The Imam is a shield behind whom the people are protected and behind whom they fight”.

19 June 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

The misuse of the principle of Dhuroora (necessity)

Unfortunately today some people misuse Islamic principles in order to justify clearly prohibited actions. One of the most commonly misapplied principles is that of Dhuroora (necessity). People often use it to justify taking interest based loans, working in jobs that involve haram, engaging in bribery, supporting kufr political parties and a variety of other prohibited actions.

They attempt to justify this from Islamic texts by saying that when your dying of hunger it becomes permitted to eat pork and other haram foods. From this they generalise and say therefore we can break the Shariah rules under any type of difficulty.

It is true that Allah said:

إِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةَ وَالدَّمَ وَلَحْمَ الْخِنْزِيرِ وَمَا أُهِلَّ بِهِ لِغَيْرِ اللَّهِ فَمَنِ اضْطُرَّ غَيْرَ بَاغٍ وَلَا عَادٍ فَلَا إِثْمَ عَلَيْهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

"He has forbidden you Al-Maytah (meat of a dead animal), blood, flesh of swine, and any animal which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for other than Allah. But if one is forced by necessity without willful disobedience and not transgressing, then there is no sin on him." [TMQ 2:173]

So, the person who is in dire need can eat of what he finds from these prohibited food which is enough to keep him alive.

It must be understood that these rules are specific rules with specific evidences, from them we cannot generalize and say that we are allowed to bend the shariah rules on the basis of any hardship, to do this would be haram.

We must be careful here when we talk about the principle of “necessity “. Let us refer to what the classical ulema have said about this matter.

Imam al Razi Al Jassas al Hanafi says in his Ahkam al Quran (vol 1/159): “Here the meaning of necessity purports the fear for life and limb when someone avoids foods (that are in essence forbidden) …..”

Ibn Qudamah al Maqdasi al Hanabli in his Al Mughni says (9/331): “If it has become established, then the necessity that is expedient is the type that leads to starvation if the food is left”.

He continues to say: “...The reason for the allowance of is the need to preserve the self from destruction because this Maslaha is more beneficial than the benefit of avoiding the impure….”

Imam Abu Hamid Al Ghazali Al Shafi says in his Wasit (7/168): “As for necessity we imply the state that probably will lead to the person’s destruction, If, for example he does not eat and similarly if he fears that an illness would lead to death…..”

Imam Ibn Juzi al Maliki says: “…As for necessity it is the fear of death and it is not conditional that someone is patient to such an extent that he witnesses his own death”. (Al Quanin al Fiqhia p116)

Clearly then we are talking about an acute scenario that is particular. Even this has certain constraints according to many of the Ulema.

(1) That there is no other means to remove this overbearing situation.
(2) That this does not affect the rights of others. In other words we try to look for an exit that does not affect others. At least in principle to such an extent that a number of Ulema forbid Muslims to eat dead human flesh in matters of starvation because this affects the rights of others i.e. those of the dead. Another very common example is the sinking ship scenario. What if we are going to sink because of the excessive weight of the passengers, do we throw a few overboard to their doom to save the majority? The vast majority refuse this scenario of utilitarianism in Dhuroora. Another example is the Muslim prisoner shield that is put up in defence of a non Muslim army. This example is typically allowed for as a Dhuroora on a state level but more importantly because there are textual indications that allow collateral damage if it cannot be avoided. Some scholars understand this point as a Duroorah Kulia i.e. an all encompassing Duroorah (It applies to the Muslims as a whole rather than some at the expense of others)
(3) Uttering Kufr by force is a Rukhsa (legal permission) and it is better according when forced on pains of torture and death to avoid it.

Imam Suyuti in Ashbah wal Nadhair page 63 says : “Eating the flesh of the dead in times of necessity takes precedence over taking someone else’s money (to purchase food).”

The scholars also differed on whether you can take drink alcohol when you are dying from thirst. Imam Shafi thought that alcohol makes the thirst even worse. Others also differed on whether one can take medication that has forbidden elements in it. Finally even some scholars did not consider it a sin if someone refused to take anything forbidden at all. (See Majmu’at al Bu’uth al Fiqhea by Dr Abdul Karim Zaydan pages 141-214)

Anyway all four schools of thought and in fact the consensus agree that Dhuroora in the fiqhi sense makes some things that are forbidden allowed in an acute scenario. Remember this is not a norm but for very particular severe situations. It cannot be made a law. Certainly it cannot lead to a normal rule for an entire population.

So one cannot claim that they have to take an interest based mortgage to buy a house on the pretext of necessity as they can rent or stay with relatives. Similarly someone can’t claim that he has to pay bribery to achieve his interests as he can achieve them in a legitimate way even if it is more difficult. Someone working in a job that involves haram such as in a restaurant where they would have to serve alcohol or as a cashier in a bank where they would have to receive and give riba (usury) can get another job that is halal even if it is lesser in pay.

The countless ayat and ahadith ordering us to undertake our actions according to the commands and prohibitions of Allah (swt) can’t just be washed away based upon some difficulty or hardship.

الَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُمْ مُصِيبَةٌ قَالُوا إِنَّا لِلَّهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ
أُوْلَئِكَ عَلَيْهِمْ صَلَوَاتٌ مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ وَرَحْمَةٌ وَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمْ الْمُهْتَدُونَ

“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sâbirin (the patient ones.).” [TMQ al-Baqarah:155-157]

We should listen to the warning of the Messenger of Allah (saw) when he said:

«بادروا بالأعمال فتناً كقطع الليل المظلم يصبح الرجل مؤمناً ويمسي كافراً، ويمسي مؤمناً ويصبح كافراً يبيع دينه بعرض من الدنيا»

“Be prompt in doing good deeds (before you are overtaken) by turbulence which would be like a part of the dark night. During (that stormy period) a man would be a Muslim in the morning and an unbeliever in the evening or he would be a believer in the evening and an unbeliever in the morning, and would sell his Deen for worldly goods” [Sahih Muslim: Kitab ul-Iman, 213]

Allah (swt) says:

وَمَا كَانَ لِمُؤْمِنٍ وَلاَ مُؤْمِنَةٍ إِذَا قَضَى اللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ أَمْرًا أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُمْ الْخِيَرَةُ مِنْ أَمْرِهِمْ وَمَنْ يَعْصِ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلاَلاً مُبِينًا.

“It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error.” [TMQ al-Ahzaab:36]

Friday, June 13, 2008

Views on the news - 12/6/08

Europe: France and Germany sweat over Irish response to EU treaty

On 11/6/2008 the Irish will vote on the Lisbon Treaty. The treaty is designed to streamline the EU's structures and give the bloc a bigger say on the global stage by establishing a full-time president of the European Council, the institution where heads of government meet, and a new, more powerful foreign policy chief. However, there is a good chance that the Irish may reject the treaty. Ireland has less than 1 percent of the EU's population, an Irish no vote would stop the Lisbon treaty in its tracks because all 27 member states need to ratify it for it to come into force. Such an outcome will spell disaster for Franco-German efforts to give the EU a greater presence in international affairs. ”The eventuality of an Irish rejection would be a problem not only for the French presidency but for Europe ,” Sarkozy said. “It's for the Irish to decide on this, but what Madame Merkel and I have decided is that, whatever happens, the reaction will be a Franco-German one.” Apart from re-negotiating the EU treaty again— the same happened in 2001 and 2005— there is very little the France and Germany can do to.

The whole saga of political integration of European countries reveals that the people of Europe are deeply nationalistic and oppose any sort political union. Their leaders have to repeatedly re-invent treaties in the hope of persuading their people that political integration of Europe is in their best interest. In contrast, the Muslim ummah yearns for political unity under the umbrella of the Khilafah, but the rulers oppose her with all their wealth and might.

Middle East: US- EU fire another salvo at Iran

On 10/6/2008 the EU and the US threatened Iran with further sanctions unless it verifiably suspended nuclear enrichment. The measures were announced after US President George W Bush held talks in Slovenia . Mr Bush said, “They can either face isolation or they can have a better relationship with all of us if they verifiably suspend their nuclear enrichment programme.” Later a joint EU-US read:” We expect Iran to comply with its international obligations concerning its nuclear activities, including the full and verifiable suspension of enrichment and full cooperation with the IAEA. … Iran must provide to the IAEA full disclosure of any weapons-related work and allow the IAEA to verify that any such work has ceased.” The statement after Israeli transport Minister Mofaz said last week that an attack on Iran looked unavoidable. The snappish remarks coupled with talk of war with Iran appear premature to say the least. Ever since, the second term of Bush administration and the election of Ahmadinejad, both the US and Iran have employed belligerent language, to help Tehran consolidate American gains in Iraq and the wider Middle East. Till now both have succeeded in misleading the world, not to mentions the Israelis.

Central Asia : Karimov and Medvedev expressed satisfaction over ties

On 6/6/2008 President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, arrived in St. Petersburg to attend the informal CIS summit. He also met President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. During the meeting the two leaders noted that cooperation between Uzbekistan and Russia had developed in line with the Treaty on Allied Relations signed in 2005. Furthermore, the two leaders exchanged views on humanitarian issues. Just what they discussed on this subject can be gleaned from Russian assistance to Uzbek forces during the massacre of Andijan in May 2005. Since then, both countries have bolstered their efforts to fight the Islamic revival in Uzbekistan , Farghan Valley and other central Asian states. In the Human Rights Watch (HRW) country report on Uzbekistan published on 1/1/2008, HRW stated: ’Uzbek authorities continue their unrelenting, multi-year campaign of unlawful arrest, torture, and imprisonment of Muslims who practice their faith outside state controls or who belong to unregistered religious organizations. Peaceful religious believers are often branded as religious extremists. Dozens were arrested or convicted in 2007 on charges related to religious extremism.’

South Asia : Afghan and NATO forces attack Pakistani Border Post

On 10/6/2008 Afghan forces acting under NATO command mounted an attack on Pakistan’s Mohamand Agency. The attack was supported by missile strikes from an unmanned US drone. An unidentified government official said,”There was an attack by a spy plane close to the Afghan border.” Eye witness reports suggest that 13 people have been killed. This appears to be the first time that Afghan forces, NATO troops and US predatory drones have jointly attacked Pakistan. Yet despite this aggression the Pakistani government in collusion with the army, are playing down the incident. Has not the time arrived for the Pakistani army to stand like men and fight the crusaders? How many Pakistani citizens have to be butchered by the crusader forces before the 100,000 Pakistani soldiers stationed at the border issue a stern response? Surely the very least Pakistan can to do is to withdraw all forms of assistance to America’s war on Islam. This includes the cessation of military cooperation, abandonment of fuel and food supplies to NATO troops and the extension of full support to the Pushtun resistance.

Asia Pacific: Thaw in Chinese-Taiwanese relations but no change in policy

On 11/6/2008 negotiators from Taiwan arrived in China to discuss the resumption of formal talks after a gap of almost 10 years. Cross-straits dialogue was suspended in 1999 as Taiwan 's leaders began to lean towards formal independence, angering China 's government. But the recent election in Taiwan of Ma Ying-jeou earlier this year has led to a rapid improvement in bilateral ties. When he took office in May, Mr Ma said maintaining regional stability was his priority. He called on China and Taiwan to create “a new chapter of peace”. However, this new chapter of peace should not be interpreted as a change in policy on part of the Tiawanese. Tiawan under the tutelage of the US will only enjoy peaceful relations with China when it serves America‘s best interests. Ma’s ascent to the Presidency was orchestrated by the US , after the Bush administration grew tired of Chen Shui-bian (Ma’s predecessor) attempts to declare unilateral independence for Tiawan. America ’s policy on Tiawan is to resist Tiawanese independence and simultaneously support a one China stance. The ambiguity is intentional. It is employed by American officials to keep China ’s leadership preoccupied with Taiwan ’s unification with mainland China , thereby preventing China from exercising its influence in the wider Asian Pacific region.

South Asia: US strike kills 11 Pakistani soldiers

On 10/6/2008 Afghan forces acting under US command mounted an attack on Pakistan’s Mohamand Agency. The attack was supported by missile strikes from an unmanned US drone. An unidentified government official said, ”There was an attack by a spy plane close to the Afghan border.” Eye witness reports suggest that 11 Pakistani soldiers were killed. Yet despite this aggression the Pakistani government in collusion with the army, issued a watered down response. Has not the time arrived for the Pakistani army to stand like men and fight the crusaders? How many Pakistani soldiers and civilians have to be butchered by the crusader forces before the 100,000 Pakistani soldiers stationed at the border issue a stern response? Surely the very least Pakistan can to do is to withdraw all forms of assistance to America’s war on Islam. This includes the cessation of military cooperation, abandonment of fuel and food supplies to NATO and US troops, and the extension of full support to the Pushtun resistance

12 June 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

New Book from Revival Publications

Organisations of the Khilafah State (Ajhizat Dawlat al-Khilafah) - Price: 6.00 GBP

At a time when the world is in chaos and turmoil and when the change in the world order is imminent by the re-establishment of the Khilafah, there is a need for people to understand how this system, the Khilafah will be different from all the other systems.

With the glad tidings that the Muslim ummah already has that the khilafah will return on the footsteps of the prophethood, Hizb ut Tahrir , a pioneer and a leader in the work for the re-establishment of the Khilafah presented this book to the Muslims in the Arabic language. The original was published by Dar al Ummah, Lebanon. This is an English rendering of the aforementioned book.

The book presents an elaborate understanding as to what is the ruling and administrational organization of the Khilafah in a carefully deduced manner that brings satisfaction to the heart.

Various details such as the method of appointment of the Khaleefah, or the removal of the Khaleefah and his term in office and his different types of assistants and their powers has been discussed in the book. The flag and the anthem for the Khilafah state have also been presented.

How to Purchase through Paypal
Please reply to this mail or send an email to with your name, full address, book title, quantity required and a contact number. Revival Publications will then send you a payment request form from Paypal which you need to complete. Upon receiving payment, your book/s will be dispatched. Paypal accepts payments through any major Card.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Views on the news - 5/6/08

Europe: Muslims sent to Pakistan to showcase ‘British values’

On 30/5/2008 six-member British Muslim team arrived in Pakistan to promote ‘British Islam’. Over the past two years, the British Foreign Office has organized more than 20 visits to countries with a Muslim-majority population in a programme to ‘showcase the integral role Muslims play in British society’ and increase mutual understanding. One thing is for sure that the delegation will not highlight the oppression and tyranny suffered by British Muslims under British values. The routine stop and search of ordinary young Muslims, confinement of Muslims without trial, unbridled police surveillance of mosques, espionage of Islamic organizations and community leaders, the proliferation of anti-terror legislation to target Muslims and the forced removal of hijjab are some of the draconian measures that have become not only Britain’s benchmark for integrating Muslims but Europe too.

Americas: Another proof CIA intelligence is cooked for political means

Last week in an interview with the Washington Post, CIA director Hayden said about Al-Qaeda: “Near strategic defeat of Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Near strategic defeat for Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia. Significant setbacks for Al-Qaeda globally …” Senator Rockefeller challenged Hayden’s upbeat assessment and cited a litany of public statements by top intelligence officials over the past year that emphasized Al-Qaeda's regeneration in the Pakistan Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).Hayden’s remarks have again rekindled the debate about the CIA not learning from its past mistakes. CIA’s failure to apprehend 9-11 hijackers, the absence of Iraq’s WMD and claims that Iran does not possess nuclear weapons have all come under intense criticism. But despite this, the US political establishment is not prepared to acknowledge the enormous amount of evidence that CIA’s intelligence has been purposefully fabricated by successive US administrations— from President Trueman to President Bush junior— to mobilize American opinion for imperial ventures and justify wars against innocent nations.

Americas: Obama’s is the democratic nominee but his outlook on the Muslim world remains unchanged

On 3/6/2008 Senator Obama achieved the required number of delegates to become the Democratic Party’s official nominee. He will now take on of the Republican Party for upcoming US general elections scheduled for later this year. Despite Obama’s rhetoric about making changes to US foreign policy—very little is about to change. His comments on Pakistan, Iran , Palestine and Iraq in strategic terms are similar to those espoused by the Republican Party and Senator McCain. The changes mooted by Obama are only tactical, such as the ‘withdrawal’ of US troops from Iraq and America’s right to attack Pakistan unilaterally. It is very unlikely that the Presidential contest will be won on foreign policy. Obama’s winning speech in St Pauls Minnesota was peppered with references to economic issues, and most likely it is on this that the election will be won or lost.

Middle East: King Abdullah convenes conference to embrace Jews and Christians

On 4/6/2008 Saudi Arabia 's king Abdullah urged a gathering of 500 Muslim scholars to open religious dialogue with Christians and Jews. Has not the King heard the all too often derogatory remarks made by the Pope and other western leaders about Islam? Is he not aware of the words of Allah regarding Jews and Christians? Allah says: “the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their own Deen” [TMQ 2:120]

South Asia: Pathetic efforts aimed at easing Pakistan ’s energy crisis

On 1/6/2008 Pakistan 's government put the nation's clocks forward by an hour and ordered stores to close early to ease electricity shortages that are hurting economic growth and fuelling unrest across the country. This initiative by the government is too little too late. Conservative estimates suggest that Pakistan faces 5000 mw power shortage due to the widening gap between supply and demand. During the past 10 years successive governments failed to build power plants to meet the increase in demand. Furthermore, the privatization of electricity production and distribution in the 1990s has aggravated the energy crisis. Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in some cases refuse to produce and distribute electricity to Pakistani cities, unless the government compensates them for the high price of oil, which is used to generate electricity. The IPPs want the government to raise the electricity tariff by 30%, so that they can maintain their profits. All of this means that during this summer, people will have to pay extra for electricity that will be in short supply. The solution to Pakistan’s energy crisis is to abandon privatization and exploit Pakistan’s coal mines, which are the 2nd largest in the world. But to accomplish this feat, the people of Pakistan must re-establish the Khilafah. The Khilafah will invest heavily in producing liquid coal fuel to generate power, and will also prevent the IPPs from exploiting the people.

South Asia: Is the US right to criticize Myanmar’s military government for blocking relief efforts?

On 1/6/08 Defense Secretary Robert Gates of the United States said that Myanmar was guilty of "criminal neglect" for blocking large-scale international aid to cyclone victims and that more Burmese civilians would perish unless the military regime reversed its policy. Earlier in May 2008, the military junta lifted restrictions on international aid. Ostensibly this was not enough for the US and her allies. US concerns about Myanmar civilians dying is a smoke-screen to mobilize aid agencies to make contact with the pro-western resistance against the Burmese military and its supporters like China .

When it comes to humanitarian aid, the US is the worst performer amongst the industrialized world. America has failed to live up to aid commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq, turned a blind eye towards the plight of Palestinians due to Israeli blockades, and remained a spectator in the aftermath of Israeli bombing of Lebanon in 2006. In all of these cases, the US was the chief criminal. Regarding natural disasters, such as the Pakistani earthquake in 2005 and the Indonesian Tsunami in 2004, America humanitarian assistance was found floundering. But it was America’s ghastly response to Hurricane Katrina that really exposed America’s lack of respect for human life. If this is America’s attitude towards her own citizens, then what can the rest of the world expect when America makes tall claims about ‘humanitarian aid’—in many quarters this is euphemism for humanitarian intervention.

South Asia: Indian fatwa makes no mention of state terrorism by the enemies of Islam

On 1/6/2008 India’s NDTV channel reported that Ulema had gathered from all over India to issue a fatwa against terrorism. “Terrorism is a scourge which must be wiped off from this planet. That is why Darul Uloom and Deoband have issued a fatwa against terrorism,” said Maulana Mahmoud Madani, President, Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind. However, the Ulema did not issue any fatwas condemning Israeli terrorism against Palestinians, Indian atrocities against Kashmiris, Russia’s genocide in Chechnya, and US occupation and slaughter of Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the past, the ulema of India were the vanguard of protecting Muslims from crusaders like the British. But today their silence on state terrorism speaks volumes about how far they have fallen from their perch and remain oblivious to India’s close relations with those countries that take great pride in spilling Muslim blood.


Love for the Ottoman Khilafah lives on in India

The following is an article from the Website of Zaman newspaper in Turkey, it highlights the love for the Muslims in India for the Khilafah.

Love for the Ottomans and Turkey lives on in Kolkata, India

India has long held a special place in the hearts of Anatolia's people. For this reason, we've decided to visit this country, and in particular, Kolkata's "Caliphate Committee," an organization of particular importance to Turks during the Turkish War of Independence.

The Caliphate Committee was originally established with the intent of helping the Ottomans and the people of Anatolia. Photographs taken in 1920 and 1922 hang on the walls of the Caliphate Committee's office. During those years, members of this committee got together to send financial and spiritual assistance to the Ottomans during the Turkish War of Independence. The goal of this committee was to display the prominence and importance of their ties to the caliphate as well as to help inform and support the extensive Muslim population in India. Women and young girls were also involved to join the campaigns run by the Caliphate Committee, gladly handing over their golden bracelets, earrings and other valuables in support. For Indian Muslims, the existence of the Ottoman state was a matter of pride and honor.

During our visit to this Kolkata center, the members of the Caliphate Committee were convened for a meeting. We asked committee head Javit Ahmet Han why Muslim Indians supported the people of Anatolia during the Turkish War of Independence. He said: "We were answering the efforts of the Ottoman caliphate to remain independent with what assistance we could provide. It was a campaign aimed at supporting all of the Turkish people at the time. There were very strong ties between our people and we were all fighting the same enemy during that period; we were all at war against British hegemony. So we had overlapping interests and, in the name of this struggle, we wished to combine our strength and put together a fortified resistance. During that period, in our nation of India, there was an administration run by the British colonizers and it was around this time that steps and moves against this administration began to rise up in our country, eventually leading to our own struggle for independence. A great wave of emotion swept over our people, with people giving whatever they had -- food, clothing and money -- to help Turks and contribute to their War of Independence. As it was, we already had the strong ties of religion between our peoples. Because of this, we already felt our siblinghood and we already had warm feelings for each other's nationalities. When we were told that our siblings in Turkey needed our help, we immediately did everything we could to start up a campaign of assistance."

Another member of the Caliphate Committee, 84-year-old Hajji Muhammed Faruk, adores the Ottomans and wishes they were back in power. He is just one of thousands of Indian Muslims who love Turkey and who want to see Turkey as a leader in the world. Along with his five sons and two daughters, Faruk loves Turkey and everything about it.

Support of the Caliphate

He spoke about his memories of the past and the Caliphate Committee's activities at the time: "At that time, I was 13 or 14 years old. During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, we used to hear a lot about the Turks from our elders. We gathered together money; but of course, since we were just children, we didn't really understand where exactly our money was going. Nonetheless, we worked as much as we could and did everything we could to support Turkey.

"Our people believed then in the strength of the Turkish people. India, as it was, saw the Turks as one of the greatest sources of support for its own people. Turks were heroes for our people. We respected them very much. During that period, we knew the Turks well. Of course, as I said, I was a child then and didn't understand very much. Whenever any news came from the Turks or whenever a caravan would come carrying information, we would work as much as possible and gather together money for them. We met in mosques and all prayed that they remain strong."

Continuing to follow traces of the Ottomans in India, we headed for Hyderabad next. After two flights, we arrive in Hyderabad from Kolkata. This city's symbol is the famous 16th century Charminar mosque. Hyderabad is the capital of India's Andhra Pradesh state and is often referred to as India's new face. Compared to many other large Indian cities, Hyderabad is more orderly, cleaner and better planned.

With a population of around 8 million, nearly half of Hyderabad is estimated to be Muslim. The last Muslim leader of Hyderabad, Nizam Osman Ali Khan, visited İstanbul during the reign of Abdülhamit II. Osman Ali Khan, who was highly influenced by what he saw in İstanbul, decided to name his palaces in Hyderabad "Çırağan" and "Çamlıca" upon his return. For around 400 years, the "Nizam" administration of India ran large parts of the southern regions of this nation. In order to foster even better relations with the Ottomans, Osman Ali Khan had his son, Moazzam Jah, marry Nilüfer Hanım, the daughter of Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecit II. The Nizam leaders spoke Farsi.

We meet with one of the leaders of Hyderabad's Muslims, Muhammed Ikbal Khan. "During that period, in fact even after its collapse, the Ottoman Empire remained very popular in Muslim countries in particular. For example, I still wear an Ottoman fez. Simply in order to display the influence of the Ottomans, the fez was worn as a sign of the Ottomans in Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Hyderabad and throughout various regions of India and in other Muslim countries. We now have hopes for Turkey to be both an Asian country with great honor as well as a developed European country, God willing."

The Mecca Mosque in Hyderabad is the city's largest and most famous mosque. It stands very close to Charminar. As noon approaches on Friday, great crowds head to this mosque for prayer. The mosque has a wide and open-air courtyard in which up to 10,000 people can pray together at a time. The mosque is named after Mecca because stones that decorate its walls were brought over from Mecca.

Next we took a one-and-a-half-hour flight to western India's city of Mumbai. We found ourselves thinking fondly of the Muslims we met in Kolkata and Hyderabad and about how much love and respect they had for the people of Anatolia -- and can't help but wonder when exactly Turkey will return the favor it owes Ikbal Khan's nation. I wonder, have we forgotten India, which, apart from Indonesia, has the world's largest Muslim population? What if these 150 million or so Muslims are waiting for a voice, for some assistance from Turkey?

05 June 2008, Thursday



Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Q&A: How to dispose of shares?

Question: I recently found out that owning shares in PLC companies is haram according to the Shariah, if I have already purchased shares in such companies based upon the fatawa of some mufti's who don' t understand the reality of these companies then how can I dispose of them? Is it allowed to sell them?


This matter has been explained by Sheikh Taqiuddin an-Nabhani in the book'The Economic System of Islam' page 162-163, in the english translation. The following is the text:

"The above discussion raises questions about the Muslims who buy shares of these companies, associate in establishing them, or hold shares due to their subscription in such companies. Was their action haram, even though they were ignorant of the divine law (hukm shar'i) at the time of their subscription into these companies? Or if some scholars, who did not understand the reality of the share stock company, and gave them a fatwa (of permission) with regard to them, are these stocks and shares which are owned by them halal properties, even though they were earned by a void transaction in Shar'a? Or are they haram, and accordingly not legally owned by them? And are they allowed to sell these shares to (other) people or not? The answer to these questions is that ignorance of the divine law (hukm shar'i) is not an excuse, because it is compulsory upon every Muslim to learn about that which he needs in his life of the divine laws (Ahkam Shari'ah) so that he can carry out all his actions according to the divine law. If that law is one of those laws which are usually unknown for such persons, then he is not blamed for that action and it would be a valid action for him, even though it is invalid in Shar'a. This is because "The Messenger (SAW) heard Mu'awiya ibn Al-Hakam praying for someone who sneezed while he was in prayer. After they finished the prayer, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) taught him that speaking during the prayer would nullify it, and praying for the one who sneezes nullifies the prayer, but he (Messenger of Allah (SAW) did not order him to perform the prayer again." This is the meaning of what was narrated by Muslim and An-Nisai' from Ata'a ibn Yasar. This is because the rule (not talking during the prayer) is usually unknown to a person and so the Messenger of Allah (SAW) excused him and considered his prayer valid. The prohibition of the share stock companies in view of the Shar'a is one of the rules whose like is unknown to many Muslims and so their ignorance can be excused. The action of those who took partnership in them is considered valid, though the companies are invalid, like the prayer of Mu'awiya ibn al-Hakam which is considered valid though he did something in it that invalidates it, as he did not know that talking during prayer invalidates it. The fatwa given by the scholars also takes the rule of ignorance with respect to the one who seeks the opinion. However, the scholar who gives the opinion is not excused because he did not exhaust his effort to understand the reality of the share stock companies before he gave an opinion about them.

With regard to the ownership of the shares by the shareholders, it is a valid ownership and these shares are halal properties so long as Shar'a judged that their action was valid. It is not invalid as they are excused for being ignorant of its invalidity. Selling these shares to Muslims, however, is not allowed, because in Shar'a they are invalid currency notes and the allowance of their ownership is incidental, based upon ignorance (of the hukm) that was excused. When the divine law about it becomes known, then it becomes a haram property that is not allowed to be sold or bought, nor can one delegate other (Muslims) to sell it for him.

The way to dispose of these shares which were owned due to the ignorance of the divine law is to dissolve the company or transform it into an Islamic company. Alternately one can find a non-Muslim who considers the shares of the share stock company allowed and delegate him to sell the shares on his behalf and then receive the subsequent proceeds.

It was reported from Suwaid ibn Ghafalat "that Bilal said to 'Umar bin Al-Khattab: “Your administrators ('ummal) take wine and pigs as kharaj.” He said, “Don't take (these things) from them, but delegate them to sell them and take their price” narrated by Abu 'Ubayd in Al-Amwal. No one denied this action from 'Umar, though it would have been denied if it disagreed with Shar'a, so it became Ijma. Wine and pigs are of the properties of the dhimmis and cannot be properties for Muslims. When they wanted to give them to Muslims in exchange for jizya, 'Umar ordered Muslims not to accept it, but to delegate them to sell them and take the proceedings. Since shares are of the Capitalists properties are haram and cannot be of the properties of Muslims, when passed to Muslims hands, it is not valid for Muslims to take them. Instead they have to delegate to them their sale. Just like the right of Muslims in jizya and kharaj has been confirmed in wine and pigs, and 'Umar allowed them to let the dhimmis sell them on their behalf, it is also the right of Muslims in these shares that they are allowed to delegate the dhimmis to sell (the shares) for them."

Russia and China attack US plans for missile shield

On 23/5/2008, President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia and President Hu Jintao of China condemned American proposals for a missile shield in Europe. Both countries called the plan a setback to international trust that was likely to upset the balance of power. During the visit Medvedev following Putin’s footsteps said, ”I will say frankly that not everyone likes the strategic cooperation between our two nations but we understand that it's in the interests of our people and we'll strengthen it whether others like it or not...”' As a signal of the warming ties between China and Russia, the two countries signed a $1 billion agreement for Russia to build a nuclear fuel enrichment plant in China and supply uranium. Furthermore trade between the countries rose to $48.17 billion last year from $10.67 billion in 2000. These developments clearly indicate that the world is truly becoming a multi-polar, where different power centres such as Russia and China feel confident enough to openly challenge America’s global hegemony.


Union of South American Nations unlikely to challenge US hegemony

At a summit in Brasilia , Brazil , on Friday 23rd of May, 12 South American countries formally constituted the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), a regional integration initiative which began informally in 2004. The countries that make up UNASUR are Venezuela , Colombia , Argentina , Bolivia , Brasil , Chile , Ecuador , Guyana , Paraguay , Peru , Surinam , and Uruguay , encompassing a total population of 380 million inhabitants Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez described UNASUR as the culmination of the region’s search for unity. "Only in unity will we later have, progressively, complete political, economic, cultural, scientific, technological, and military independence," Chávez commented. However, Chavez’s upbeat assessment of the new union is misplaced. Whilst Chavez leads a small bloc of countries that are avidly anti-American, most other countries that are part of the union toe the American line. This polarization will ensure that policy makers in Washington retain overall supremacy in economic and foreign policy matters in Latin America.

Nevertheless, this is a portent sign for the Muslim world. All over the world nations are clamoring together to forge political unions to fend off Western imperialism. However, the Muslim world appears to be immune from such new initiatives, despite the over whelming yearning of the ummah for political unity. The existing unions such as the Arab League, GCC and the OIC are either defunct or clearly serve the agenda of the colonialist powers. Furthermore, these attempts at unity are based on the nation state model which is an antithesis to the concept of ummah. Only the Khilafah is correct model for forging political unity amongst the Muslim ummah. This is where all the existing Muslim countries will be unified into a single state headed by a Khalifah. The Prophet (saw) also said: "Whoever comes to you while your affairs has been united under one man, intending to break your strength or dissolve your unity, kill him." (Narrated in Sahih Muslim by 'Arfajah)
